Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 302 My Even-Numbered Days, Your Odd-Numbered Days

Chapter 302 My Even-Numbered Days, Your Odd-Numbered Days

The entrance of the embassy's office building.

Ren Hongfeng and other staff officers were waiting for Tang Guohao and Su Ye to come.

Su Ye and Tang Guohao deliberately lagged behind Ren Hongfeng slightly, and walked into Tang Guohao's own office without him noticing.

"Leader Ren, let me introduce you. This is the domestic SSS-level super agent, Comrade Su Ye."

"He directly obeyed the orders of the Great Elder, and was sent here to carry out a secret mission before the end of the world broke out."

"What?" Ren Hongfeng was shocked.

He widened his eyes and looked at this too young youth.

SSS-level super agent?
Looks like he's in his early twenties, right?

"Hello, hello, Comrade Agent!"

It took Ren Hongfeng a long time to come back to his senses, first saluted, and then hastily stretched out his right hand.

There was no doubt about what Tang Guohao said.

After all, the other party must have proved his identity to Ambassador Tang.

No wonder!
No wonder the strength is so powerful.

I just don't know how the domestic super agents are on the side of Bangguo.

"Hello, Commander Ren!" Su Ye shook hands with him very calmly.

Then he went on to say: "Although I have already confirmed with Ambassador Tang about some things, I want to confirm with you again now."

Seeing Ren Hongfeng's puzzled expression, Su Ye continued: "I'm stuck here due to the outbreak of the doomsday. I heard that the entire Bang Nation is now shrouded in a light curtain of quantum force field."

"Do you have a way to open the light curtain?"

"Do you have any plans to go back to China?"

Ren Hongfeng glanced at Tang Guohao, saw that his face was calm, hesitated for a while and said: "We have sent people to investigate, but there is no way to open the light curtain at all."

Su Ye nodded slightly, "Okay, the second one is that I was performing a key mission a few months before the end of the world, and had no contact with the country."

"Now I want to confirm with you, before the end of the world, what news came from the country?"

After finishing speaking, Su Ye turned to look at Tang Guohao, "Ambassador Tang, please go out first."

"Okay, head Ren, don't worry, just answer what you know."

Tang Guohao said something and walked out of the room.

As for why Su Ye treated him this way, it was because the status of a super agent completely overwhelmed his status as a team leader.

After Ambassador Tang left, Ren Hongfeng said, "Before the end of the world, on May 2025, 5, a document signed by President Chu was sent."

"The content is to let us strengthen prevention and prepare for the outbreak of biochemical crisis."

"Has the document been destroyed?"

"It has been destroyed. As you know, this kind of red-headed document is burnt after reading it."

"well done."

Although he regretted not being able to see the document with his own eyes, Su Ye expressed his approval.

"By the way, what is Dean Chu's real name?"

"I have been performing missions abroad for many years, and I don't know much about some big figures in China."

Ren Hongfeng's surprised eyes became clear.

"His name is Chu Wei, he is the dean of the General Staff Academy, and he is only in his early thirties."

"The specific information I have only heard from others before is that he has shown extraordinary IQ since he was a child. Later, in order to protect him, the state took him away and trained him secretly."

"I don't know much about the rest."

Su Ye continued to speak: "Is it impossible to contact the country now? No way?"

"That's right, we guess it might be the reason for that light curtain."

Su Ye pretended to meditate for a while, but actually listened to the voice in his ears.

After a while, he said, "As for the content of the document, you should think about it carefully, and then tell me everything."

According to Ren Hongfei's narration, Chu Wei here has discovered some abnormal phenomena and thus made a prediction.

From this point of view, the domestic situation is bound to be much better.

After thinking for a while, Su Ye said: "Leader Ren, just in the past few days, I plan to go back to China after I finish dealing with some things."

"You inform, let everyone get ready and pack up."

"You have a solution?" Ren Hongfeng asked with surprise on his face.

Some can't believe it.

"Yes, but you have to try it to know, I can't guarantee it 100%."

"it is good!"

Finally, Su Ye took the space watch handed over by Ren Hongfeng, and was about to turn around and leave, when Ren Hongfeng said again: "The second generation really want to deal with it?"

"Take them under control at night, and I'll deal with them tomorrow."

"Okay!" A gleam of joy appeared in Ren Hongfeng's eyes.

He has long since disliked this group of people.

Holding the colorful eggs, he has strength and does not fight. If Tang Guohao hadn't suppressed him, he would have been killed directly, as a warning to others.

Afterwards, Su Ye and Tang Guohao walked out of the embassy building.

As for the space watch, it is the spoils they collected after cleaning the battlefield in the afternoon.

"Cana, can you sleep alone at night?"

After driving my cousin away.

Tang Yi immediately hinted to Hoshino Kanna impatiently.

And Hoshino Kanna also heard it all at once, "But, if I don't hold Oni-chan at night, I won't be able to sleep."

It's only been a few days!
My honeymoon is not over yet!


Absolutely not!

Tang Yi looked at Chanel.

Chanel looked at Tang Yi.

In the eyes of the two women looking at each other, a few flashes of light and flint flashed.

The zi la zi la kept ringing.

Tang Yi couldn't hold back anymore.

Especially the father who died today was brought back to life by his loved ones.

She could no longer control the urge to move in her heart.

"Take all these pillows on the sofa, hug them to sleep at night, and treat them as your Oni sauce."

If there is no today's event, Tang Yi doesn't care, just wait.

After all, she is a third party.

But, she wanted to be tough once.

Looking at the pillow that Sister Tang handed over, Hoshino Channa pouted, "No, how can this be Oni-chan, I want to hug him to sleep!"

Tang Yi went to Chanel's side and put his arms around her shoulders, "I'll just do it once today, and I'll let you sleep with him tomorrow."

Chanel was a little shaken, if only today.
It's not impossible.

After all, Sister Tang had a lot of ups and downs today, and was moved by O'Neill sauce.

Want to take the initiative, make such a request.

It can be regarded as respecting me.

After pondering for a while, Hoshino Channa suddenly said, "This month, it's only once today, starting from next month, I will sleep with him from Monday to Friday, and you will sleep with him for two days on weekends."

"If you agree, I will allow you to sleep with Oni-chan today."

"Otherwise, I don't want the honeymoon period to be ruined like this."

After hearing this, Tang Yi looked at her in a daze.

Good guy, think far enough.

The schedule is all thought out.

After thinking about it carefully, Tang Yi shook his head resolutely, "No, you have five days, I only have two days, I don't agree."

If he agrees, he will pick sesame seeds and lose watermelon, and he will suffer a blood loss.

"Then I don't agree. I've just slept with O'Neill for a few days. The honeymoon period hasn't passed yet, so you're going to be like this."

Facing the uncompromising Chanel, Tang Yi was silent.

The room was quiet for a while.

Tang Yi took a step back and said, "Well, starting from next month, within a week, I have even-numbered days and you have odd-numbered days, so it's okay, right?"

Chanel spread her fingers and calculated.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.

One more day than her.

"Channai, let's each take a step back, okay?" Tang Yi put his arms around Chanel directly, using the coquettish method.

And the results are proof.

Beautiful women act like a spoiled child, take it all!

"Okay. I promise you."

Immediately afterwards, Hoshino Kanai rolled her eyes and sneaked close to Tang Yi's ear.

"Let me tell you, you'll let Oni-chan discharge it when the time comes, and it'll be very comfortable to shock you."


"What discharge?"

"That's it"

(End of this chapter)

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