Reborn as a small European country

Chapter 126 Dinner Party

Chapter 126 Dinner Party ([-])

In February 1985, when Joseph was preparing to go to Spain to attend the evening party of his cousin Earl Singra...

In the villa of the mayor of an island town on the west side of the Royal Islands

"I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me..."

"Relax cousin, I was the one who insisted on letting you be the judge of the town. Now that something happens, I can't evade my responsibility. I believe in the fairness of the Nord law, and I also believe in the cabinet and His Majesty Joseph."

"Your Majesty Joseph? He will also ask about such things?"

What did the judge mean that Joseph knew about such little things?The mayor just smiled helplessly. The first bribery case in the Principality of Nord, if you don't know it, it will be fake.The judge also realized that he asked a stupid question, but at this moment he didn't have the heart to pay attention to it. After all, what was in front of him was probably prison or even...death.

"Cousin, tell me the truth, among them..."

"There is no problem at all! I can assure you that although the case is somewhat tortuous, it cannot be denied that the IOU is true. Article 310 II of the Nord Law..."

The mayor's suspicion made the judge a little dissatisfied, but he knew that this was not the time to be dissatisfied, so he just tried to argue with reason, but the mayor didn't have the heart to listen to it.

"All I want is a guarantee. As for the law... Cousin, maybe you have forgotten that His Majesty Joseph once said that Nord's law is to serve Nord citizens, and it needs to be used flexibly instead of acting rigidly in accordance with the law. .”


"If I remember correctly, the two congressmen and the jury gave some objections! I think you, as a justice, should respect the opinions of these juries."

"Jury? Damn Brit system. Handy? That's what cowboys do."

"Cousin, don't forget this. In the 20s, the glory of the empire has passed, and the United States is the mainstream. I hope I will never hear such discriminatory words from you."

The mayor's sudden outburst made the judge a little timid, but then he remembered that it was his cousin who reprimanded him, so he stood up angrily and wanted to say something, but seeing the firm eyes, for some reason, the judge's anger slowly disappeared. In the end, he sat down again powerlessly and said nothing.

At the same time, Madrid International Airport, Spain:
Tourists around the airport looked at the fleet of more than a dozen luxury vehicles very curiously, and some tourists even asked the local tour guide and the relatives and friends who came to greet them who belonged to the fleet.

"Is this an Audi A3 series? My God, is this a Rolls-Royce Phantom?"

Naturally, one car will not cause exclamation, but there are more than 3 Audi A[-]s and four or five Rolls-Royces, so it is not an exaggeration to surprise these tourists, not to mention that these tourists are local residents of Madrid, and they are rare to such a convoy.

"Looking at the license plate, it seems to be the convoy of Earl Singerla. This one is... the license plate of the royal family? God, who are you going to greet, and you have to put on such a formation."

The security personnel in black and sunglasses, and several middle-aged or elderly gentlemen who looked unusual at first glance, all these made the tourists and the reception staff at the airport stop and wait.

"Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie? Or Whitney Houston?"

"No, I think it must be a state dignitary!"

"Impossible. If that's the news, I like Aretha Franklin. I wish it was her."

"The black person? No, I don't like him!"

"Michael Jackson was black too."

"He is a god, a god who transcends skin color and race, and I will not allow you to defile him."

Because of the dispute, the airport was in chaos, but with the arrival of the airport police, the noise began to dissipate, but some people who stayed still were also driven away, leaving only those who were still waiting for the flight.

Joseph was not on a state visit, so he could not use a separate airport passage, otherwise the scene would not be such a mess. Earl Singra was a little worried, fearing that there would be assassins inside. This is not impossible. With the purchase of Western Sahara by the Principality of Nord In the region, some independent organizations have already targeted Joseph.

If they knew about Joseph's itinerary, they would not let go of such a good opportunity. Earl Singola wanted to use the separate airport passage, but the government did not compromise even if the royal family came forward.

The airliner landed on the runway quickly, and the tourists and waiting staff who hadn't left hurriedly looked over. When they saw the letters on the airliner, they were very disappointed, it was a private airliner.

Although those celebrities are very rich, very few people buy private airliners, and the abbreviation of Ragnar is written on the fuselage. It is obvious that none of the idols in their hearts has the surname Ragnar.

Ragnar?Why is this name so familiar?Some tourists suddenly thought in their hearts, but except for some tourists from the Principality of Nord, others rarely thought of what Ragnar represented.

Because of safety issues, dozens of bodyguards in black hurried forward as soon as the plane landed, and the rest also looked around at the tourists and waiting staff.

Joseph also knew the current situation, so the first ones to get off the plane were the guards from the Security Bureau. After they occupied various sensitive positions, Joseph got off the plane.

"Your Majesty Joseph!"

"Cousin Singla, long time no see!"

Among the other people's greetings, Joseph hugged Earl Singola, and at the same time nodded to the gentlemen who greeted him.

"Joseph, this is Prince Pablo, this is the Duke of Avril, this is..."

Earl Singra, along with at least four or five high-ranking Spanish nobles and influential behind-the-scenes in business and politics, Joseph did not dare to underestimate these people, and shook hands and hugged them one by one according to etiquette. The 13-year-old Joseph is about 1.6 meters tall, so he can barely see through a hug.

Surrounded by many guards, Joseph and Singla's group left in a car. The tourists and waiting staff who looked at them were only envious.

"Ragnar...was that Grand Duke Joseph just now?"

At this time, someone finally remembered the meaning of Ragnar, but there was no difference between remembering and not remembering, because he was destined to not be able to approach Joseph to ask for an autographed photo or a photo with him. After all, Joseph was not a celebrity but a head of state.

"It turns out that Grand Duke Nord looks like this, if you can marry him..."

This is the idea of ​​a nympho girl. Although he is only a 13-year-old child with his endless wealth, noble status, and delicate appearance, it cannot be denied that his charm is enough to attract these girls.

Joseph didn't know the crazy thoughts of these girls. Sitting in the car with Singola, looking at the strange young man, Earl Singola couldn't help asking: "Who is this?"

"My valet, James, James, this is my cousin, Count Singra Ragna of Spain."

"Hello Earl, I'm James Franklin."

"Very nice valet, Joanna..."

"She is now the housekeeper of the palace, and Mr. Abner likes her very much."

(End of this chapter)

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