Chapter 262
In March 1992, a set of live broadcast of the high-profile Tianxia No. 3 Budokai was opened.

The preliminaries of the No. [-] Budokai in the world are very difficult. Sometimes strength is not the most important thing, but luck is, especially when the gap between the strengths of the preliminaries is relatively large.

There is no old or weak, no new or old in the arena. That is to say, you, a 60-year-old man may stand in the same ring with a 30-year-old young man, and a world-renowned boxing master may fight with a young guy who has just debuted.

There are no restrictions on the playing field, but you must not intentionally hurt people's lives...

The limitations of this rule are very small. What does it mean not to intentionally hurt someone's life? Who can really stop standing on it?But one thing is better, you can directly choose to surrender.

So far, if you surrender in time, even if the opponent wants to hurt your life, there will be on-site guards and experts to intervene to protect your safety.

After all, it is just a competition, not a killing arena. Everything is still for the purpose of competition. Injuries cannot be avoided, but the safety of the participants must be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

On the day of the preliminaries, Joseph, together with Kate and Charlie, went to the tea house near the ring. Only here did Joseph discover that Gao Jingxuan and Flender were there. When Joseph found her, Gao Jingxuan also saw Joseph, Kate and Charlie. She was helpless. Smiling at Joseph, Joseph understood that it must be Flender's strong request.

This is also normal, if Flender can hold back Joseph will be really surprised.

Kate did not make an invitation, and the time and place were not suitable. Gao Jingxuan understood, and Joseph also understood. So far, the two have watched the following game together across the street.

The first match was the one with a relatively large gap in strength. A white man with weak eyes played against a muscular African-American partner. After introducing the white man from California, the United States, he loved martial arts since he was a child. He had learned taekwondo and Sanda. , Bajiquan, Taijiquan, Foshan Wuying Foot...

No matter what his real strength is, these 20 martial arts alone are enough to make the audience speechless. Is it really like that kind of weak man with glasses soaring into the sky?
The introduction of the African-American is much simpler. He is from the UK and is good at boxing and street fighting. He has participated in the Foreign Legion and local London clubs. Most of his skills are learned from street beatings and the army.

The World's No. [-] Martial Arts Association has no referees, and the two of them can start at any time after they go up, but with a shout, the frail glasses man rushed over, feeling irresistible from the power, and then...

Soaring to the sky, it really is soaring to the sky, but this soaring to the sky does not refer to the soaring grades of the frail bespectacled man, but the soaring of his eyes and nosebleeds.

From the perspective of the scene, the African-American was a little nervous when reporting the number of the weak glasses man at the beginning. After all, knowing so many kinds of boxing should belong to the very powerful one!Although he looks weak and weak, who can guarantee whether he is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

The man with weak glasses suddenly rushed over and really surprised the African-American. The two were not far apart and the African-American had long arms. He punched him habitually, and then...then the man with weak glasses fell to the ground and couldn't get up.

The situation had changed so much that Joseph didn't even react, but now that the situation was in front of him, he couldn't believe it. Suddenly, Joseph felt very boring about the preliminary round.


The Detachment of Women, Lolita, teenagers in their [-]th and [-]th years, old men in their fifties, all kinds of people appeared in front of them one by one. The preliminary round was a mess.

The meaning of unlimited registration was originally to let those guys hidden in the deep mountains and old forests come out, but who would have thought that it would eventually develop to this extent.But fortunately, as the incompetent people were carried down one by one, the rest understood the danger of the competition. Except for those who were bold and naive and had some skills, most of them chose to withdraw from the competition.

The next day, when Joseph came to the competition site again, the competition was much more exciting, because he arrived late and the competition had already started. One side was a master of Taijiquan and the other was a master of Western boxing. One was flexible and the other was strong. fierce.

After more than ten minutes, the Taijiquan master who was not good at learning was punched offstage. The Taijiquan master politely bowed to the Western boxing master, then turned around and left gracefully.This is the real person who makes friends with martial arts and truly pursues martial arts. It's just a pity that he is not young anymore, and it is too difficult to make a breakthrough.

If the first match is wonderful, then the second match is a real fight to the death, because both sides are very lethal boxing, Muay Thai vs. black boxing players.

Elbows, sweeps, knee bumps, piercing ears, all kinds of killing moves were used in succession. The white black boxer was already bleeding. He hesitated, and directly chose to fall to the ground.The medical staff came up in a hurry, and temporarily suppressed the injury with the help of acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine. This scene was seen by the live broadcast viewers. They were all speechless. How could the injured have no pain when the small needle was inserted?
"A little too deliberate."

"It doesn't matter if you promote Chinese medicine deliberately."

The conversation between Joseph and Kate makes people understand that the scene just now was discussed. Once the Chinese medicine practitioners are on stage, the camera must show the shots in time, and the Chinese medicine practitioners must also use their best skills. It is best to have some quick and miraculous methods. kind of.

The World's No. [-] Martial Arts Association lasted for a whole month, and there were only about [-] left among thousands of boxing masters. The Nord Kingdom TV stations, newspapers and periodicals conducted interviews with these [-]+ people, and related novels, film and television dramas also Active preparations began under their authority, and a whole new industry opened up.

However, the holding of the No. [-] Martial Arts Association in the world is not without disadvantages. At least the law and order in Nord has dropped a bit, but as the Nord police and military show their strength, these unruly warriors are also much more honest.

Those boxing masters who have passed the preliminary rounds are already qualified to open a martial arts gym in the Nord Kingdom. For a while, the Nord Kingdom martial arts gyms are popular, and those martial artists who are not good at learning skills simply choose to apprentice without leaving. Every day, those newly opened martial arts gyms The gates are full of people.

On April 1992, 4, the British Conservative Party won the general election.

On April 1992, 4, the British IRA bombed the London Financial Center
On April 1992, 4, race riots broke out in the United States. During four days of violent activities, looting and arson, more than 11 people were killed, about 4 were injured, 50 were arrested, and property losses exceeded US$4000 billion. 12000 troops and the National Guard were called in to restore order.Riots also broke out in other cities, but on a much smaller scale.

The riots began when four white police officers were acquitted in court for attacking a black man driving a car, despite widespread television footage showing the black man being punched and kicked by the police.

The race of the Nord Kingdom is complicated and the region is complex. Under such circumstances, the Nord Kingdom is the most nervous one. On the same day, Joseph signed an order that the army can enter cities and towns to suppress riots at any time.

Then came two news, one good and one bad. The good news is that the Nord Kingdom is very peaceful without any fluctuations and influences. The bad news is that the order signed by Joseph is just useless.

The Kingdom of Nord is a fair and just country, more fair and equitable than any other country, and with the high welfare and various means of public opinion, the citizens of the entire Kingdom of Nord are like a family, as long as there is no big economic Fluctuations, the situation in the Nord Kingdom can be maintained forever.

In fact, economic fluctuations are not to be feared. As long as there is no racial discrimination, racial misunderstanding, and sufficient food supply, there will be no riots in the Nord Kingdom.

If someone with ulterior motives came to tell the Chinese that bullying of the Chinese often happened in other parts of the Nord Kingdom, the Chinese would gloat and say, "We are different here. The Chinese here are very peaceful and live a peaceful life. Also very good."

Hungry for more rights?If someone uses this name to mislead Nord citizens, it will be useless at all, because the votes in the Principality of Nord are very fair. If you want more rights, you can just go to speeches and win more votes.

This may be the benefit of the mixed population in the Nord Kingdom. As long as there is no group, there will be no riots. The police handle things fairly and justly, and it is difficult for misunderstandings to occur.

There are all kinds of races in a police station, from Chinese to African and European. For example, in the United States, there will be absolutely no incidents of police beating black drivers. If there is, then whites and blacks will beat black drivers together, because The black, white and yellow races in most police stations are not much different.

It is very difficult for you to find a patrol team composed of all black police, white police, and yellow police. The Nord Kingdom has no historical problems, so the possibility of riots is so low.

If the Nord Kingdom had risen during the period of great voyage, then things would not be so easy to solve, and the Nord Kingdom would not be as stable and peaceful as it is now.

The riots came to an end temporarily. On April 1992, 4, the United Nations requested the Kingdom of Nord to participate in the UN peacekeeping operation. Naturally, Joseph would not refuse such a thing. More than 26 people from a company of the Nord Royal Guard went to the UN peacekeeping headquarters to report.

At the same time, Interpol also participated in the international organization. Six outstanding police detectives from the Nord Kingdom joined the Interpol and became a member of the Interpol.

That is to say, starting from this day, Nord ended ten years of internal development and began to reach out to the international discourse power, Interpol, the Red Cross, the peacekeeping force, the World Health Organization, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries...

A few years ago, these organizations also sent invitation letters one after another, but they were ignored by the Nord Kingdom. With the advent of the new century, the status of various international organizations has become more and more important.

 Thanks for the reward of the past-solo dance.

(End of this chapter)

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