Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 292 Killing Tiger King Instantly

Chapter 292 Killing Tiger King Instantly
next second!
Su Ye's old routine, a teleportation flashed onto Tiger King's back unexpectedly.

But he never thought that the Tiger King was already prepared.

After seeing the bird man, he suddenly disappeared.

It immediately looked around, then flicked its long tail towards its back.

There are no left and right, it is only above.

The tiger king's eyes were fierce, reflecting the mighty aura of the forest overlord. His bloody mouth opened to the extreme, and the tiger roared again.

Immediately afterwards, it felt a shock from the tiger's body.

Then a tearing feeling that was several times more painful than before came from the back.

In the eyes of everyone in the world.

The thunder gun containing more than 250 million blatantly inserted into the tiger's back, crushing its back spine, and directly submerged two-thirds of it.

The corner of Su Ye's mouth grinned slightly, and then he quickly flapped his wings to raise the altitude, in case it was about to die and counterattack.

"Unfortunately, it will soon say goodbye to this world."

"What's the pity?"

"It's a pity that its tiger penis, tiger bone, tiger skin, tiger"

"It makes sense, especially the first one, great supplement!"

"Brother Huohua, see if you can keep the tiger whip, and use it when you come back."

"What's the meaning of this?"

"The Love of Fireworks!!!"

"Cure Kidney Deficiency, No Sugar"

In the discussion of everyone in the live broadcast room.

The thunder gun exploded.

In an instant, the Tiger King's entire body burst into extreme light.

Countless arcs surged crazily on the surface of his body.

In just a few seconds.

The white light in everyone's eyes gradually dissipated.

A pure black crystal nucleus appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Wow, it's gone, it's a crystal nucleus of a new color."

"It's always a bit awkward. It would be great if it died just like flying creatures and mutated plants."

"I think so. The number of mutant zombies and mutant creatures is far more than that of flying creatures and mutant plants."

"Under the unknown rule setting, in order to balance the human enhancement system relative to other species, the first two only drop crystal nuclei."

"Pay attention to balance in front of Brother Huohua? Hehe, rat simmering juice!!"

Su Ye put away the pure black crystal nucleus, and then quickly chased forward.

Inside the cab of an armored motorhome.

"Dongkui, you can turn around now. Make a turn. If you drive straight ahead like this, you will continue to alarm those mutant creatures."

As soon as Gao Hongtao finished his words, he felt a sudden jolt from the RV.

In an instant, the faces of the two changed drastically.

You know, a caravan weighs dozens of tons.

There are mutant creatures that can shake the RV.

Through the display screen, Chen Dongkui and Gao Hongtao saw an obese zombie as tall as a four or five-story building sitting on the right side of the RV.

"Quickly, turn left and go back. This is an unknown area explored by five people. If you continue to drive forward, more and more mutant creatures will chase us."

Just as Gao Hongtao yelled, Chen Dongkui turned the steering wheel violently to the left, and then a huge inertia struck.

Fortunately, the weight of the RV is here, so it won't roll over.

In the rear, the roof top of the RV is in the open air.

The sound of heavy weapons never stopped.

"Miss sister, give me milk quickly, and some more holy light shields."

Tang Chenxuan slashed at a mutant mantis that was about to climb up, but he couldn't leave the slightest trace on its green knife arm.

The streamer flickered, and the 1.5-meter-long mutant mantis, with its huge sickle-like arms, flashed past.

The next moment, Tang Chenxuan's armor shattered into two pieces.

At this moment, Tang Yi quickly turned the muzzle of the Gatling gun, aimed at the knife-arm mantis, and blasted it down with the thrust of the bullet.

"Are you okay!?"


Needless to say, Tang Yi, several marks of holy light were superimposed on Tang Chenxuan's forehead between the brows.

Under Hoshino Chana's feet, there was already a pile of empty bottles of mana recovery potion, which kept swaying as the car moved forward.

"Oni-chan is here, let's hold on for a while."

After the words fell, everyone looked at the bright white light shining in the distance, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The car just turned a corner, turned left and approached Su Ye.

And a group of chasing insects didn't know how to take a shortcut, so they also made a big bend behind the rear of the RV.

Su Ye looked at the battle ahead.

There are still 3 minutes left for the potion of mana enhancement recovery potion just now.

After thinking for a moment, he had an idea to attack.

A few minutes later, the RV broke through buildings and passed Su Ye up and down.

The next moment, a Thunder Beast emerged violently, then landed on the ground, roaring and rushing towards the swarm.

At the same time, a large net-shaped thunder cage made of lightning appeared one hundred meters away.

All the mutant creatures, zombies, and swarms chasing the caravan were covered.

In the blink of an eye, the Thunder Beast slammed into the first knife-armed mantis.

next second.

At the moment of lightning and thunder, the Thunder Beast detonated loudly, turning into thunder snakes and spreading within a range of two to 300 meters nearby.

Under everyone's gaze, all kinds of mutated insects, mutated fat zombies, and mutated creatures stopped in an instant.

Being roamed all over his body by the Thunder Snake, his whole body was trembling uncontrollably.

In just a few breaths, Su Ye released two skills one after another.

But only five seconds later, his mana was full again.

Hovering in mid-air, Su Ye slowly flapped his wings and stretched out his right hand.

At his fingertips, a lightning bomb suddenly appeared, and it became bigger and bigger.

Guide the thunder elements to gather, and condense lightning bombs to attack.

The next moment, as Su Ye swung his right hand, one after another thunderbolts continued to shoot at those mutant lives who hadn't fallen to the ground like bullets.

The thunderbolt was released.

Don't stop!

The lightning chain was released immediately.

"The mage is on the hook, and the skills are unlimited."

"Brother Huohua is too cruel, but I like it, ahaha!"

"It's too miserable, they were swept away infinitely by Brother Huohua's thunder-type skill storm."

"It's cool to open and hang for a while, and it's always cool to keep on and hang."

"It's just too much doomsday coins. If you want to enter this state, you must at least drink a bottle of 30-star enhanced blue-returning potion."

Just then, the RV stopped.

Everyone was looking at the figure in mid-air, slaughtering the mutant life that had just chased them.

But Chen Dongkui shouted from the intercom: "That giant crocodile just caught up."

Tang Yi and the others froze for a moment, then looked closely.

The body of the giant crocodile that was left far behind by the Goryeo tiger just now appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Turn around and drive towards the captain."

On the other side, Su Ye was holding a 30-volt thunder gun to knock down fat zombies in seconds.

In a blink of an eye, he saw the RV driving towards him, and the giant crocodile chasing him.

With a cold snort, he flew towards the giant crocodile, the thunder gun condensed again, and at the same time observed the data that appeared on the lens of his left eye.

It is a mutant creature with sixth-level attribute strength.

The effect of strengthening recovery is still there, just a few breaths.

The lightning gun with a value of 50 volts has been accumulated in his hand.

Swooping towards the giant crocodile, with the thunder gun stabbing, it detonated.

A moment later, a purple crystal nucleus fell into Su Ye's hands again.

(End of this chapter)

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