Chapter 95
In just two seconds, flying arrows struck from both sides.

Yun Shu didn't have time to think about why the other party set up a trap, and hid in the space. Standing inside, she clearly saw the flying arrow whizzing over with great momentum, and it was nailed into the facade behind her, making several loud bangs.

It is hard to imagine what would happen if a person was stabbed.

Someone shouted in the distance, obviously heard the movement.Yun Shu knew that time was running out, so he left the space without thinking too much.

She had already discovered that on the inner side of the room, that is, under the organ, there were three boxes placed in three directions, half a meter high, and they looked very strong. They should be her remaining gold.

The sound outside was getting closer, so she opened a box to check without further delay.What catches my eye is a box full of silver ingots neatly arranged. She hastily looked through and put the three boxes into the space. With a wave of her hand, the empty place was already piled up with salt bags, and only a gap was deliberately exposed in the corner.

Just as Yun Shu walked out of the door, a group of people came not far away with knives.

There were about twelve men, all of them had fierce faces and fierce eyes, and they could be seen at a glance as people whose hands had been stained with blood.Yun Shu often deals with this kind of people, and he knows very well that it is impossible for those who do these things not to kill a few people, and the murderous aura emanating from them is too conspicuous.

"No, someone broke in." When they came over, they saw the brother lying at the door, exclaimed, looked up and looked ahead with sharp eyes, but the strange thing was that no one went in.

Yun Shu hid behind a corner ten meters away. After seeing this scene, she seemed to understand something, and her eyes darkened.

The flying arrow before, not to mention the extremely fast speed, the arrow was still shining with a faint light, attached to the blood groove, if it wasn't for her having space, she would be injured even if she didn't die, these people obviously knew the mechanism inside, so they didn't dare to go there.

She watched for a while, and then saw a person approaching from a distance, who looked like Hu Sankui and was afraid that he would block the way out later, so she didn't look at him and left quietly.

She has space and can avoid people passing by at any time, and all the way down is safe and sound.

It wasn't until returning to the path, getting on the horse, and running towards Liangliangting Town, that Yun Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

But my heart was extremely uncomfortable.

If she guessed right, then Hu Sankui probably just wanted to show him off.Apart from the warning, it was also a temptation. She could understand, but did not forgive.

"Drive!" Yun Shu, who was dressed as a teenager, sneered coldly on the not-so-spacious road, and the horse immediately accelerated and galloped, leaving only dust flying in an instant.

at the same time.

Hu Sankui stood with his hands behind his back in a room full of sacks. He was more scholarly than he was speaking. If it was said that he was a student, some people would believe him.

At this time, Hu Sankui didn't have much expression on his face, his eyes flickered across the piled up sacks, his eyes were flickering, and his emotions were constantly fluctuating.

Not long after, his subordinates reported that someone had broken into the temporary warehouse. To his surprise, the man came in during the day in arrogance. Unexpectedly, after he came, the warehouse door had already been opened. After he came, he brought someone in, only to find out Not inside, but the warehouse is full of goods.

It is not surprising that it is false.

Hu Sankui has been traveling all over the years, reselling all kinds of things, and doing all kinds of thrilling business.

This is also the first attempt to sell salt, and he has made a lot of preparations for it, including choosing a mysterious partner.Originally, he never thought that the other party could pass his test, but he not only passed, but also gave him an unexpected surprise.

He studied that arrow formation for many days, not to mention its increasing speed, but judging from the scene, it didn't hurt the opponent at all.

He was already curious about that person.

"Brother." The subordinate who had just checked the quantity came over, wrote down the total number of rows and columns and handed it to Hu Sankui, frowning, "My brothers and I checked it three times, and the quantity is still wrong."

"Is it missing or is it?" Hu Sankui asked.

His voice was as gentle and elegant as a scholar's, with a light tone, which sounded very deep, but it was the slightly raised last sentence that made the few people in front of him jump.

The man paused, then said, "Yes... yes, five packs are missing."

"...five packs?" Hu Sankui's voice dragged slightly, suddenly he didn't know what he thought of, but his expression was stunned, and then he turned his head to look at the deliberately vacated corner, remembering the packaging mentioned before, first he was stunned, then suddenly just laughed.

"Hehe, it's interesting." He smiled very happily.

All the subordinates are full of confusion. Doesn't their elder brother hate doing business the most and being stolen by others? Now that there are fewer people, why is he still so happy?

"Then do you want to..."

Before the man could ask to get it back, Hu Sankui raised his hand to stop his remaining words, "That's it, since the thing came during the day, call the brother to move it as soon as possible, and send it away tonight." It seemed that he didn't intend to pursue it. something missing.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although he was puzzled, he didn't ask. He just looked at the bags under the eyes in this room and felt miraculous.

With so many things, the only thing they heard was just now, who is so capable and delivered the goods in a short while?
A group of people were puzzled, but they didn't dare to discuss it, they could only keep their doubts in their hearts.


Yun Shu took the money and was not in a hurry to go back, but went to Wangzhuang again.

She took away the raw stone that Ah Fu had mentioned several times, and left ten taels of silver for Zhou Zhong.I still remember that the other party was holding those silver coins in shock, showing an expression of joy or fear.

She found Wang Caifeng again later, and kept some of the raw stones she made last time.

After the key to the yard was given to him that day, Wang Caifeng moved the tools there. The materials and hands were all ready-made. He worked overtime every day, and the delivery speed increased by two or three times than before.

Yun Shu didn't take away the finished product this time, but asked him to put it away and take it away in a few days.It just so happened that it was time for delivery, and it could be sent to Qinglonghang.

Passing by the street on the way back, I didn't intend to glance at it, but I saw my own iron tools in a certain shop.

She then deliberately wandered around the street next door, only to find that there were other vendors selling them, and gradually figured it out.

Before Qinglonghang, the shopkeeper mentioned that the first few batches of goods were given to other merchants in the town. It seems that these vendors, although I don't know how Qinglonghang calculated the price with these people, they probably made a profit.

Looking along the way, the business of several stalls is still good, not a constant stream, but there are always people asking and watching, and the expressions are curious and like it.

She knows the practicability of these things, so she feels that it will be a matter of time before they are sold.

Qing Longxing chose to cooperate with him, and he will never regret it.

It was night, Yun Shu tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, so she went into the space and counted the money she had earned during this time.

Excluding the money for buying herbs, labor costs, and other expenses, she has close to 2000 taels in her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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