Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 276 Let's Sleep Together Tonight, Okay?

Chapter 276 Let's sleep together at night, okay?

"Oni-chan, let's sleep together tonight, okay?"

In the master bedroom of the suite.

Hoshino Kana embraced Su Ye like an affectionate, coquettishly whispering in his ear.

This scene stunned the audience in the main world.

"Hearing this, it seems like we slept together yesterday."

"You pay attention to the bed in the room, damn it, I just realized that the bed sheets have been changed."

"It's a real hammer. Yesterday Chanel had a relationship with Spark, and changed from a girl to a woman."

"Oh my god, my brain hurts!"

"My Chanel, it's just gone, woo woo woo."

"Fans turn black, from now on I will only love Tang Yi."

"Me too, +1!"

"Nimma, the two started kissing again."

"I'm here to see the cruel and real side of the doomsday, not to see you two throwing dog food."

"The doomsday painting style has been transformed into an urban emotional drama by Brother Huohua."

Su Ye parted from her lips, but did not make any further movements. After all, the live broadcast was still on.

Happened since yesterday.

This girl has become very clingy, and I don't know why.

He doesn't understand.

After seeing Su Ye's agreement, Hoshino Kana immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there was a relationship yesterday, but also because of this, during the honeymoon period she thought of these few days, Su Ye must be locked up.

Don't give Sister Tang an opportunity.

In the past few days, Su Ye belonged to her alone.

Not only that, but also to prevent him from touching Sister Tang.

How to prevent it?

Just like just now, sleep together at night and let him pay the public food.

At this moment, Su Ye felt the RV stop for the second time.

Just wondering what happened, Chen Dongkui's voice came over the intercom: "Captain, there is a female survivor. Tang Chenxuan picked her up in the car."

"Okay, I see, move on."

After replying, Su Ye picked up the monitoring tablet, looked at the screen on it, and thought for a moment.

Outside, while the young man was leaving, Caiying quickly took out the walkie-talkie and whispered a few words, then put it away.

the other side.

The boss immediately shook his spirits when he heard the voice from the walkie-talkie, "Everyone, get ready, there is only a young man in the caravan besides the driver."

"According to the previous routine, this time the RV will be a little bigger and thicker. We will definitely succeed."

"Boss, don't worry!" One of the younger brothers replied, and then a group of people started to move quickly.

One kilometer ahead of the road ahead of the armored caravan.

Next, I saw that the group of them had their own division of labor.

Some took nylon ropes, some set up roadblocks and traps on the road, and some took out hot weapons
"Boss, everything is almost ready."

"Let's get started. If we can't deal with them, then we'll separate and run away. We'll meet up again when he drives away."

"There has been no vehicle for more than half a month. It is rare to meet. The big guy must go all out to treat it."

"Boss, don't worry, this dog's life is so boring, besides playing with women, he is about to throw up playing with women."

"The key is nothing new, I hope there are women in this RV."

"Don't worry, when I enjoy it, I will give it to the brothers in turn."

"Boss is wise!"

Inside the RV.

Tang Chenxuan gently opened the door of his cousin's room, glanced at it, and saw that his cousin was lying on the bed reading a book, so he thought about it and pulled it back.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and tapped lightly on the door of his brother-in-law's room.

"What's the matter? Want to ask me to keep that woman?"

The door opened, and Tang Chenxuan sneered at his brother-in-law's playful gaze, "No, brother-in-law, I made a major discovery and wanted to report the situation to you."


"tell me the story!"

Su Ye let him in and waited for him to follow up.

"Brother-in-law, that woman may be cheating."

"First of all, I gave her something to eat. She ate at a leisurely pace. She didn't look like a difficult survivor at all. On the contrary, she didn't lack food."

"Then she smelled of perfume."

"A survivor, it has been more than three months since the end of the day, and he still smells of perfume on his body."

Listening to Tang Chenxuan's analysis, Su Ye nodded, with a flash of approval in his eyes.

"Look, there is a group of people ahead who are ready and waiting."

Su Ye handed him the tablet.

"Fuck, it's exactly what I guessed."

"Brother-in-law, what should we do?" Tang Chenxuan cursed angrily, then put the tablet beside him.

As for Hoshino Kanna who was on the side, he completely ignored it.

I'm afraid that if I take a look, I will be humanely destroyed by my brother-in-law.

"It's up to you to deal with it, are you confident?"

"Guaranteed to complete the task, I will let them taste the power of the blast."

"Okay, after you go out, go to the opposite side and call your cousin over, we will have hot pot at night."

"Whether you can catch up with the hot pot depends on your speed of action."

Seeing his brother-in-law take out a small table and related tableware and ingredients, Tang Chenxuan swallowed.

The hot pot is still spicy, what the hell, I haven't had it for a long time.

Turning around quickly and leaving, he planned to make a quick decision.

"Ouba, are you ready?" Caiying immediately asked when Tang Chenxuan came out.

"Busy your mother!" Tang Chenxuan stepped forward and slapped him with a big mouth.

The force was so great that Caiying's fan was knocked out directly.

Immediately afterwards, he carried the woman to the terrace, after the RV approached the place where the group of people were ambushing.

According to the picture he saw on the tablet before, he aimed at a building on the side of the road and pressed the Gatling trigger.

As the strong metal storm bombarded the wreckage wall, the humans hiding behind were instantly torn apart.

"Brothers, run!"

Tang Chenxuan smiled ferociously, lifted Caiying and jumped off the caravan, then shot her in the head, and then quickly chased after the fleeing superpower.

ten minutes later.

Su Ye, who was acting as a food broadcaster, saw Tang Chenxuan walking in with a brisk pace.

"Brother-in-law, there is something wrong, I'm not sure, why don't you go and have a look?"

Su Ye glanced at him in surprise, then nodded, put down his chopsticks and followed him out.

After getting out of the RV, Tang Chenxuan brought his brother-in-law to a cage.

"Brother-in-law, these women were imprisoned here by the prisoners who escaped from the prison just now."

"There are two already tortured insanity, these goddamn dogs."

Su Ye looked at a group of women with terrified faces and trembling bodies, and sighed.

He shook his head, "We can't take them with us."

"No one knows what dangers will be encountered in the next trip, and bringing them is equivalent to adding a group of fetters."

"Brother-in-law, you are so powerful, what are you afraid of?"

Su Ye glared at him, "I'm not inflated yet, you're already flying?"

"How much do you know about this doomsday?"

"For more than three months, how do you know if there is any powerful terror?"

"How do you know that we won't encounter mutant creatures that we can't defeat?"

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong!"

"Clean them up, give them some food and enough compressed rations, and let them go to the High School Survivors Alliance base along the way we came."

"That's right!" Tang Chenxuan's eyes lit up immediately, "We have cleared the road when we came here, now we are on our way, and we should be able to arrive before dawn."

"But they are too weak."

"Give each of them a bottle of first-order genetic enhancement potion, and that's enough."

"Brother-in-law is awesome!"

(End of this chapter)

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