Dominate the midfield

Chapter 433 Chapter 433: You are the most handsome here!

Chapter 433 Chapter 433: You are the most handsome here!

Silence is golden, this is the rule of life for Chinese people.

In the West, this is also a way to express one's own unspeakable thoughts.

Without getting a clear answer, David Gill said regretfully: "I understand what you mean."

Ferguson took a deep breath and said, "Thank you!"

"Tell you another thing." David Gill said in a deep voice: "Scholes and others clashed with fans at the bar, and now they are at the police station."

Anger appeared in Ferguson's eyes, and he blurted out: "This group of damned guys, don't they know how to keep a low profile at a time like this?"

"The bar! Very good! They went to the bar!"

"Don't worry, I know how to deal with this matter, and I will never be soft!"

David Gill shook his head and said: "You have to calm down now, and you must deal with it, but it can't be too serious. After all, no one is in a good mood at this time."

Ferguson suppressed his anger, nodded and said, "I know what to do."

The two brains of Manchester United ended their brief conversation, and thus decided their attitude towards Wang Rui.


At eleven noon the next day, the Wolves boarded a plane to London.

Once on the plane, Peter, Kendine and Bell fell asleep, having drunk too much last night and still hungover.Wang Rui is in good spirits, and the pain in his left ankle is not as severe as yesterday, that is to say, he will not be injured for a long time.

For a professional football player, nothing is more important than physical fitness.

Putting on the earphones and looking at the sea of ​​clouds for a while, Wang Rui still couldn't suppress the agitation in his heart and picked up the newspaper.He first took the Guardian. It is said that Park Sung-hwan had a car accident. Will the Guardian's attitude towards him change?

Opening the sports page, the first thing that catches the eye is a line of bold characters - Slaughter!Wolves beat Manchester United [-]-[-] away!

Wang Rui's eyes brightened a little, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with pride and pride.

"Last night, there was a battle for the top spot in the Theater of Dreams. The Wolves played away and slaughtered Manchester United eight to one!"

"Last night, the attendance rate of Dream Theater reached an astonishing 530%, and there were [-] reporters of all kinds reporting on the spot! The reason for this is that apart from the battle for the top spot, the grievances between Ferguson and Wang are the focus of people's attention. .”

"Someone said before the game, 'It's time to resolve the grievances', and what they said was the grievances between the two of them. The talented young man who came out of the Manchester United youth academy failed to enter Ferguson's eyes. Wolves boss Morgan to Wolverhampton."

"Wang didn't get a chance to perform when he arrived at the Wolves. He didn't get on the field until Ince took over as the coach of the Wolves. Starting from the miraculous relegation, Wang rose rapidly in the Wolves. The League One champion, the League Cup champion, Championship, UEFA Cup, UEFA Super Cup, in just two seasons, he helped Wolves win five championship trophies!"

"Wang is undoubtedly amazing, dubbed by the media as 'the core of England's future midfielder', and he intends to return to the Theater of Dreams - because this is the dream of his late father."

"However, the stubborn Ferguson chilled this midfield genius time and time again. 'The most important thing Manchester United lacks is a superstar. Manchester United has no king position.', 'If I win the Premier League title, I will let him return to Manchester United!' These That's what Ferguson said in front of the media."

"After being disheartened, the teenagers began to fight back strongly, 'Ferguson will regret his decision', 'As long as Ferguson is at Manchester United, I will not go to Manchester United!'."

"Obviously, in people's eyes, Wang and Ferguson are not rivals at the same level. What greeted Wang was only ridicule and sarcasm, but Wang used trophy after trophy to accumulate his self-confidence and strengthen his confidence. The purpose is to tell ridicule and People who laugh at themselves—I say it, and I can do it!"

"Last night, the king did it!"

"Three long-distance raids that shocked the world, five wonderful goals, Wang told Ferguson with his actions-you will pay for your own contempt!"

"Whether Ferguson regretted last night, we don't know, but he had an unpleasant encounter with reporters in the mixed interview area, which showed that he was in a bad mood. Being abandoned will defeat, and the defeat is so complete, no one can maintain a good mood."

"Some people think that [-]-[-] is enough to settle the grievances, but Wang said in the mixed interview area last night 'This is just the beginning!'!"

"There is a reason why Wang said this. Last night the Wolves team bus drove into the Theater of Dreams. Apart from the media reporters, they were greeted by a dozen Manchester United fans. They abused Wang; during the warm-up, Manchester United fans laughed and sneered. Wang's shot went wide of the goal; during the game, whenever Wang had the ball, he was greeted with huge boos..."

"Coupled with the banners around the stadium, Wang has completely given up on Manchester United, so he said that sentence."

"The grievances between Wang, Ferguson and Manchester United did not disappear with the end of this game, but the grievances became deeper and deeper."

"If Wang doesn't leave the Premier League in the future, this must be a highlight of the Premier League!"

"We have to say that Wang's performance last night was too shocking. He seemed to be an unstoppable god of war. Manchester United's defense was in front of him. Wearing it has caused countless people to have such doubts-is this still the overlord of the Premier League?
Is this still the top club that has reached the Champions League final for two consecutive years? "

Wang Rui didn't continue reading, put the Guardian in the back pocket of the front seat, and pulled out another newspaper.This newspaper is the Sun, which is famous for breaking news.

"Manchester United was massacred, Manchester United star bar clashed with fans!"

The headlines on the front page of The Sun caught Wang Rui's eyes, and Wang Rui was immediately attracted.

"After being slaughtered by the Wolves [-]-[-], the Manchester United stars did not choose to shut up at home and think about their mistakes, but chose to drink away their sorrows in the bar. Obviously, this kind of behavior made the Manchester United fans in the bar very dissatisfied, so the two sides had a dispute in the bar. conflict."

"It is said that after the conflict, both parties were taken to the police station, and the Manchester United stars did not leave the police station until two o'clock in the morning."

"The players who clashed with the fans included Scholes, Rooney, Giggs, Ferdinand, Van der Sar and others. Among them, Scholes and Rooney were sent off with red cards in the game last night, especially Scholes United were only one goal behind before he was sent off."

"After he was sent off, Manchester United was screened by Wolves. Manchester United's defeat last night was closely related to his sending off."

Wang Rui smiled and shook his head. The injury to his left ankle was caused by Scholes. It seems that this Manchester United midfielder is as powerful on and off the field.

"Sir, do you need anything?"

A crisp voice brought Wang Rui to reality, and a beautiful stewardess was pushing a car and looking at him.The stewardess' blonde hair and proud figure reminded Wang Rui of Kerkova.

The beautiful Ukrainian stewardess is now Bell's girlfriend, and this is inseparable from his matchmaking with Wang Rui.


Wang Rui said softly.

The stewardess quickly got a glass of mineral water and handed it to Wang Rui. Wang Rui nodded to her to express his thanks.The stewardess with a proud figure bit her red lips, mustered up her courage and said, "Can you give me an autograph?"

Wang Rui smiled and said, "Of course, my beautiful lady."

The stewardess blushed, and quickly handed a small book to Wang Rui.Wang Rui took the booklet and signed his name on it, but he didn't return the booklet to her right away, but flipped through the booklet with interest.

"Your eyes are very picky."

Wang Rui returned the notebook to the stewardess.The stewardess blushed and said, "Thank you!"

Wang Rui found the signatures of Jude Law, Hugh Laurie, Sean Connery and other stars in the notebook. Among the football stars, there is only Beckenham.The stars who signed the autograph are undoubtedly handsome, so Wang Rui said that she has a picky eye.

"You're the most handsome here." The stewardess whispered as she left.

Wang Rui laughed helplessly.

If British men know his name, it must be because of his superb skills on the football field.

As for women, most of it is because of his handsome appearance, which was concentrated in the away game against Arsenal. The speechless "love" of Arsenal's female fans made him quite helpless.

Wang Rui knew that he could not change this reality, so he could only laugh helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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