Chapter 221 Her First Love
"Cute Chanel is still stealing food, I'm dying of laughter, haha."

"That's right, I think she's full, hahaha!"

"I'm also full of Su Ye and Tang Yi's dog food, hum~~"

"Shana, your boyfriend is going to be snatched away!"

in the eyes of the people.

On the left side of the live broadcast room are Su Ye and Tang Yi, who are flirting with each other for a drink.

On the right is Hoshino Kanna who keeps stealing food from the hot pot.

Let's not talk about this man and two women for now.

Chen Dongkui lay flat on the ground, and the empty bottle of Nongfu Spring was thrown aside.

He is thinking about life.

Thinking back to Su Ye's words just now.

For a moment, he was full of emotion and very happy.

Fortunately, I persevered.

In this last days, death is with everyone.

Just like the three medical students he had come into contact with before.

If you say die, you will die.

Only by holding tight to your thighs, following the right people, and possessing enough extraordinary power, can you survive better in this apocalypse.

He has a deep understanding.

Before the apocalypse broke out, I was for my wife's Audi and my son's Oreo!Desperate to make money.

After the doomsday broke out, I prayed for three months for God to appear and take me out of the desperate situation.

As a result, God did not come, but you did.

Now, I would like to follow in your footsteps to the top of the mountain.

Chen Dongkui looked aside from the corner of his eye, looked at Su Ye's appearance, and swore to himself.

But at this moment, Su Ye had finished feeding a bottle of water.

The right hand embraced and felt the soft and very elastic back of the girl.

He looked at her and blinked, and pressed his right hand, "Get up and eat, I'm hungry if you're not hungry."

"Su Ye, I really have no strength, I can't even move."

"Let me lie down for a while, I still want to drink water."

Her small face was blushing, her big beautiful eyes were blinking, and the slightest fragrance was spewed on Su Ye's cheeks along with her soft words.

She gave up the shameful thought just now, and now she just wants to prolong the posture that the two of them are maintaining at this moment.

Tang Yi never thought that after the apocalypse broke out, someone would walk into her heart and start her first love.

In her ignorant youth, she fantasized about all kinds of first love scenes.

It's just because of good family education and mother's ardent gaze.

She never dared to go beyond a step, to taste the forbidden fruit of Adam and Eve.

Now, first love, here comes!

So what if it's a third party.

At least, among compatriots, he and himself are a pair of CP.

After turning countless turns, she finally found the reason and completely eliminated the guilt in her heart.

Another request to Tang Yi.

Su Ye had no choice but to take out another bottle of Nongfu Spring to feed her.

"I bet ten packs of spicy strips, this bottle of water needs to be fed for at least 10 minutes."

"Where is 10 minutes enough, 15 minutes is the bottom line, and 10 minutes is not too much."

"Tsk tsk tsk, everyone doesn't need to eat lunch, are you full of dog food?"

"It's still a double serving, I vomited today, what a mother"

"Hoshino Kannai was already maddened by envy and jealousy, but now it's good, there is another Tang Yi."

"Taishang Laojun, awesome real person, help me figure out how to go to the end of the world, I really want to go!!"

the other side.

Tang Yi sipped the bottle, but never accelerated.

Those beautiful eyes looked at Su Ye from time to time.

Seeing that he didn't show any irritability and haste, his heart became more and more happy and happy.

Because this is not false and fleeting tenderness.

At this moment, Chen Dongkui on the right side of the two suddenly stood up.

The word Su Ye said just now made him feel hungry.

Tang Yi was startled by his sudden move.

After thinking about it, she took advantage of Chen Dongkui blocking Hoshino Kanna's view, rolled her eyes and quickly moved to Su Ye's mouth.
"Fuck, hot eyes!!!"

"It was reversed. It's so embarrassing, it's better to let me do it."

"It's the second time I took the initiative, and this sneaky behavior is exciting to me!"

"Participants are definitely more exciting!"

in the eyes of the people.

After a few seconds.

Tang Yi immediately stood up, and followed Chen Dongkui nonchalantly towards the dining table.

Su Ye looked at her back and was stunned for a moment, she seemed to have no strength! ?
Come to the dinner table.

Su Ye looked at the food on the table and felt much less.

She glanced at Hoshino Kanna suspiciously.

My heart suddenly became clear.

have eaten.

Su Ye looked at Tang Yi and Chen Dongkui, and first used colorful eggs for them, reaching the fourth-order zero-time strengthening level.

Then he began to discuss the choice of a second career change with the two.

The first is Tang Yi's second career branch.

A total of ten occupations are divided into two categories according to the use of weapons.

The first is bows.

The second is crossbows.

After deliberating for a while, Tang Yi chose the profession of Night Hunter.

Occupation comes with two skills.

1. Force of Night: Every shot at the same target will be injected with Force of Night, and every third attack will detonate the Power of Night accumulated in the target, and the Power of Night detonated in a single shot will take away part of the life of the target , ages the target.

2. Dodge Assault: Enter a short stealth state for one to two seconds, and the first shot after appearing will be accompanied by double night force.

Very powerful two professional skills.

Especially the Force of Night.

Then came Chen Dongkui.

He chose the profession of [The Roar of the Earth].

The category is, the main meat with some output.

Occupational skills are:
1. Earth Healing: When you are seriously injured and your feet step on the ground, you can get a steady stream of healing ability from Mother Earth, and the healing interval is one day.

2. Power of the Earth: When your feet step on the ground, your strength, stamina, and stamina will be boosted by Mother Earth's gift, increasing by 50.00%.

Uncle Chen Dongkui's duties are very simple.

Help fend off attacks on Hoshino Kanai and Tang Yi.

After the job transfer of the two of them was over, Su Ye then used the [-] apocalypse coins reserved for the two of them before to start upgrading and strengthening them.

First of all, the second job skills of the two should be matched in place.

Then there is the quality improvement of weaponry and thermal weapons.

After everything is done.

Tang Yi's combat effectiveness reached: 1311 points.

Chen Dongkui's combat effectiveness reached: 1033 points.

This is when attributes, skills, equipment, class weapons (excluding thermal weapons) are calculated.

Calculated under the same circumstances, Su Ye's combat power is nearly four times that of theirs.

After dealing with the two of them, Hoshino Kanna will follow.

From the fourth-level colorful egg that Su Ye absorbed when he was promoted to the fourth level, a second-turn scroll of the Holy Light Priest profession was opened for her to use directly.

Her profession does not exist in the Doomsday Coin Mall, so there are no branch professions to choose from.

Second-rotation Holy Light Priest profession comes with skills:
1. Mark of Holy Light: Apply a mark to the target, up to ten layers of marks can be superimposed. The mark can last for three days. The target can actively perceive and consume the mark of Holy Light. Each layer of mark will increase the target's wound healing speed by 300%.

2. Holy light binding: release a holy light towards the target area, the target hit by the holy light will be temporarily bound, and the binding time is determined according to the strength of the target.

The next step is to improve the quality of Hoshino Kanna's weapons and equipment just like before.

(End of this chapter)

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