Chapter 310
Yetong and Luo Huanian sensed that something was wrong, what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the young and old?
The two picked up the cup of tea next to them, took a sip, and understood in their hearts, a disdainful smile appeared on the corners of their mouths, and they drank the tea in their hands together.

"So, shall we go?"

What does the city lord think of them?He actually added some powerful ecstasy powder to the tea, this kind of dirty trick is of no use to strong people like them.

Although the city lord is a cultivator, his strength is only at the eighth level of the Heavenly Spirit Master. Now Yetong can kill him by ticking his little finger.

Yetong and Luo Huanian didn't bother to argue with him at all, and walked out directly, but heard sinister laughter from behind, and each grabbed them with a hand.

"Fairy, stay and spend the rest of your life with me."

Yetong and the two were held by the wrists by the sons and daughters of the city lord, and now they understood the intentions of these people.

Shaking off their hands, the two continued to walk out without looking back.

"Father, didn't you drug them? Why doesn't it seem to be working?" The young men and women couldn't help being anxious, and turned to the city lord for help.

The city lord flew in front of Yetong and the two and stopped them: "You two, please stay."

At the same time, he was observing their expressions, seeing that they were not in the slightest unconsciousness at all, he narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"It seems that I underestimated you."

Luo Huanian's little tolerance had been exhausted, he waved his sleeves and threw the city lord in front of him out.

The city lord who hit the wall spurted blood from his mouth, collapsed on the ground and was dying, and he seemed to be dying of happiness.

"Ah! Father!" His daughter screamed, and immediately ran to him, fed him a elixir, and managed to restore his breath.

With Yetong's eyesight and elixir attainment, she recognized that it was actually a high-level elixir, what a waste.

"You, who are you?" The city lord lay on the ground in shock, he really kicked the hard board this time, and he looked at his daughter who was a little dodgy.

"Ying'er, are you hiding something from me?"

"Father, they are indeed not ordinary warriors, they"

"He is the young master of the Fox Clan. City Lord, you have really offended a giant Buddha this time." Suddenly, a very magnetic male voice came from the lobby.

A man appeared there at some unknown time, and was sitting in the seat where Luo Huanian had sat, drinking the wine in his hand, and the aroma of the wine filled the entire yard.

This is a very strong man, Luo Huanian looked at him with a dignified expression, this man was at least on par with him, even his age, but he had never heard of such a man.

"Who are you?" Luo Huanian rarely cared about other people, but this person made him have to care.

He quietly moved a step towards Yetong, blocking her behind, but Yetong poked his head out of curiosity and looked at the man.

Because the aroma of the wine was really alluring, she could feel the bubbles and snowballs in the space, and even the bladderworts were about to move.

I saw the man sitting in the lobby, with a high ponytail, wearing a strong black suit, with his legs crossed, he lifted a jug of wine and poured it into his mouth, with the words licentiousness written all over his body.

He raised the corners of his mouth and chin, and glanced at Luo Huanian with his eyes full of interest. At this moment, Ye Tong finally met the second man who could be "beautiful" with Luo Huanian.

It's just that there is more masculinity in his beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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