Chapter 274
In a room of the embassy.

A couple who looked like foreign students were arguing.

The girl kept crying and talking.

"Chen Jun, why don't you go?"

"We finally came to the embassy after a lot of hardships."

"As a result, the call-up order was just issued today, and you are going to participate."

Listening to the girl's voice, Chen Jun was silent for a long time, and then said slowly:

"I have had a dream since I was a child, to be a soldier to defend our country."

"It turned out that in the third year of high school, I couldn't be selected because of flat feet."

"I was decadent for a long time, and then repeated for a year, and finally came here to study abroad and met you."

"Yang Wei"

"Stop talking!" Yang Wei roared, patting him continuously, "You said you would take me back to China, you saved me when I was desperate, you gave me hope woo woo woo."

Chen Jun hugged her, "Forgive me, the country, there is a country first, and then a family. Now the base is facing a crisis. I am obliged to participate, and to fulfill my dream when I was there."

"When I come back, Yang Wei, let's go back to China together, and then I will marry you, we will get married and have children."

Wiping the tears from the girl's face, he solemnly made a promise.

The embassy office building, Tang Guohao's office.

"How's the situation?"

"As of now, among the Xia country compatriots who have returned to the embassy in the past week, more than 800 young people have joined the Extraordinary Legion."

"Among them, there are 452 superpowers and 351 young ordinary people."

"It's too late to train them. We can only break them up and reorganize them into various organizational systems."

"what do you think?"

Tang Guohao pondered for a while, "Hurry up and train, one less death will be one."

"Did the intelligence department come to a conclusion?"

"No, the [-] soldiers who carried out Project Asuka have just been sent out. Only when their plan is completed can they estimate the approximate arrival time."

"However, two days should be fine."

"Okay, then hurry up these two days, vigorously publicize the seriousness of the situation, and absorb those superpowers who have not yet joined the legion in the base."

"Ambassador, there is one thing."

Seeing Ren Hongfeng's tangled look, Tang Guohao joked, "Speak frankly, this doesn't resemble your personality at all."

Ren Hongfeng breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "What about those second generations?"

"In the afternoon, Director Xu went to find them, but they didn't even open the door."

"You know, the dozen or so of them are all third-order superpowers. It would be a pity if they let them go."

Hearing Ren Hongfeng mention this, Tang Guohao's expression changed slightly.

This group of second-generation elders are all on the same level as him in China, and some are even higher than him.

Since the doomsday erupted.

Although these second generations were in the base, they did not do anything harmful.

But he also turned the end into a paradise, eating and drinking well every day, or going to a different-dimensional game console to play games or play with women.

This is also the reason why he sent Tang Chenxuan out. If he hangs out with this group of people every day, he will be abolished sooner or later.

"By the way, does Tang Chenxuan have any news?"

It was only then that Tang Guohao remembered that this kid had been out for a long time.

I don't know what happened to my daughter.

It stands to reason that if I reminded her in advance, there should be no problem.

"No, the communicator in the intelligence department has never rang." Ren Hongfeng shook his head, "I hope I can come back in the next two days, this will also give me more strength."

"Hey, we are facing an unprecedented crisis this time, let's work together to tide over the difficulties."

"Unfortunately, after the apocalypse broke out, the entire country was blocked by a light curtain, and the country could not be contacted."

"Otherwise, let the country fly a few hundred Dongfeng missiles to this side, and see if they can."

"A tiny country dares to send out a large army to attack us with just a hint of doubt."

Ren Hongfeng sighed inwardly when he saw that he avoided his own request for instructions and did not answer directly.

Those second generations seem to have nothing to do with them.

"Then I'll get to work first, Ambassador!" He greeted and left the office.

Northwest of the embassy base.

Near Deoksugung Palace.

Under the afterglow of the setting sun, a large group of superpowers from the modern plutocratic forces are clearing up the battlefield.

Just now, they successfully surrounded and killed two fourth-order mutant creatures in Deoksugung Palace.

"It is estimated that in one and a half days, we will be able to arrive at the embassy of Xia Guo."

The one who spoke was Song Minji, the leader of this super army.

"Just now I have contacted forces in several other directions, and they are about the same time. However, in the current form, only the southwest direction of the embassy is not surrounded by troops."

"This is a gap. What if they escape from the southwest?"

Hearing the deputy's question, Song Minji smiled slightly, "Think carefully about what they have in the southwest!"

The deputy looked thoughtful, and it took a while to realize, "I remembered, the National Zoo."

Song Minji nodded, "That's right, there is a national zoo blocking that direction, and they are looking for death if they flee there."

It has been more than three months since the doomsday broke out.

He couldn't even imagine what kind of terrifying species evolved in the zoo.

"Hurry up, if you encounter a terrorist presence, then go around, our primary goal is to reach the embassy first."


the other side.

Su Ye stared solemnly at the images detected by the drone.

They had just crossed the bridge and entered Mapo Road, Taohuadong.

According to the route from Chu Wei, we only need to pass through Xiaochang Park, Wenpei Children's Park, enter Seoul Road, and then bypass the National Zoo.

Estimated travel time, three hours.

Of course, this is under the condition of a smooth and unimpeded journey.

In the picture, in the ruins of the ruined city.

The first grid, the blood-stained zebra crossing, is showing a cat-like mutant wandering around.

It is as big as two tigers.

The hair is golden, and the claws on the limbs are extremely sharp, scratching the concrete floor is like scratching tofu.

The second square screen shows a big black-haired spider, which is one meter high by visual inspection, and the eight spider legs are more than three meters. The whole body is dark black, and the mouth trembles slightly, making the scalp numb.

In the third grid, in a large supermarket.

A group of green and huge mosquitoes were flying in and out.

The smallest green mosquito is half a meter long, and the straw on the head is like an iron needle.

Under the in-depth observation of the drone, the one-meter-long giant mosquito leader appeared in the eyes of all mankind.

(End of this chapter)

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