Chapter 297

On the day when the rankings were released, Yunfeng stayed up all night before. In his words, he has never been so nervous, excited and looking forward to it in all these years.

Under his influence, Qin didn't sleep well, only Yun Shu ignored them and had a good sleep.

At dawn the next time, Qin called for her daughter.

Yun Shu opened his eyes, and all he saw were well-dressed people. Hearing the voice, Yun Feng seemed to be waiting at the outer door.

She got up, dressed and washed her face, but she had already tidied up in a while.

The three ate breakfast downstairs and then left.

I thought they were early, but when they were about to arrive at the government office, the road was full of dark heads.

The announcement time is Chen Shi Mo, and everyone has already looked for a seat in advance, so that they can see their names at the first sight at the moment of posting the list.

Yun Feng didn't squeeze forward, but was worried that the crowd would hurt his mother and sister, so he led Qin Shi and Yun Shu to the side, and the three of them chatted about homework to pass the time.

When it was almost time to post the list, others were stretching their necks to watch, and Yun Feng couldn't restrain his excitement from looking at it frequently.

Yun Shu felt something, looked behind her, and then looked away.

A cold light flickered across her slightly lowered eyes, and a sneer smirked at the corner of her mouth.

"Here we come!" The students in front shouted excitedly, pushing forward with all their might, "The rankings are about to open!"

Yun Shu looked at Yun Feng's depressing look of wanting to rush over too, couldn't help smiling, and pushed him along the way, "Go if you want, mother and I will wait for you here."

"Can you?" He hesitated a little.

Qin also urged him, "Go and see it, it's all right."

Yun Feng just nodded, and then quickly passed by without suppressing his excitement.

He has been exercising frequently in the past two years, and his strength is much stronger than these gentle scholars. However, there are also martial arts candidates who take the exam on the same day to see the list. They originally wanted to read the list earlier. Be careful and hit it.

"Are you blind? Stepped on my foot."

"You fucking bumped into my shoulder."

"If you have the ability, say it again!"

"Just say it, I'm afraid you won't succeed..."

It was just bickering at first, but no one expected that they would not give in to each other, and finally they seemed to start fighting.

The two who quarreled were martial arts examinees, Yun Feng was not in the quarrel, but when one of them pushed someone, he helped the other, and he was stared at by that person.

"Why, you kid still come to meddle in other people's business? Huh, who doesn't have many people?" The person who came with him all stepped forward at once.

The person supported by Yun Feng didn't fall down after he stood still, and also attracted a group of people.

From the looks of it, the two should know each other. It is estimated that the relationship is not good at ordinary times, and now they plan to settle accounts after the scientific examination.

The yamen servant in charge of setting up the list saw that the situation was not right and called for help, and after a while, more than a dozen yamen servants rushed out and separated the people on both sides.

"Nowadays, children are all so impulsive. Fortunately, your eldest brother can also learn martial arts." Qin looked at this scene with a worried face, probably because he was afraid that his son would be injured.

Yun Shu reassured her that she was fine.There are many people who like to make trouble in this kind of scene, and the government must be prepared.

Sure enough, before the two sides started fighting, the government government restrained the troublemaker.

However, Yun Feng, who was just fighting, was innocently implicated.

They have to wait until the people disperse before letting go.

Qin only shook his head while watching, but Yun Shu didn't care much.

As if he didn't see his elder brother's eyes calling for help, Yun Shu seemed to be leisurely standing beside Qin Shi.

"Madam, Miss Yun, are you here with Brother Yun? Eh, that's..." Zhang Feng who came just now found them and came over to say hello.As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Yun Feng who was blocked by several government officials with a distressed face, and was clearly taken aback.

Qin's face flushed slightly, and she explained, "Someone wanted to make trouble just now, and it happened that Feng'er was over there, and the yamen servants grabbed me together."

Only then did Zhang Feng realize. After nodding his head, he saw the two standing here waiting, and saw that there were not too many people on Zhang Bang's side, so he said, "I'll go and check the list first, and I'll also look for it for Brother Yun by the way."

"Then I'll trouble you." Qin nodded and smiled.

After the list was posted, some people were happy and some cried bitterly.Because there are only a hundred or so names on the list, less than half of them have already shaken their heads and left with a sigh.

When Zhang Feng went to see it, he easily squeezed in.

On the left is the literary examination list, and on the right is the martial arts examination.

Zhang Feng habitually looked from the first row, and he found his name easily.

Then he went to find Yunfeng.

It's been a while since I've known Yun Feng. I know the extent of the other party, and I was about to find him slowly, but I saw him with a glance. When I saw the area where he was, Zhang Feng was also a little surprised.

The people around me talked a lot, "I'm so envious of the top three people, they are all in the ten-year window, but we are far away from each other, hey."

"Isn't that right? I have to ask the village head to help me find out the name when I go back, or I can change it to one with the word 'Maple' next year."

"You are opportunistic, how can you do this every year."

"Let's try the head office. Anyway, if the exam starts next year, I'll come back."

Zhang Feng, the protagonist who was being discussed by everyone, was very calm about this. He glanced at the people who were talking, all of them were dressed in ordinary clothes, with yellow and muscular faces, and those faces were somewhat familiar, knowing that they came from remote towns like himself, It's not that I despise them, but I find it ridiculous that they try to change their fate by changing their names.

He didn't do anything, and after looking at them a few times, he quietly withdrew from the crowd and walked back.

"You said that Feng'er is also on the list?" After hearing what Zhang Feng said after returning, Qin's eyebrows were clearly beaming.

Only Yun Shu noticed what Zhang Feng wanted to say, looked over, and asked, "I don't know how ranked my elder brother is?"

As far as she knew, there were a total of 120 Jinshi and Juren except the top three on the list, each with a corresponding ranking.

Zhang Feng looked at her with a hesitant expression and said, "I don't know if I understand correctly, although Brother Yun's name is among the top three, but it doesn't look like it."

"You said... the top three?" The surprised voice came from Qin's voice, his tone was very surprised, and he clearly did not expect his son to be so powerful.

Yun Shu was also a little surprised, but he was more concerned about Zhang Feng's words.

Maybe the other party didn't know what he said, so Yun Shu decided to go and see for himself.

After arriving at the place where the list was posted, Yun Shu found Yun Feng's name, and then understood why Zhang Feng said that.

Yunfeng's position is indeed in the top three area, but it is indeed the fourth place.

The reason why the top three are called top three is because there are only three people, and now there is one more person, which is naturally strange.

Yun Shu planned to ask.

Just in time, seeing a familiar figure at the entrance of the mansion, Yun Shu walked over and called to the person who was about to enter the mansion, "Lord Hu!"

Mr. Hu, who originally only came to look at the exam results, heard this voice and turned to see Yun Shu with an unkind expression.

Yun Shu didn't mind, and asked out her doubts directly, "...Is this a typo or something else, can Mr. Hu help me?"

(End of this chapter)

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