Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 237 The Trade Storm Begins

Chapter 237 The Trade Storm Begins

Park Dong-seok walked back and forth in the free market.

As a second-hand dealer, the free market is a primary source of goods for him.

District A5 is a shopping street. A few days ago, he took out two months of savings and bought a store with [-] blue crystal cores.

This is equivalent to four or five third-level seven eggs.

He still has [-] blue crystal nuclei in his hand to use for capital circulation and revitalize the supply of goods.

I don't know if there will be any good things today.

Thinking to himself, he directly bypassed the booths of the Xintiandi Caravan, Women's Self-Help Association, Jinmen and other big forces, and began to observe and pay attention to the booths set up by the teams of superpowers.

Or those psychics who walk alone.

These people are often eager to sell all kinds of materials they have obtained in exchange for crystal nuclei or colorful eggs to buy supplies, and then continue to go out for adventure.

He relies on this to pick up leaks, or buy those items with higher value and special items at a lower price.

Then put it in your own shop in the A5 area for sale.

After the outbreak of the doomsday, the colorful egg system appeared, and there are countless types of materials that can be used by superpowers.

Park Dong-seok specializes in two types of materials, one is scrolls and the other is potions.

In this way, some superpowers don't want to waste time looking for them in the free market, so they can go directly to their own shops in A5 area to buy directly.

He will not add too much to the price. After getting the goods from the free market, he will put them in his own shop and sell them at an additional price of 30.00%.

After visiting the stalls of a few old acquaintances, he shook his head and left after a while.

Since yesterday's hunting order for Shura came out, many teams of superpowers have gone out to look for Shura.

This has also led to a lot less rare scrolls and potions in the market these days.

Isn't it just a bounty reward for ten four-level seven eggs.

It's better to do business safely, and I will make money sooner or later.

Walking helplessly, he came to booth No. 75 without knowing it.

Spark Chamber of Commerce?

The first time I heard it!
Is it the new base force caravan?

Only the base forces will call the Chamber of Commerce and send caravans to various survivor bases to start trade.

And the stalls set up by the team of superpowers will only be called the booth of the so-and-so team.

Glancing at the name on the sign, Pu Dongxi saw that two men and two women were busy, and before they put their things out, he hurriedly stepped forward to push away a few colleagues, and asked, "What products do you mainly sell?"

Su Ye didn't even look up at Pu Dongxi and said, "Except for the things opened in the colorful eggs, everything else is sold, only what you can't think of, there is nothing I can't sell."

This is his No.20 replying to the same content seven times.

However, he hasn't figured out the price yet.

Before setting up a stall, he walked around and observed the prices of various materials in this trading market.

Now waiting for the answer from the economic experts in the main world.

As for the group of people in their booth.

The main world has already observed and analyzed their identities.

A group of channel purchase merchants.

But this is even better, only this group of people have enough funds to eat his goods in a short time.

After all, he still has a lot of things to do, so he doesn't have time to slowly sell to those scattered superpowers.

I just don't know if this group of distributors are interested in the items in his points mall.

On the opposite side, after hearing Su Ye's answer, Park Dong-seok froze for a while.
What a big breath!
Big forces, big caravans!

Just don't know where it came from.

This time you can make a fortune.

Just showed an excited look.

Pu Dongxi gradually came to his senses.

and many more!

Except what came out of the colorful eggs?
He almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

What I want is what comes out of the colorful eggs!

Beside him, a colleague joked, "Old Pu, is this the first time you've seen such a caravan?"

"I've never seen it in my previous life!" Lao Pu snorted coldly, feeling that it was a waste of time, and was about to leave.

The next moment, he was attracted by the content written on a few signs displayed on the booth and stopped in his tracks.

After Su Ye heard the voice in his ear, he took out a few whiteboards and markers and started writing.

The first sign, in order to attract attention, has all kinds of fruits written on it, and it is written in brackets under the fruits: limited supply.

As for why the limited supply is written, it is because it is to avoid being suppressed by this group of merchants.

It indicated that the fruit was limited, but in fact, Su Ye could sell as much as he wanted.

Anyway, I don't plan to do business here for a long time, just make a fortune and leave.

So after discussing with the main world, it doesn't matter whether the market is full or not.

On the contrary, just like the diamonds in the main world, on the surface, rare things are more expensive, and you can earn more by selling them slowly.

Put the sign on the table.

He started writing on the second small whiteboard.

Su Ye bowed his head to write, but never thought that after the fruit whiteboard was displayed, a group of distributors in front of the booth were shocked.

The word is still the same word.

But in the face of the fruit, a group of people are not calm.

Only the rich and powerful in Area A1 occasionally enjoy fruits, but there is a limited supply here?

Although, there are occasionally a few low-quality fruit cards appearing in the free trading market.

But it will soon be taken away by the three major forces in the base and provided to the high-level enjoyment.

Therefore, for middle- and lower-level power users and ordinary humans, fruits are not only scarce, but also priceless.

Even if you are lucky enough to get a fruit card from the colorful eggs, who would be willing to eat it?

"I am not wrong, right?"

"Last time, in order to eat bananas, the goddess Song Ji Hyo in the A1 area announced the price of a third-level colorful egg to buy a banana fruit card."

"Song Ji Hyo?"

"Big star Song Ji Hyo?"

"Yes, but she just passed by here and left after a short stay."


A group of people were amazed and discussed, and then saw a second whiteboard erected on the booth,

"Siba, it's actually cigarettes and alcohol! Do you even have this?"

"I understand, their caravan is specialized in the luxury industry."

"Oh, it's not unusual to come here like this."

This group of distributors often contacts caravans, but they know that some caravans travel around the major bases, buying and selling.

This spark caravan probably bought luxury goods such as fruits, cigarettes, wine, etc. from other bases, and then came here to sell them.

Behind Su Ye.

Tang Chenxuan was bored in every possible way, waiting for his brother-in-law to finish the business quickly, and then took him there.

By the way, there are also dimensional game consoles.

I came here a few days ago, and I ran out of entry tickets for the junior game, and I don't know if my brother-in-law has any.

Talk to him later, buy it if you don't have one, and then lead me to win a few hands.

While thinking about it, he was gradually attracted by what Su Ye wrote on the whiteboard.

Fruits, cigarettes, drinks, clothing, jewelry, daily necessities.
After a while, he couldn't help asking: "Brother-in-law, did you run a department store before?"

(End of this chapter)

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