Reborn as a small European country

Chapter 123 Bribery Case

Chapter 123 Bribery Case

When leaving the Western Sahara region, Joseph inexplicably received interviews from some media. These media questions were very strange, but they were all related to whether the Principality of Nord used force against the Western Sahara region. Naturally, Joseph did not hesitate to deny the use of force to solve the problem. question.

This is just a trivial matter, at least in Joseph's eyes. Joseph left the Western Sahara area smoothly and returned to the mainland of the Principality of Nord, which was separated by a few months.

The industrial area of ​​the Principality of Nord has suffered a lot of depression. It is not because of the reduction of workers, but because the laborers have transformed into citizens. Except for working hours, they have settled their residences in the urban area.

A new batch of workers has arrived, but the number is obviously not so large. Some industries in the Principality of Nord have begun to transfer to the Western Sahara region. After all, jobs are also needed there.

There are about [-] to [-] native citizens of the Principality of Nord, and only [-] to [-] laborers. Everything is at a normal level. Compared with the previous [-] to [-] citizens, and more than [-] laborers, it is more normal.

The industrial area is much depressed, but the urban area is very lively, which is also reasonable. After all, the industrial area is so lively as an industrial location, which is unreasonable.

The gradual cancellation of benefits has made the working atmosphere of citizens more positive. This can be seen walking on the street. Except for tourists and young people, it is rare to see middle-aged people walking leisurely on the streets during working hours.

In the convoy, Joseph nodded in satisfaction when he saw this through the car window. At the same time, he also began to admit that he had made some wrong decisions about high welfare. Life lies in sports, and national laziness is not a good thing.

Seeing a lot of foreign tourists on the street, Joseph suddenly asked James who was sitting aside: "So, how is the tourism industry in the Principality of Nord now?"

"According to the economic bill at the end of 1984, the tourism economy accounted for about 70.00% of foreign trade exports, and the rest came from domestic consumption."

, this ratio is not very high, but it is actually increasing. After all, the GDP of the Principality of Nord has reached more than 400 billion euros, and it is a real economic power.

The Principality of Nord belongs to a highly developed country, but after occupying the Western Sahara region, the per capita income began to decrease slightly.Of course, their income has not actually been lowered, it has just been lowered on average.

The annual salary of ordinary citizens in the Principality of Nord is about 1 euros, which is equivalent to [-]-[-] Hong Kong dollars, and this is just ordinary citizens, such as civil servants or middle-level managers, whose annual salary is generally in the Six or seven thousand euros or even over ten thousand.

Compared with the mainland of the Principality of Nord, the Western Sahara region is not worth mentioning. The annual salary of more than [-] euros is less than one percent, and most of them are still in a state of barely enough to eat.Of course, this was also after Joseph implemented the practice of borrowing cattle and sheep. If it was before, he would not even be able to maintain food and clothing.

At the same time, Nord citizens, Joseph is very sympathetic to the Western Sahara region. In fact, it is not only Joseph himself. When the Royal TV broadcasted everything about life in the Western Sahara region, many Nord citizens donated money and took the initiative to support the residents of the Western Sahara region. .

Joseph did not show a happy look about this, because he felt that these were his own affairs, and the native citizens of Nord should not be involved.

Thinking about these, Joseph answered and asked about James' recent affairs. Naturally, there were no major issues, otherwise Joseph would have been notified, but there were many small issues, and there were many places that needed investment and construction.

"You mean the subway has opened?"

"Yes, the trial operation of the subway that opened in early January was very stable and there were no accidents."

"It's a pity that residents of other islands can only take yachts and passenger ships to come to the city. We should open up new means of transportation for them to use."

Nord is a big exporting country. With a small port, a large number of passenger ships will inevitably affect the waterway. However, there is only one waterway from other islands to the Principality of Nord. This is why Joseph said now.

Naturally, helicopters are also available, but the cost is too high. I believe that not many citizens like to use them. The underground tunnels are not safe or practical due to the distance. The only breakthrough point is the sky.

"How about a hot air balloon? My lord!"

Looking at the corners of James's mouth lightly, he knew that he had already made a solution to this aspect. Considering the cost and safety of the hot air balloon, this matter is naturally no problem.

"I can't wait to see the colorful hot air balloons floating around the Principality of Nord, maybe in the future this will be a major landscape location for our Principality of Nord."

He chuckled at the answer Joseph gave himself, but what he said was true. In the future, hot air balloons might really become a unique landscape of the Principality of Nord.

Several islands are not far or close to the mainland. If a hot air balloon is used as a means of transportation, then the farthest half an hour will only take two hours to return to the Nord mainland, which is very convenient and fast.

"The cabinet has nothing to do recently!"

"I'm about to report this to you. There is a dispute between a judge and the mayor in a commercial case in the Royal Islands. The local councilor reported that the mayor took bribes. This matter has not been investigated yet."

Joseph was just asking casually. He didn't expect that something really happened, and it was a bribery case. This was the first case after the new Principality of Nord was established, and it deserves attention.

"Then what evidence is there on both sides?"

"The case itself is not too suspicious. The plaintiff is the heir of the town tavern, and the defendant is the tavern's supplier. The main dispute is a loan of [-] euros."

"Twenty thousand euros?"

How much is a tavern in a small town, but the value of one or two thousand euros, even if the business is hotter, it will not reach [-] euros, but now a tavern owner actually owes a supplier a loan of [-] euros, which is really surprising .

"Yes, it's [-] euros. Because the heir couldn't produce evidence in the lawsuit, it was finally determined that the [-] euros loan was valid..."

"What does that have to do with the mayor?"

"The mayor is the judge's cousin. In Eastern terms, he is charged with cronyism!"

What James said made Joseph chuckle: "The Principality of Nord does not have the crime of cronyism. If the mayor thinks that his cousin has this ability, it is reasonable to recommend him as a judge."

"The judge has worked as a lawyer in Paris and is very proficient in the law. From this point of view, his recommendation is very reasonable, and I can't fault it."

Joseph raised his eyebrows: "So, you think the bribery incident is likely to be a false accusation?"

"I don't mean that. After all, the plaintiff can't produce real evidence. The only thing that can be proved is that the unreasonable [-] euros and the personal relationship between the judge and the defendant are better."

Looking at the Nord cabinet in front of him, Joseph stopped talking about this topic, but his concluding remarks made James very serious: "I hope that even if the judge takes bribes, his cousin of the mayor will not be implicated, after all, this matter has nothing to do with him. Nothing to do."

If something is wrong, it is nepotism. If it is right, it is a good recommendation. Such a result is not fair to the mayor. Joseph has always wanted to make the Principality of Nord into a fair and just country except for the royal family. If such a thing involves the mayor So it obviously breaks the fair system of the Principality of Nord.

After all, the mayor probably had good intentions at the time, or he didn't have the right people to use, so he recommended his cousin to be the judge.

(End of this chapter)

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