Chapter 176

Seeing the old Taoist shaking the hexagram tube, a trace of surprise flashed in Chu Wei's eyes.

He remembered a report he had just read.

There is a detailed investigation about the old Taoist priest in front of him.

In the report, dozens of authoritative experts determined that this old Taoist priest had no extraordinary power.

what exactly is it?
He was puzzled.

At this moment, the old Taoist stopped the hexagram tube in his hand, and then placed five copper coins with the Three Emperors Tongbao printed on them in his palm.

The old Taoist glanced at what the copper coins were showing, and then shook the hexagram tube again without changing his expression.

In the main battle room, the atmosphere seemed very quiet.

Many staff members were secretly watching the old Taoist's actions from the corner of their eyes.

Beside the old Taoist priest.

God of Gamblers Gao Jin still maintained a faint smile.

Einstein, on the other hand, pondered and analyzed suspiciously.

After a while, the old Taoist finally stopped after checking the hexagrams six times.

He said solemnly: "For the third time, the old Taoist suggested using a scroll with a 15% success rate."

Hearing the old Taoist's suggestion, all the people present were very surprised.

I thought that the old Taoist priest would seek stability and proposed to continue to use scrolls with a 30% or 70% success rate.

The result was unexpected!
After all, they still don't believe in metaphysics!
They thought it must be the old man's luck just now, and they were right.

Among them, Einstein is the most so.

The suspicious look in his eyes never disappeared.

The old Taoist dared to propose using a 15% scroll for the third time.

It shows that there are mysteries that he doesn't understand, which makes the old man very confident and confident.

If it really works.

Then, this person is really proficient in the field of occultism.

Occultism, this is what they call it.

Although he was puzzled, Einstein was very educated and did not raise any doubts.

This world was no longer the world he knew.

the other side.

Su Ye actually suggested using a scroll with a 15% success rate for the third time when he heard the old Taoist priest.

For a moment, he hesitated, a little tangled.

To bet or not to bet! ?

On the one hand, he didn't fully trust the old Taoist priest in his heart, after all, he only won twice.

Did the old Taoist rely on tricks, or did he really use metaphysics.

He couldn't judge it at all, even Chu Wei didn't speak, which was enough to see.

on the other hand.

Su Ye is not a particularly courageous person, but he is not a particularly timid person either.

He's just a normal guy.

But normal people face gambling.

Generally speaking, the more you win from betting, the less courage you will become, because you are afraid of losing what you win.

On the contrary, the more you lose in betting, the more courageous you will become, because you are not reconciled and eager to win back what you lost.

As the saying goes, losing red eye is like this.

In the live broadcast room.

The audience in the Kingdom of Xia was surprised when they saw Su Ye's hesitant expression, and then guessed and analyzed the truth.

The old Taoist's third suggestion was probably a scroll with a 15% success rate.

"I think it's okay to use a scroll with a 70% success rate, or a 30% scroll, just be more stable, and it's enough to earn 15 once."

"I really don't know what I'm struggling with. Anyway, Doomsday Coin is very easy to earn, and there is no upper limit on the number of enhancements. Bet 15% and get it."

"The key is that the situation is different now. Lin Yunxi and the others are nearby, and a big battle is about to break out. We must be more cautious to obtain the maximum strengthening effect."

There was a lot of chatter in the live broadcast room.

And in the main war room.

The God of Gamblers Gao Jin suddenly stepped forward and came to the communicator.

He still maintained a calm smile, and said under the curious eyes of the others: "Su Ye, I know you are very conflicted now."

"Just like Schrödinger's cat, before you use the scroll, even with the previous two successful proofs, you still cannot 100% trust this old Taoist leader."

"Every suggestion he makes to you can only be proven right or wrong after you use the scroll successfully."

"So, you're terrified that you're going to fail next time."

"But this is normal. After all, one failure is equivalent to one successful elimination. Indirectly speaking, it is two failures."

Gao Jin paused for a while, then continued: "The situation you are facing now is too common in our gambling industry."

"Losing money because of an unstable mentality, every gambler has experienced it."

"So, any professional gambler has his own game mentality to help him stabilize his mentality."

"No matter what you do, mentality is very important."

"I have a self-created game mentality here that can help you and stabilize your mentality."

After the words fell, Su Ye's hasty voice came from the communicator, "Brother God of Gamblers, time is running out, and there are still many things to do, just talk about it."

Gao Jin didn't show any embarrassment at all, and continued to smile lightly: "In that case, I'll tell you the way of thinking later, and you can understand it slowly."

"Now, you just have to believe in one thing. Before the old Taoist fails, what he said must be right."

"With this as the core, no matter how extraordinary the old Taoist's suggestion is, as long as there is no first failure, you will follow it."

"This is my suggestion, think about it if you accept it."

After speaking, he took a few steps back and left the communicator.

God of Gamblers Gao Jin had just stood still when Su Ye's voice rang through the communicator.

"Daozhang, don't let me down!"

In the eyes of everyone, in the screen of the live broadcast room.

Just after Su Ye finished speaking, he immediately bought a 15% scroll and used it quickly.

A moment later, Su Ye's loud cry sounded in the main battle room.

"Daozhang, awesome!!!"

As the sound sounded, for a moment, everyone turned their eyes to the old Taoist priest.

And the old Taoist priest still had that fairy-like appearance, stretching out his hand to support his beard, unfathomable.

It's just that this appearance didn't last long, and Su Ye's voice continued to come from the communicator.

Immediately afterwards, the old Taoist priest had black lines all over his face.

"Awesome Taoist priest, what scroll to use next?"

This stinky boy!
The old Taoist cursed inwardly, and actually gave himself a nickname.

He didn't dare to say it out, this kid is now a national treasure, and if he spoke a little too aggressively, he might be invited to drink tea.

However, he still couldn't accept the nickname.

The thought of being exposed to the eyes of all mankind with this nickname.

Where is the majesty of Taoism?

What is the prestige of Taoism?

So, the old Taoist coughed and said, "Su Ye, my Taoist name is Master Xuxuan."

He was reminding Su Ye, don't bark!

"Okay, awesome real person!"


The next moment, many people in the main battle room subconsciously covered their mouths to hide their uncontainable smiles.

When you hear the words awesome.

The old Taoist priest kept chanting silently in his heart at this moment.

Can't move hands, can't move mouth.

Can't move hands, can't move mouth.


Qin Ying, who was standing behind Chu Wei, hurried forward to the old Taoist priest.

And took the opportunity to approach the old Taoist's ear and said: "Don't be angry, Taoist priest, Su Ye is still young, young man!"

"It's okay, it's a mere name, why!"

The old Taoist waved his hand, and picked up the hexagram tube again without seeming to care.

(End of this chapter)

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