Chapter 299

On the day of departure from Beijing, Pei Yu got the news that he wanted to go with him, and Yun Shu didn't refuse, so he made an appointment with the other party, and everyone gathered at the gate of the city early in the morning.

But Wei Ziyu didn't know where he heard the news, so he also rushed over on horseback that day.

The man sat on the horseback with a majestic figure, with a charming smile on his monstrous face, took a deep look at Yun Shu, said something incomprehensible, and then turned his head and rode the horse He left, as suddenly as he came.

"Prince Yu actually admires you very much."

Pei Yu who was sitting in another carriage said this because he could feel Wei Ziyu's inexpressible thoughts.

Yun Shu didn't say a word, but Qin Shi took a closer look.

And Yun Feng, who was big-hearted, felt nothing, instead, he felt that it was an honor for King Yu to send them away.

Unexpectedly, another person came soon after, and it was indeed Yan Zhu who hadn't seen him for a long time.

He also came on horseback, but his posture was a bit awkward. When he got off the horse, his calf was trampled, and half of his trouser legs were covered in dust.

But he seemed ignorant, and came to Yun Shu's carriage, as if he wanted to say something, but all he could say was, "Bon voyage."

Yun Shu faced this face again, and there was not much fluctuation in her heart. For this reason, she nodded slightly, and said lightly, "Thank you."

The carriage swayed forward, and the dust brought up made everything around appear hazy.

Only that figure can be seen standing quietly in the distance after a long distance.

Lonely and uncomfortable, even if you don't look at the expression, you can feel it from the figure.

Qin Shi shook her head in regret, and Yun Shu, who accidentally looked up and saw this scene, couldn't help laughing, "Mother likes him?"

"I can't say I like it. When you were with him back then, Mother hoped that you would leave, but looking at it now, he seems to be quite infatuated." He sighed again.

Yun Shu was startled, and then she smiled, "That's not necessarily true."

If it's really infatuation, I don't see how he found himself.

It's not that she was used by that person to think of her.

Thinking of this, Yun Shu's smile gradually disappeared.

Around Chen's hour, the carriage was already a hundred miles away from the capital.Because the journey was still a long time away, Qin Shi and Yun Feng leaned against the wall of the car and dozed off.

Yun Shuben was also closing her eyes to rest, but she suddenly opened them, and then she said, "Stop."

It was Su Yi and Su San who were driving the car. As soon as they heard Yun Shu's voice, they immediately grabbed the reins.

Naturally, Pei Yu's carriage, who was walking behind, also stopped.

Yun Shu opened the curtain and jumped out of the carriage, and said suddenly to the open space, "Come out."

However, it was so quiet that there was no one around.

Hearing this, Pei Yu walked out of the carriage. Seeing Yun Shu's uneasy expression, he didn't go there either.

"Don't wait for me to do it, get out by yourself." Yun Shu said coldly again.

Just when Qin Shi was curious to see from the car curtain, there was finally a movement.

An extremely weak voice came from the back of the carriage, "Don't be angry, I... I'm not coming out now."

Not long after, a trembling figure came out. He secretly looked at Yun Shu as he walked, and immediately lowered his head again when he saw that her face was very bad.

When Pei Yu saw that person, he was clearly surprised, and immediately said, "So it's Dr. Xu."

"Yes, yes, isn't this Young Master Pei, old man, I heard that you are leaving Beijing, so I followed..." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Yun Shu again, and muttered in a low voice, "I followed you secretly soon what?"

Unexpectedly, the voice reached Yun Shu Erli, so she glanced over coldly.

Just when Xu Fuyuan was terrified enough to explain, the voice said without anger, "I didn't mention you."

"Then you just now..." Xu Fuyuan snorted, but didn't say anything after thinking of it.

Pei Yu saw the way the two got along, smiled, and took the initiative to step down the steps for him, "If Dr. Xu wants to return to Beijing, if you don't mind, come with Pei?"

"That's great, thank you." Xu Fuyuan replied bluntly, as if he was afraid that he would go back on his word, he lifted his leg and flipped into the carriage after speaking.

It was rare for Pei Yu to look at it with a calm face, pointing out directions with a smile.

Outside, Yun Shu withdrew her gaze, still staring at the previous position, her eyes suddenly became cold, this time she didn't speak again, but looked at a certain place, suddenly took out a short knife from her body, and threw it in a certain direction past.

Xu Fuyuan had been watching the situation in the carriage, wondering what Yun Shu was doing.

Seeing this movement now, he immediately looked in the direction of the dagger.

Almost at the moment when the dagger flew away, a very obvious breath suddenly appeared in the air.

It was obvious that Yun Shu moved too quickly, and the other party let out a sigh of relief.

Then a figure appeared in front of everyone.

"Miss..." Su Yi and Su San jumped off their horses at the same time, looking defensive.

Because they didn't feel anything just before, and now that they have discovered someone, they naturally have to doubt the other party's intentions.

Yun Shu motioned them to take care of the carriage, but she walked towards the man herself.

When the other party found his figure, although he stood restlessly, he was not hiding. When Yun Shu came over, he mustered up the courage to look up, and then called out in a low voice, "Yun...Miss Yun." The tone was very guilty.

Yun Shu stood one meter in front of the opponent, looked at the unshaven face in front of him, and sneered, "Who was I at that time, who has been with me for so long."

"Miss Yun, I...I didn't mean to talk to you." He lowered his head and didn't dare to say more, Gu Fang was afraid that she would strike directly if she got angry, so he hurriedly said, "I just came to talk about something, and I'll leave after I finish."

"What do you have to say to me?"

"No! It's not me, it's my master, he..."

Yun Shu's face darkened instantly, "Then there's nothing to say, I'm not interested in a dead person." She focused on the word 'dead person', and the rest was full of sarcasm.

The careless Gu Fang obviously didn't notice this, but quickly explained, "Miss Yun misunderstood, my Patriarch is actually not dead, he is actually..."

"It doesn't matter to me whether you die or not. If you come here to talk about this, then you can go."

Yun Shu turned around and left after saying this.

Gu Fang, who was catching up, couldn't help but shouted, "I know Miss Yun, you are angry, but my lord, he is really going to die this time. I came here secretly to tell you, Miss Yun, and I hope you can go see him for the last time. Please, Miss Yun."

As if the time went back to two years ago, that night Gu Fang knelt down and kowtowed to beg her to let her save Wei Chengfeng.

Yun Shu heard the 'bang bang' kowtow behind her, and although she didn't stop, she slowed down a lot.

Gu Fang's voice continued, "I came up without telling my master. They went back there. I heard from Gu'an that the master may die there this time. But both Gu'an and I know that he misses the most in his heart." It is you, Miss Yun, but the Lord has a hard time, so in the capital, he deliberately did those things that made you angry, Miss Yun, but in fact, the Lord didn't want to do that at all..."

(End of this chapter)

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