Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 178 Taoism Shocking the World

Chapter 178 Taoism Shocking the World

There was a long silence again.

The old Taoist sighed, "I am justifying the name of Taoism."

"Buddhism is becoming more and more prosperous, and incense is everywhere, but my Taoism is full of stigma, and liars are added."

"Creating such a situation, I am ashamed of Sanqing, and the ancestors of Taoism!"

"You know, we are the native religion, and their Buddhism is just passed down from a foreign land!"

With a face full of unwillingness, he let out a long sigh.

"I just have such an opportunity this time. Naturally, I want to prove to the world that my Taoists are not liars who run amok in the streets, but a national religion that can give everything for this country and this nation."

"So, even if I do my best, I will die."

The old Taoist said in the end, his voice was sonorous and powerful, and he was extremely firm.

Chu Wei stared at him quietly for a while, then said, "I will write a detailed report on your request and submit it to the higher authorities."

"Based on the contribution you have made today, I believe that the country will take action soon and formulate relevant policies to deal with those liars who use the name of your Taoism."

"As for the life span you lost today, it's not impossible to make up for it."

"Make up for it?" The old Taoist froze for a moment.

I only heard Chu Wei say, "Elementary time coins."

The old Taoist understood instantly, and then asked doubtfully, "But he is in another world."

"But it's not 100% sure that he can't come back to our side, is it!?"

"It is."

The old Taoist nodded subconsciously, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

"There is another way, that is to wait for the life synchronization to appear, but this is just my guess, and I don't know whether this synchronization will be activated."

"But it's also an expectation, isn't it!"

For the old Taoist priest, Chu Wei would not let him pay in vain, even if his motive was for their Taoism.

But there is no problem with this motive at all, it is just human nature.

Furthermore, Su Ye received his help, indirectly speaking, it means that the people of the whole country received his help, this is an undeniable fact.

Of course, there is the most important point, that is, Chu Wei took a fancy to the old Taoist's metaphysics.

Although due to the cost of use, it needs to be used with caution.

But this is enough for the country to meet all the reasonable demands made by the old Taoist priests.

"Senior Colonel Chu, Su Ye's side is alright, you guys go there quickly!"

At the door of the main battle room, Qin Ying suddenly appeared, reminding the two of them.

"Let's put it this way first, let's go!" Chu Wei greeted the old Taoist who was still thinking, and walked into the main battle room.

In the main battle room, God of Gamblers Gao Jin watched the two walk in, thoughtful for a moment.

"Awesome Taoist priest, are you okay?"

Su Ye's worry came from the communicator.

When he learned that Chu Wei and the old Taoist had actually left for a while, he suddenly had some vague guesses.

It is very likely that the old Taoist priests will have to pay a considerable price for using metaphysics.

"Nothing, let's get started!"

Before Su Ye could ask again, the old Taoist urged him directly.

He didn't want Su Ye to worry.

This is his own decision.

He had thought clearly before coming here.

As the hexagram tube was shaken, there was the sound of copper coins colliding, and immediately, everyone's eyes showed anticipation.

In the room in the doomsday world, Su Ye had already prepared the starlight scepter, waiting for the advice of the old Taoist priest.

At the same time, he also used this fragmented time to open the live broadcast room to see how people across the country reacted.

"Does anyone know who the old Taoist priest who gave Brother Huohua the fortune teller is?"

"There are not many well-known Taoist priests in China, but there are a few. I think it should be Dongxuan Daoist from Zhongnan Mountain."

"Realist Dongxuan has too many negative comments. Many people say that he is not worthy of his name. I guess the country will not look for him!"

"Then it must be Hua Yangzi. After all, he is the president of the Taoist Association in China. It might be him."

"Let me make a bold guess. It is very likely that it is the first president of the Taoist Association, Master Xuxuan. However, he retired ten years ago, and I don't know if he is still around."


After watching the barrage for a while, Su Ye understood.

The awesome Daoist seems to have said just now that his dao name is Master Xuxuan!
It turned out that he was the first president of the Taoist Association.

In addition, Su Ye was surprised to find that the barrage was so harmonious, mainly for him.

All the opening and closing words I see now are all kinds of brothers, and the nicknames of the second middle school that I have seen before have disappeared.

Strange, when did the group of second-year teenagers become so sensible! ?
At this moment, a powerful Taoist voice sounded in his ear, interrupting his deep thinking.

"Su Ye, use the 15% scroll for the ninth time."

After a while, no one expected that the Starlight Scepter would be pressed on the scroll with a 15% success rate for the first time.

Although unexpected, it makes sense.

After a while, when they saw the happy expression on Su Ye's face again, everyone knew that it was a success again!
In the main battle room.

The old Taoist priest was recovering his energy and was not in a hurry to perform the next hexagram.

"If it's not limited to time constraints, Pindao can take into account many factors to calculate the hexagram, based on the right time, place and people, and it won't be like this now. You can only calculate what level of scroll to use next time to succeed."

The former's hexagram calculation refers to how 15% of the scrolls can succeed.

The latter's hexagram calculation refers to which scroll can be successful.

It is a pity that the old Taoist priest failed to achieve the best strengthening purpose.

"The awesome Taoist priest is already very good, at least he can succeed every time."

"Besides, there is no upper limit on the number of reinforcements anyway, so you can take the time to do it in the future."

Su Ye was quite impressed.

The two chatted for a few words, and after the old Taoist rested, he performed hexagram calculations again.

At the same time, Chu Wei on the side moved closer to Qin Ying's ear and said a few words.

After finishing speaking, Qin Ying's figure was seen leaving quietly.

After a long time, she quietly returned to Chu Wei's side with a document in hand.

And in the next time.

After Su Ye finished strengthening his star power.

The awesome Daoist priest thoroughly proved with facts that the metaphysics methods handed down by the ancestors are against the sky!

All successes, not a single failure!
"I'm really in awe now. It turns out that there really are hermits and masters in our country."

"Who isn't, this kind of metaphysical method that only exists in film and television dramas, novels and folklore actually really exists, my God."

"This is more terrifying than extraordinary power!"

"But I think there should be a considerable price to use. It is set like this in myths and legends."

"Stop talking, I'm going to be a Taoist priest, by the way, can a Taoist priest fall in love?"


It can be said that at this moment, in just ten minutes.


Shock the country, shock the world!
Shocked everyone!

In the main battle room.

Master Xuxuan looked a little tired at the moment, his complexion was slightly pale.

This is still a cover under his strong control, and he doesn't want the people around him to notice anything.

"Master Dao, the resting room is ready, let me take you there"

Qin Ying looked admiringly, and helped the old Taoist out of the room.

The two came to the aisle, and a voice appeared in front of the old Taoist priest and Qin Ying accompanied by a figure.

"Prince Xuxuan, please wait!"

The person who came was Gao Jin, the God of Gamblers.

"Daoist Master Xuxuan, I admire what you have done. I would like to donate some incense money to the Daoist Temple."

Through careful observation just now, Gao Jin also discovered the price of Daoist Priest's hexagram calculation.

Although I don't know exactly how much life was consumed, but it must be quite a lot.

"This is an unregistered bank check for [-] million, please accept it."

It is Gao Jin's habit to carry bearer checks with him.

Right now!
The old Taoist stared at him quietly for a while.

Seeing that his face was sincere, not pretentious, he said: "The old Taoist thanked the benefactor here."

"The old Taoist is feeling unwell, and the old Taoist will talk to the benefactor some other day!"


(End of this chapter)

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