Chapter 300
Yetong tried to get up, but Hua Nian's hug was too tight, she couldn't break free at all.

"Don't move, just sit down obediently, and I'll let you go when my anger subsides." Hua Nian smiled half-smile, showing no intention of letting go.

Seeing this, Yetong didn't struggle anymore, she wrapped her hands around Hua Nian's neck, sat quietly on his lap, and rested her head on his hair.

Yetong's obedient and attached appearance made Luo Huanian smile slightly, and the warming ambiguous atmosphere gradually turned into a kind of warmth.

"Sister Ye, beautiful brother, the place where the sun candle explodes is right in front of you."

A small head with red hair poked in from the layers of curtains, looking at Yetong and Hua Nian with big round eyes.

The six eyes met, and the three of them were obviously stunned for a moment. Li Fei was the first to react, and she immediately pulled her head back. Apart from being nervous and excited, she didn't feel embarrassed at all.

She lay on the side of the car and whispered, "Sister Ye, don't worry, I won't say anything."

Then she ran away in a flash. The reason why Li Fei was so excited was because in her opinion, Yetong and Luo Huanian were about to have a baby, so she could be a big sister.

In the car, Yetong helplessly thumped Luo Huanian's chest lightly, she didn't think there was anything wrong with her and Huanian's behavior, she just felt that Li Fei's eyes were very weird.

If she knew Li Fei's true thoughts, she would definitely thank her for not saying anything.

"Little kid is really troublesome." After Hua Nian couldn't help muttering, he hugged Ye Tong again, "Let's get out of the car."

Yetong couldn't help smiling, Luo Huanian's attitude and address to Li Fei remained unchanged even though he lost his memory.

Hua Nian took a few steps in the air with Ye Tong in his arms, and landed lightly on the ground, while Li Fei and Ling Yin were already waiting there.

Seeing Yetong and the two coming, Ling Yin just nodded lightly, but Li Fei jumped to Yetong's side with great joy and supported her.

She also winked and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, sister Ye, I will protect you in the future."

After speaking, he happily shook his head and glanced at Yetong's stomach.

Ye Tong was confused by her actions, how could she know what Li Fei was thinking?It is estimated that if you know, you will want to slap her to wake her up.

"Okay, go and find out where the sun candles have gone, it's up to you." Ye Tong patted Li Fei on the head, and hurriedly sent her to get down to business.

Li Fei immediately stomped her feet, saluted solemnly, and shouted: "Yes!"

Then he ran to the scorched land like a puppy, sniffing here and there, and walked all the way forward.

The Yetong and the others followed behind her unhurriedly, until they reached the border of the foreign race in the west, and Li Fei stopped.

"Its smell disappears here, and you have to go through this enchantment to find it." Li Fei took out a transparent bead from the treasure bag, and smiled triumphantly, "Fortunately, I was prepared to ask Father brought the Boundary Breaking Bead."

"Come, come, come and stand behind me. This Boundary Breaking Orb can only open a space channel, and it may be closed at any time. You have to follow closely." Li Fei injected energy into the Boundary Breaking Orb, and the bead slowly floated lift off.

Seeing Li Fei put on that dignified posture, the three of Yetong stood behind her as promised, waiting for the opening of the space passage.

I saw the clouds of mist being swallowed by the Boundary Breaking Bead, and this transparent bead slowly turned milky white.

 I made a big mistake in the last chapter, so let me say sorry first! Li Fei and Luo Qingjue knew each other from the beginning, but I forgot because I was out of my mind when I wrote it.

  The VIP chapter can't be changed, so I can only tell everyone here that Ye Tong told Li Fei that she deliberately pretended not to know Luo Huanian.

(End of this chapter)

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