Reborn as a small European country

Chapter 97 Annual Meeting

Chapter 97 Annual Meeting (fourth update)

PS: This is owed when it was on the first page of the new book. I am sorry for delaying it until today.Counting the two shifts in June, a total of three shifts are owed, and they will all be paid off in the next few days!Thank you for your support!

"The first Lord of the Duchy of Nord did not go beyond everyone's expectations - the current Prime Minister of the Duchy of Nord, Mr James Anconra." - Royal Weekly

"Prime Minister James is well deserved to be the first Lord of the Duchy of Nord." - Nord Royal Daily News

"Does the emergence of the Royal Lord of Nord mean that the Principality of Nord will embark on the traditional path of monarchy in the future?" - New York Daily News

"Perhaps it would be in our interest for Prime Minister James to be called President James, if we could." —Journal de Paris

"James, Prime Minister of the Duchy of Nord, was made a Lord by Grand Joseph of Nord!" - Xinhua News Agency
Countries reacted differently to James's title of Lordship, but they all had one thing in common, that is, they were just talking. Whether they resisted or faced it calmly, no specific action appeared in each country.

Joseph didn't bother to care about these things. The New Year is coming, and he is discussing the gala with the director of Nord Royal Television. Although the proportion of Chinese in the Principality of Nord is gradually decreasing, Chinese festivals like the Spring Festival have been brought to the Principality of Nord. Unless something is impossible, Joseph will satisfy the traditional culture of all Nord races.

For example, at Christmas, Joseph allowed the cabinet to organize traditional activities of all ethnic groups, including some extremely dangerous gatherings, sword fighting and dancing activities.

The Principality of Nord has laws first, but if more than ten people want to gather together, they must get permission from the police station.Of course, if the time is not long, the filing can be exempted, but if it is found that the gathering time is too long and there is no filing, the police station has the power to arrest and investigate.

Under such circumstances, even if there is no illegal intention, part of the fine will still be deducted. If the circumstances are serious, they will even be detained by security. The security detention place in the Principality of Nord is not a good place.

"Your Highness, we don't have much experience in organizing such programs..."

"You can contact Huaxia. I believe they are willing to cooperate with us. This is also an opportunity to deepen cooperation with Huaxia."

He took a deep look at the new director of Nord Royal Television. Although he had never dealt with Joseph, this glance made the director instantly understand what he meant, and nodded to show that he knew what to do.

1983 is coming to an end. As the Grand Duke of Nord, Joseph must inspect various government units. Nord Royal TV is only the first stop, followed by several important departments such as education, health, and the Royal Bank.

The GDP of the Principality of Nord in 1983 did not increase much, but it increased by about 60 billion euros compared to last year, and the annual GDP was close to 400 billion euros.

In fact, such an economy is unimaginable for some territorial powers in South America and Africa, but for Joseph, such a growth rate is far from satisfying him. There are Hong Kong and Singapore in the East, and what Joseph wants to do is to make the Nord Principality a Hong Kong and Singapore in the West.

The economy of the Principality of Nord should not have grown so slowly, but it was mainly a sequela brought about by the Euro system. Some intangible benefits were evaporated when the US dollar was converted into the euro. This is the case in all countries, so Joseph did not take it too seriously. .

Nord Royal Heavy Industries' income this year has also decreased slightly, mainly because Audi has experienced a little Waterloo. As the main core enterprise of Nord Royal Heavy Industries, its loss directly caused the stock of Nord Royal Heavy Industries to begin to fall. Fortunately, The drop rate is not high, and everything is still under control.

Nord Royal Heavy Industries also prevented Joseph from being the richest man in Europe. In fact, Joseph didn't care much about these false names, but he was a little disappointed.

Joseph has already given an order to Steward Abner. Starting next year (1984), the Nord Royal Family will begin to sell all the shares except Nord Royal Heavy Industries and Royal Bank.Of course, the main selling target is the government, and a small part will be sold to individuals.

Why did Joseph act like this?With the five-year tax holiday looming and royal taxes set in, it would be inappropriate to hold too many shares.Of course, this is actually a matter of left hand to right hand. What is the difference between these shares being returned to the government and still in the hands of Joseph?
Nord still needs to be built. It is convenient for him to get money from the treasury, but it is inappropriate for the treasury to take money from Joseph. For this reason, increasing the income of the treasury is also in line with the national conditions of the Principality of Nord.

Nord Cabinet Chamber

"Nord's main income this year is Royal Heavy Industries, but compared to last year, the proportion of Royal Heavy Industries has shrunk again, accounting for only 20.00%. The second is tourism, but now several royal islands have not yet been fully developed. , I believe that after several islands are fully opened, Nord’s tourism industry will usher in a peak period.”

James seems to be reporting to the cabinet members, but in fact, it is self-evident who the main target of his reporting is. The financial wealth of the Principality of Nord in 1983 was 70 billion euros, which is quite a terrifying figure.

Because it is related to the direction of economic construction in 1984, Prime Minister James must always pay attention to Joseph's face, hoping to see something from it.

"How is the current progress of Nuofa United Forest Park?"

"The funds are already in place, but it occupies a relatively large area and is expected to be completed in 1988. However, some places can be properly opened now, mainly the periphery."

Joseph understood what James said. Since he said this, he would definitely be able to ensure the safety of tourists in the periphery. If there is no safety issue, then there will be no other problems. Therefore, Joseph nodded without hesitation as agreeing to James' proposal.

"Next year's main scientific research direction will be placed on aviation and satellites, and the development of overseas islands will be placed second. Nord's economy has stabilized. Now what you have to do is try not to let the economic market go wrong."

This is Joseph's concluding remarks when he left, and it is also the final decision of this meeting. One sentence determines the main work of the cabinet government in 1984.

"Your Highness, the first generation of Apple computers has been completed, but we still have some hesitation about the operating system."

Not long after Joseph left, Minister of the Interior Smith caught up. Although Joseph was a little surprised that it was not Rupert but Smith who came over, he did not ask about this matter but asked about the computer system.

"Is there a problem with the system?"

"The current mainstream of personal computers is the BeOS system, and although our Windows technology has matured, it still lacks a certain degree of popularity compared to the BeOS system..."

"Just use Windows, maybe it will do wonders for us!"

Joseph smiled mysteriously. Although Smith was puzzled as to why Joseph was so confident, his contacts over the past few years had made him trust Joseph, so he agreed directly without saying anything more.

At this time, the System Research Office of the Nord Large-scale LAN and Personal Computer Research Center is studying two systems separately, one is the Windows used by the PC, and the other is the iPhone system on the mobile phone.

Of course, since it is still the era of big mobile phones, the iPhone system is still indefinitely delayed, and what is now only a studio shelf.

(End of this chapter)

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