Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 214 Did You Vote Today?

Chapter 214 Did You Vote Today?

"Look at the news, there are rewards for casting silver votes!"


All over the country, the extremely comprehensive coverage of voting reward rules has been promulgated.

1. Anyone who joins Su Ye's super fan group in the live broadcast room, shows the three voting records of the day, and enjoys a [-]% discount on online and real shopping, detailed rules.
2. When taking high-speed trains, trains, planes, ships, buses and other public transportation, show the members of the super fan group and show the three voting records of the day, all of which will enjoy a [-]% discount.

3. For student groups, as long as they show three voting records of the day, they can receive daily snack gift packs and vouchers for breakfast, lunch and dinner from the relevant departments of the school.

4. Voting reward offices will be set up in every rural town, and each social member can receive generous daily necessities with three voting records on the day.

5. Business owners can use their employees' daily voting records to deduct relevant taxes and fees.

As the village head and village secretary started to act, notifications were made door to door.

As the teacher called each student's home one by one to notify.

Follow the company bosses to call the employees one by one.

As the rules are known to more and more people.

For an instant.

The country began a fiery ballot operation.

"Did you vote today?"

It became the first sentence that everyone greeted after meeting.

And in Su Ye's live broadcast room, the cumulative number of bank notes was jumping up and down crazily at a number visible to the naked eye.


Su Ye has gradually figured out the approximate transmission fee.

The first is colorful eggs.

The delivery fee for the first-level colorful egg is 10 doomsday coins, the second-level is 50 doomsday coins, the third-level is 100 doomsday coins, and the fourth-level is 200 doomsday coins.

Followed by various items, in terms of quality, bronze corresponds to 10 doomsday coins, black iron corresponds to 50 doomsday coins, silver is 100, gold is 200, and platinum is 400.

After discussing with Chu Wei.

Su Ye teleported five level-[-] seven colored eggs.

Bronze-quality items such as various weapons, equipment, potions, scrolls, etc. have all been teleported to the past.

It also consumed about 300 doomsday coins.

This doesn't really matter to Su Ye.

As for how to send.

After Su Ye turned on the teleportation, a blue vortex would appear in front of him.

Put the item in the blue vortex, and Su Ye then enters the receiver's information from the main world.

In a certain room of the Modu Financial Building.

The room has been fully disinfected.

One of the staff members who was tightly wrapped in a chemical protective suit was waiting quietly.

Wait for something from the post-apocalyptic world to appear.

There are dangers, of course.

After all, it is an item of the doomsday world, and it is likely to carry biochemical viruses on it.

So as long as he completes this ticket, he will be rewarded with a suite in Modu.

The recipient that Su Ye filled in was his name and identity information.

As a blue vortex appeared out of thin air in the room, one after another, familiar and unfamiliar items were transmitted from the vortex and fell to the ground.

And the staff member was motionless.

He just needs to provide a positioning function.

These items are naturally the responsibility of relevant personnel.

However, he could not leave the room during this day.

This is a sealed biological and chemical-resistant room.

To isolate him is to wait and observe to see if he will turn into a zombie.

With the vortex off.

In the room, a pile of items were quietly placed on the ground.

There is no rush to study it, so let it go for now.

Wait for the quarantine to end.


Su Ye was listening to Chu Wei's plan about the gene lock activation plan of Hoshino Kanna and the three of them.

"As for Hoshino Channa, my idea is to use the materials from the Points Mall to fabricate a dummy who is exactly like you and can speak."

"The specific action is this."

"First of all, this talking dummy will suddenly appear in front of Hoshino Kanna and the three of them. He is seriously injured, has no hands or feet, and immediately warns them not to approach."

"Based on the fidelity of the dummy, if we don't look carefully and go through related studies, we analyze 90.00% of the three people and they won't see the problem."

"And then there's the logic of language."

"The first is the reason for your injury, directly push it to the evolution potion you obtained before."

"You just say that the quality of the evolution medicine is too high, and then you can't bear it, and the genes are facing collapse."

"The second is to deal with the details of the reasons why you don't let the three of you get close"

"The key to motivating her is, 1. Reminding her that only using the healing ability in the genetic lock state may save you, 2. How much do you have in her heart, and whether she will just watch you die."

Stay tuned for the full schedule.

With a solemn expression, Su Ye directly opened the Points Mall and began to purchase related materials.

A series of materials such as clay, plaster, mold, etc. appeared in front of him one after another.

According to the guidance from his ear, Su Ye started to act.

at the same time.

The Celestial Command Center issued a notice: "There will be a special plot in the future, please don't panic."

10 minute later.

The urgently produced dummy is released.

"No, there are still some flaws, not perfect."

Following the female voice next to his ear, Su Ye nodded and put away the dummy, and started making again.

in the live room.

"What is Brother Huohua doing?"

"It's a bit like a wax figure, why make his wax figure?"

"I don't know, maybe some plans will be launched?"

Another ten minutes later.

The second dummy is out.

"The eyes are a bit different from the nose. Let's do it again."


Su Ye continued to make the third dummy.

Another ten minutes later.

"There are still a few flaws, but it's okay."

Su Ye heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the answer in his ear.

Then, he bought related equipment and put it in the mouth of the dummy, which allowed the dummy to speak.

Looking at the dummy with only the main torso and no limbs in front of him, Su Ye continued to modify it.

Making a dummy is only the first step, being able to make it talk is the second.

The third step is to allow the dummy to perform subtle twists of the main torso and realistic facial expressions.

Then comes the fourth step, which is to apply makeup to the appearance of the dummy to make it look realistic enough for injuries.

The fifth step is to press the wings
More than 20 minutes passed.

After more than ten steps.

Su Ye took a long breath.

Finally finished.

Seeing the dummy in front of him was bleeding all over, with traces of black sand attached to its surface, and the slightly trembling flesh and blood nerves in the broken limbs.
For a moment, the audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

the other side.

Hoshino Kannai, Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui are basking in the sun.

On the three reclining chairs, Hoshino Kanna took out a bunch of snacks, and the three chatted while eating and drinking.

Right at this moment.

very suddenly.

A dead body fell from the sky.

Immediately there was a loud bang, and it fell ten meters away in front of the three of them.

When the three of them saw clearly that it was Su Ye.

For a moment, the three of them froze.

(End of this chapter)

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