Chapter 240 Jiang Yubing

main world.

A middle-aged man in a suit hurriedly rang the office of the director of the National Security Bureau, and the beating sound was very rapid and non-stop.

"Please come in!"

The middle-aged man in a suit quickly came to the desk and handed him a document in his hand.

Along with it is a mobile phone displaying screenshots.

"It's Lao Li, what's the matter?"

"Director, did you watch the live broadcast just now?"

"I'm busy and don't have time to read, what's wrong?"

The middle-aged man in a suit, that is, Lao Li, quickly pointed to a woman beside Lin Yuner and said, "Through a detailed face comparison, it's no surprise that she is the agent we sent to Bangguo to carry out the mission last year."

"Her real name is Jiang Yubing, and her code name is Bingyu."


Five years later!
In an instant, the director picked up the phone immediately after realizing it.

Flipping through the document for the first time, after the call was connected, he quickly said, "Hi, old He, I am"

10 minute later.

He Zhengwei walked into the main battle room in a hurry.

Pulling Chu Wei aside, he quickly stuffed a document in his hand into the opponent's hand, "Look quickly."

"On our side, the purpose of the task given to her in the current timeline is to obtain detailed information about the deployment of the 'Satan' anti-missile system by the United States in the country."

"I don't understand why she is still in the country five years later."

"Our analysis here shows that with her infiltration strength, she will be able to obtain relevant information in at most two years."

"You have a quick mind, help me analyze and analyze."

"Guoan is also waiting."

Chu Wei looked at it quickly with a solemn expression, and then said, "Three possibilities."

"First, the tasks performed in the current timeline are relatively difficult, far exceeding the two years you expected, which in turn caused her to stay in the stick country."

"Second, she obtained information, but did not reveal herself, so you assigned her a new task."

"Thirdly, she was instigated to rebel, so she stayed in the country of sticks, but this possibility is not high."

He Zhengwei immediately asked, "Why not high?"

"We usually carry out assassination operations for those who are instigated! She should know this."

"So if she is really instigated, she won't have to change her appearance. You must know that plastic surgery is very easy in Bangguo."

"Or, does she look down on our assassination agents?"

Without waiting for He Zhengwei to ask another question, he continued: "As for why I raised the third possibility, it is because it cannot be ruled out that after she was instigated, the doomsday broke out, and it was too late for plastic surgery."

After listening to Chu Wei's analysis, He Zhengwei nodded thoughtfully, then walked away quickly.

For the rest, he doesn't need to say, Chu Wei will explain the situation to Su Ye, and then contact her.

Doomsday world.

In front of the booth.

"Handsome, does this eyeshadow look good on me?"

"This lotion is too thick, it's not good."

"Handsome guy, does this perfume smell better or the one just now?"


Su Ye faced Lin Yun'er with a half-hearted smile.

If it weren't for Chu Wei's voice in his ear, telling him that the female superhuman next to Lin Yun'er was actually an agent of the motherland.

He was already impatient.

What's wrong with your good looks?
Good-looking, men have to depend on you?

Is it Tang Yi who is worse than you or Chanel who is worse than you?

But Tang Chenxuan was the one with the most enthusiastic attitude. He would immediately respond to what Lin Yuner said.

Su Ye glanced at Jiang Yubing beside Lin Yuner from time to time.

On the lens of his left eye, the attribute strength data is: third-order secondary enhancement, combat power 401.

And according to the biased analysis of attributes, she is likely to be an output profession.

Either an assassin or a shooter or something.

After a while.

Lin Yuner led a group of people away with a pained face.

Facing a bunch of fruits and cosmetics, Su Ye charged her a sky-high price.

One is special treatment for special customers!

Furthermore, where can you find the cosmetics and fruits that you can choose in the last days?

Although she had a distressed face and bargained with Su Ye coquettishly, she still bought these things in the end.

I don't know who the father behind her is.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to report their names, and then the famous donors from Bangguo drifted past one by one.

"Xiaoxuan, come here!"

Su Ye waved to Chen Xuan, and then whispered in his ear: "Go and inquire about Lin Yun'er's relevant intelligence."

Tang Chenxuan's heart tightened immediately when he heard the words, and then he became furious.

This LSP!

Is a beautiful woman you want, right?

What the hell!

What the hell, you don't even give me soup!
"Don't worry, I'm not what you think"

"As long as you get things done well, wait a minute. I'll give you whatever you want in the things I sell, and I won't charge you."



"it is good!"

Seeing Tang Chenxuan's leaving back, Su Ye smiled and showed his white teeth, looking at the next shopper.

"Hello, what do you want?"

"Bring me a Yamaha generator and washing machine."

After Tang Chenxuan left, Chen Dongkui took over Tang Chenxuan's duties to maintain order.

A whole morning.

Su Ye spent such a happy and busy life.


Su Ye took out the loudspeaker: "Everyone, I'm sorry, the items are sold out. When we come over next time, you are welcome to come again."

Looking at the two or three shoppers scattered in front of the booth, they left disappointed.

He couldn't wait to take out three luxury set meals and handed them to Hoshino Kanna and the others, "You guys will have lunch soon, I will check and receive the goods first."

After perceiving the crystal nucleus and colorful eggs in the space ring.

Su Ye laughed from ear to ear.

"This is a smile that makes a fortune!"

"Fuck, brother Huohua, hurry up and make me happy too."

"The yin and yang flowers are blooming brilliantly, hahaha"

In his space ring.

Level 398 colorful eggs: [-] pieces

Level 164 colorful eggs: [-]

Level 32 colorful eggs: [-] pieces

First-order white crystal nuclei: 2846

Second-order green nuclei: 1458

Third-order blue crystal nuclei: 551

The crystal nucleus is the total result of adding the original quantity.

Through yesterday's communication with Tang Chenxuan's team, Su Ye knew that there were shops opened by three major factions in Area A5.

Crystal nuclei can be used to exchange 10:1 for colorful eggs of the corresponding level.

If you don't exchange it, you can only take the crystal core to the egg machine for a lottery draw.

Draw ten crystal nuclei once.

However, Su Ye didn't want to waste this time to draw a lottery.

As for the direction of using this wealth.

"I suggest you go to other stalls and street shops, mainly to buy gene enhancement potions, scrolls of special occupations and skills that are not available in the mall, and healing potions."

"Anyway, you can buy things that are not available in the mall at your own discretion."

"The feeding priority of your wings, I think it's better to be at the bottom. For now, consider building an army of superpowers in the main world."

"what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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