Chapter 302

Yun Feng, who obviously didn't know anything, interjected, "Yes, sister, although the elder brother doesn't know why people outside said he died in the prison, but since he is still alive, you should go and see. I liked him a lot before. Yes, if you didn’t get angry every time you mention him later, I would like to ask you what’s wrong.”

"Actually, he likes you quite a lot. I've seen it before and asked him, but he doesn't allow elder brother to tell you." Yun Feng also revealed what happened a long time ago.

Yun Shu looked up at him when he heard this.

Seeing her reaction, Yun Feng said even more vigorously, "He doesn't talk much, but he doesn't look like a bad person. At that time, my elder brother asked him if he liked you so he came to our house. Guess what he said , I was shocked at the time, he said he wanted to marry you back, but he didn't know how to do it."

After finishing speaking, he smirked, "At that time, you were still young, and my elder brother thought he was joking, but I didn't know that I was always by your side, so my elder brother knew that he was telling the truth. Also, people like him probably don't bother to lie. "

Yun Shu couldn't help laughing when he heard the 'strike'. He looked straight and spoke straight. It could be seen from the letters between the two of them, so it was indeed what he said.

She didn't know that he had reported such thoughts to herself so long ago.

As Yun Feng said, his disdain is a lie.

But she lost contact for a year, and she couldn't help but care about what happened after going to the capital.

Gu Fang was still crying foolishly at her feet, Qin Shi was also worried about it, and his elder brother obviously didn't know what to say next, he scratched his head and looked stupid.

The more Yun Shu watched, the more he felt that after living for so long, his character became stubborn.

She was not from ancient times, and she was more open-minded than contemporary people.

Unconsciously being taken over by Wei Chengfeng, she drifted with the flow, but forgot that she had her own thoughts.

Just ask your heart if you like that man!If you like it, go after it, if you don't like it, cut everything decisively.

At this time, she touched her heart, and asked herself seriously for the first time, and then the vibration of her heart obviously accelerated a lot.

Qin Shi only looked at her daughter's affectionate mood, but there was a sudden smile behind her, and she was startled, as if she heard the sound of flowers blooming at this moment, her heart also thumped.

Faintly aware of something, she touched her son's arm, seemingly unintentionally, "Go and see if Su returns, the carriage should be repaired."

"Eh? Oh, good!" Yun Feng was stunned for a long time before he understood the meaning of these words.

Just about to leave, Yun Shu called out, "Brother."

The two looked at the same time, and Yun Shu raised the corner of his mouth to directly expose their hint, "Don't bother, I have Xiao Hei."

The two were even more confused by these words. They had heard the name Xiao Hei before, and it was Yun Shu's horse, but they didn't remember that the horse was here.

Yun Shu didn't explain. Instead, he looked at Gu Fang on the ground and kicked him politely, "Get up first, I want to ask you something."

Gu Fang was still sad, and after being kicked by Yun Shu, he looked at her in a daze, "What... what?"

It wasn't until Yun Shu frowned that he realized something and stood up slowly.

Only then did Yun Shu say, "Why did you tell me that your Patriarch was going to die?"

"It's about to die. Miss Yun knows about the Lord's old illness." Speaking of this, Gu Fang was sad again
"I asked this question just because I knew it. Although the old disease was serious, it was not fatal. What happened after going to the capital?" Feeling that it was too troublesome, Yun Shu asked directly.

Gu Fang recalled it first, then nodded, "Yes, the reason why he left suddenly at that time was that the emperor gave the queen a guarantee for the marriage, and the lord was concerned with you, Miss Yun, as long as he came back in person to refuse the marriage; The Lord wants to change the medicine after getting new medicine; the third is that the people from the prince’s side are chasing after you, the Lord does not want to implicate you, but wants to come back to solve it... First, the emperor punished and punished you for refusing to marry, and the Lord added the old wounds before healed. New wounds; moreover, the power of the crown prince was eradicated, the lord was overworked and his body was damaged, and the medicine given by the miracle doctor Gu did not improve, so the lord's health not only did not improve, but worsened."

After listening to it, Yun Shu had a general understanding, that is to say, the old disease had become serious, so it was life-threatening.

Imagining that the first two times he saw him, his expression became worse each time, Yun Shu remained silent.

Suddenly she was curious about something, and fixedly looked at Gu Fang, forgetting how sad the other party was, looking vigilantly, "Yun...Miss Yun, that's all."

"No, I want to know why he matched Yan Zhu and me, and deliberately avoided seeing me." Several times she felt that someone was peeking at her, but there was no one else when she looked at her. She guessed in her heart that it was him, but then Afraid of being passionate.

Probably Gu Fang also knew about this matter, and he was a little afraid to look at Yun Shu, so he could only hear in a low voice, "This master really didn't do it on purpose. At the beginning, the master originally said to find a pendant similar to Miss Yun, one for each person. Knowing that Miss Yun's life experience was found out, and knowing that you have a person you love deeply. Later, the master's health became worse, so he wanted to help you, girl."

Gu Fang was able to know so clearly because he and Gu An were both there when he was looking for Yan Zhu.

I still remember the night when the decision was made, the Lord stayed up all night, and the consequence of this was that he lay down for a few days.

In Gu Fang's eyes, the Lord has always been a strong man, but because of that old disease, he was tossed like that, and his heart ached beyond measure, but unfortunately there was nothing he could do.

"The people in the Valley of Miraculous Doctors said that if the master's illness was found, he would have to persist for half a year, but the important medicine was snatched away by you and destroyed. It's not that the lord is stopping it, and it won't be delayed until the palace banquet."

As Gu Fang told the truth about each incident, Yun Shu's originally relaxed mood became even more blocked.

She felt annoyed and amused.

One is why that person is so self-righteous, thinking that he can handle everything with one hand, and thinks it is good for her?
The second is that because of the lack of a Shenmu root, a quack doctor who can't even save his life for half a year, people with vision like him still believe it.

She finally asked a question that she had been wondering all along, "Since the genius doctor Gu has nothing to do, why has he never found me?"

Gu Fang looked at her with even more strange eyes than her, "Didn't Miss Keyun's master say there is no way?"

"I master said so?" Yun Shu was slightly startled.

Gu Bian recalled for her, "At that time, the lord was looking for your master all the time. Later, Gu An met several times. Before that, he was conspired to steal everything from his body. After meeting, Gu An asked if he could save the lord. At that time, Miss Yun seemed to say that there was no way to save her."

 Went out to fetch water late

(End of this chapter)

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