Chapter 312

The four of Yun Shu arrived in Xiaoxu Village around Shen Shi.

Because of the cold weather, there was no one on the village road, so no one paid attention to Yun Shu who came back.

Seeing her conspicuous house, it was obviously not as good as those high-end restaurants outside, but Yun Shu felt at ease as if she had settled down.

When she knocked on the door, she could still hear Qin's voice, obviously she was wondering who it was when she heard the knock on the door.

The door opened, and the person who opened the door was obviously taken aback when he saw the situation at the door, and then said pleasantly, "Miss." It was Su San.

Yun Shu stared at the face at the door, and saw a few figures coming out of the upper room when he heard the voice, and smiled, "Well, it's me, help me prepare a few rooms first, and I'll bring people back."

After finishing speaking, he turned sideways to reveal the people behind him.

Su San was taken aback, then saw Wei Chengfeng and the others, and was obviously surprised to see those familiar faces.

He nodded immediately, pushed all the doors open, and went back to prepare the room by himself.

Yun Shu looked at Qin Shi who was coming, and smiled at her, "Mother."

"You're back? It's good to be back." Qin Shi said as she came over, reaching out to touch her daughter's cold reddish face, her face was full of distress.

Then I also saw the other three people standing behind her, their eyes clearly stayed on Wei Chengfeng for a while, something flashed in their eyes, and then greeted them enthusiastically, "Are they all frozen? Su Yi burned inside." The fire and the stove are all lit, let’s get rid of the cold first.”

"Trouble Madam." Gu Fang said with a simple and honest smile.

Previously, he had the cheek to follow Yun Shu and the others. It can be said that Mrs. Qin treated him the best, and he also liked this easy-going wife very much.

"No trouble, come in quickly."

The stove Qin mentioned was a one-piece stove that Yun Shu asked Wang Caifeng to help build. In his previous life, he went to the countryside to study ancient medicine prescriptions and stayed in a village for a while, and found a design that could keep the house warm.

It happened that the floor heating was a little troublesome, so Yun Shu tried it, but it worked very well.

The stove is placed in the hut behind the main house, which is a separate space, more than 50 square meters, not too big or too small, just enough for a family to sit.

The moment Yun Shu entered, he felt the warm wind blowing in, which was very comfortable.

In the corner next to it, Su Yi was making tea, and at his feet was the basin of water that Yun Shu had told him to put on the fire, and the air was too dry.

Except for Yun Shu, Su Yi had a cold face no matter who he was.

In the past, Gu Fang looked down on him very much, but seeing him standing aside like a piece of ice, he looked at him frequently.

And even if Su Yi noticed Gu Fang's gaze, he pretended he didn't see it. It has to be said that this style is very characteristic of Yun Shu.

Because he was somewhat similar to Yun Shu, even Wei Chengfeng looked at him a few more times, and felt a little bit tasted in his heart.

He could tell that apart from the one who opened the door just now, the person in front of him seemed to have a good relationship with the Yun family.

Thinking of having two or more opposite sexes by her side during her absence, Wei Chengfeng was both envious and unhappy.

"Miss, your tea!" After brewing the tea, Su Yi thoughtfully brought it to Yun Shu, but he was treating other people, at most, he sent the tea over without saying a word.

Yun Shu was already used to these treatments, and realized that he and Su San were going out, so she casually said, "It's cold outside, you two should stay here."

Usually it was Yun Shu's words, Su Yi and the others would never refuse to listen, not even a rebuttal, so after Yun Shu finished speaking, the two of them just found a place to sit, and it was the closest to Yun Shu.

Qin Shi is also used to this. She just brought some snacks, and she was very enthusiastic to let the three masters and servants eat something to pad their stomachs. "The ginger soup on the stove is also boiling, and each of you will drink some later." She took care of it very carefully. .

But after everyone sat down, the atmosphere in the room was a little weird.

Yun Shu was not a talkative person, and the people in the room were not familiar with each other, and almost all relied on her to connect.

Now she doesn't speak, and the others don't speak.

"Mom, why are you the only ones? The servants? The elder brother doesn't seem to be here either." After a while, Yun Shu also realized that she was a bit too quiet. She glanced at Wei Chengfeng who had been staring at her, and opened her mouth unnaturally .

Qin's carelessness didn't notice the difference, she was stunned for a moment, and explained, "It's too cold this year, mother asked some servants to go back to rest, anyway, there is Su Yi and others, mother has nothing to do to help. As for your brother , Said that he did not perform well in the scientific examination this time, and went to the village head. It happened that some children in the village wanted to hear about his going to the capital, and they have been staying in the school for the past few days."

It turned out to be the case.

Yun Shu nodded clearly.

After the scientific examination, it was only on the way back that Yun Shu realized why his elder brother was able to get into the top three.

Speaking of it, it was the arithmetic that I handed over to him that added points.

Perhaps it was due to the cultural gap of the times. Although the arithmetic she taught was relatively basic, it was unconventional in this era.

It just so happened that this year's test questions had another difficult problem that was spread from overseas. It is said that the old masters of the Imperial Academy can't solve it, so it is used to embarrass this year's candidates.Among this year's candidates, Yunfeng was indeed the only one who did it.

Otherwise, his ability is not enough to enter the top three.

"This year's test questions are quite special. I heard that your eldest brother solved the last question." Apparently even Wei Chengfeng had heard about it, and when Yun Shu mentioned it, he interjected.

Yun Shu nodded, that's true.

On the other hand, Qin's heart was straightforward, and she looked at her daughter quite proudly, "Actually, it's all thanks to Shu'er."

Yun Shu wanted to stop it but it was too late.

The man looked over with obvious curiosity.

Qin Shi then told him how Yun Shu taught Yun Feng, and by the way, how he studied.

Parents all over the world are like this, they can't stop talking about their children.

It happened that one was interested in this matter, and the other was worried that no one would listen to him and wanted to talk. In the next hour, only the voices of the two remained.

Although most of the time it was Qin who spoke and the man agreed, it gave people a very lively feeling.

Su San touched Su Yi's arm, motioning him to look at his young lady.Su Yi didn't know, so he saw it, but saw the young lady who was always indifferent to everything, but frequently looked at the man beside her.

If he and Su San had so many her in the past, she must have noticed it long ago, but now she obviously didn't pay attention, and only had eyes on that man.

The two then looked at each other, seeing the surprise and bewilderment in each other's eyes clearly.

Probably never thought that one day, their powerful and indifferent master would become like an ordinary girl, taking all the attention away because of a man.

The small movements of the two men happened to be seen by Gu Fang who was beside him, and he hummed lightly, expressing his pride.

Su San heard it naturally, and when he realized that the man's servant was proud of it, he twitched the corners of his mouth mockingly.

Probably because the two sides looked at each other unpleasantly, and the eyes were full of hatred throughout the whole process.

Su Yi and Gu'an were generally the quietest, they just couldn't move.

Su San and Gu Fang, you don't let me, I don't let you, it's very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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