Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 300 Did you vote?boom!

Chapter 300 Did you vote?boom!

"He has made a decision, he can go there."

"Okay, I see, I will arrange for countries to vote immediately."

"You tell him to wait."


He Zhengwei hung up the phone, took out his mobile phone and looked at the number of votes in the live broadcast room: 1964 billion tickets.

That's 36 billion tickets short.

Then all countries in the world act together, and the number of tickets can reach 2000 billion in a short period of time.

Putting down the phone, he continued to make calls.

"Hey, my old man, arrange people to go down, no matter what means are used, at all costs, let the local governments immediately arrange personnel to let all the people vote"

at the same time.

A notice from the Astronomical Command Center was sent to the heads of governments of various countries.

West, America.

Virginia, in a certain city,

"Damn it, you still toss us in the middle of the night."

"No way, the boss personally issued an order. If anyone does not implement it, he will be arrested and imprisoned for crimes against humanity. Do you want to bear the consequences?"

"Go ahead, by the way, the notification document just said that those who don't vote will be directly killed, right?"

"Well, that's right, but it's best to only target black people. If it's white people, I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome."

During the conversation, two fat white policemen walked out of the police station.

A moment later, a police car roared down the street.

"The two of us are responsible for this block, so let's start here."

Stepping out of the police car, two white police officers immediately stopped a black man who had just walked over.

"Hey buddy, please get out your phone and let me see if you voted today."

Fear flashed in the eyes of the muscular black man, and when he saw the police calling him, he immediately raised his hands.

After listening to the words of the two white policemen, he immediately put his hand into his arms again.

In an instant.

The two white policemen immediately shouted nervously, "Take your hands out, or I'll shoot you."

Shouting, the two white men immediately pulled out their guns and pointed at the black man.

"Take out your hands, put your head in your hands, hurry up, I'll count to three."

The black man is confused, didn't you let me hold the phone?

One of the white men immediately stepped forward and restrained the black man.

Kneel it down on the ground.

Pointing a gun to his head, "Say, do you have a gun in your arms?"

"NONONNO, no."

The white policeman took out his mobile phone, "Quick, unlock it for me, and then vote."

Black people continue to be confused, I put my head in my hands and then I was pressed by you, how do I unlock it, how do I vote?

"Quick, or I'll shoot!"

"Three, two, one!"


After a gunshot.

"He refused to vote!"

"Shoot to death according to the law!"

The two white policemen looked at each other, smiled, and then took out the walkie-talkie and said something.

It's just that the two never imagined that a huge storm would sweep across the United States because of the death of this black man.

Such a scene, at this moment, is being staged all over the United States.

But most of the victims were black.

"Did you vote?"

"No vote!"





clap clap clap!
"Open the door!"

"Community sends warmth."

"What's wrong, brother?"

"Take your phone out."


"See if you voted today!"

The young man took out his mobile phone, opened the live broadcast room, and saw that although he didn't vote for the three votes above, he didn't care.

After all, he has always voted when he thinks about it, and he doesn't vote when he can't think about it.

"What? You didn't vote?"

"Hurry up and vote!"

"No, when did voting become so mandatory? I vote as much as I like."

"Okay, well, since your vote is not active, we have decided to detain you for seven days and urge you to vote every day"

Kacha, in the young man's bewildered expression.

His hands were handcuffed.

"You take him back, if his attitude is still not correct, then continue to be imprisoned until he develops the habit of voting first thing every day when he opens his eyes."

Astronomical Command Center.

Chu Wei watched the rapid rise of tickets in the live broadcast room at this moment, and felt a little calm in his heart.

Judging by the rate of increase, Su Ye will be able to pull the portal in about 10 minutes at most.

He said to the communicator: "Tang Guohao's death just now is enough to prove that you have the means to kill people without recovery or resurrection."

"You have to remember in the future, you must not be careless, you must be cautious and cautious, careful and careful."

"Next, before going to the five major bases to deal with troubles, you must first make adequate preparations."

"My suggestion is to go to the fourth-order space-time secret realm first, get an SSS evaluation and a treasure chest, and see exactly what's going on."

"After you come back, you will break through to the fifth level, and then use the doomsday coins to enhance the potential of the equipment on your body."

"Also, it seems good to replace them in this way when we return to Xia Kingdom in the future."

Su Ye nodded, and had no objection to Chu Wei's suggestion.

Opened the doomsday currency mall, glanced at the 53.12 doomsday coins that had just been harvested, and then closed the interface.

Looking at Tang Guohao's body in front of him, he sighed.

Then cremated it, and then collected the ashes.

After a few minutes.

Tang Guohao's family came to the main battle room.

In addition to his wife and daughter, relatives of the family and his elderly father and mother all came.

Let's come to see you off!
Chu Wei, Qin Ying and other staff watched Tang Guohao say goodbye to his relatives quietly.

Everyone's eyes showed admiration.

Finally Chu Wei and Tang Guohao hugged, "Don't worry, I'll be back!"

Chu Wei showed a faint smile, "Before you go over, you bring some things with you, I want to prove something."

After speaking, he pointed to a cage beside him.

In the cage, there are a small white mouse and a small white rabbit.

"In addition to these two animals, there are also some electronic equipment."

"In addition, Minister He has explained how you will carry out your work after you pass, right?"

"I've written it all down, don't worry!"

Seeing Tang Guohao nodded, Chu Wei said to the communicator: "Su Ye, let's start!"

the other side.

Su Ye opened the live broadcast room and clicked on a function.

After entering the name, age, nationality, ID number and other information.

In an instant, as the number of tickets in the live broadcast room decreased by 2000 billion, a portal appeared in front of Su Ye.

In the main battle room.

Simultaneously, in front of Tang Guohao, a light blue teleportation screen vortex suddenly appeared.

Immediately, all the staff and experts in the field of time and space began to take action to conduct various tests on the sudden appearance of the portal.

Tang Guohao took one last look at his relatives and friends, smiled and nodded at them, and walked in with a bunch of things.

the other side.

In the eyes of everyone in the world.

Inside the portal in front of Su Ye.

Tang Guohao's figure stepped out.

"Hello, uncle."

"Welcome to the doomsday world!"

Seeing Tang Guohao standing in front of him and looking around, Su Ye smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand.

He felt a touch of kindness.

Both of them are on the same side of the main world.

(End of this chapter)

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