Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 304 Part-time Presiding Judge

Chapter 304 Part-time Presiding Judge

"Tang Chenxuan, don't be shameless. You only have an ambassador's uncle. Unless you don't go back to China."

"That's right, then don't beg your brothers."

"Even your uncle didn't dare to touch us, besides, didn't something happen in the afternoon, what are you doing, really!"

One of the young men had sternness in his eyes, and he swung his wine glass, "Chenxuan, after drinking this glass of wine, I'll just pretend you didn't say what you just said."

Several of them are the second generation, and their family's status in the country is not low.

But after all, it is still at the embassy base.

So I don't want to completely fall out with Tang Chenxuan.

As for his backlash just now, it won't be too late to deal with him when he returns home.

"Draft it, leave me alone, do whatever you like." Tang Chenxuan waved his hand impatiently.

It turned out that he was still mixed with this group of people, and his status in the circle was not bad.

But I didn't see them appearing this afternoon.

Especially letting the head of the regiment say that they refused to apply.

And, uncle was assassinated in the afternoon.

Tang Chenxuan immediately hated them all.

As for the revenge against them?
He wasn't worried at all, one was that he had such super thighs as his brother-in-law.

The other is that with the brother-in-law's temper, I'm afraid they will be liquidated tomorrow.

I don't know if my brother-in-law will be cruel.

When this group of young people heard Tang Chenxuan's response, they were immediately furious.

They didn't say anything more.

Face is the most important thing to them.

Not to compromise again.

"let's go!"

But, it hasn't gone far.

Tang Chenxuan watched them being taken away by a group of soldiers, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

the next day.

The light of the sunrise falls on the embassy, ​​illuminating the beginning of a new day.

"Morning, everyone!"

"Looking at the live broadcast again, Yanzu?"

"Well, Guanxi!"

"What is Brother Huohua doing?"

"Did the group of people in front of him commit any crime?"

On the training ground of the embassy.

Su Ye, Tang Guohao, Ren Hongfeng and others stood in front of a group of young men and women.

A total of nine people, six men and three women.

The nine people all have extraordinary family backgrounds. They are either officials or businessmen, and the kind who are rich and related to thieves.

"Tang Guohao, do you know what the consequences will be if you do this!"

"Didn't I just not participate in the battle to defend the base!"

"If you dare to touch me, my parents will definitely not let you go when you return to China."


The young man named Wei Dongcheng had just spoken when Su Ye went up and gave him a slap.

Wei Dongcheng's right face swelled instantly, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"Who are you? You wait for me, unless you stay in the stick country, otherwise"


Another slap.

In the live broadcast room, a sensible person understood the plot, and then sent out a barrage, and the crowd who followed them shouted in applause.

"For this kind of person, it should be like this. It's great to have a family background?"

"Yes, defending the embassy is no different from defending the country. It is unforgivable to be afraid of war."

"They are not women, children, old or young, and they are really embarrassed to hide in the base and not go out."

Su Ye cleaned up the loudest people, watched them calm down, and then said: "In view of your refusal to apply yesterday and a few days ago."

"Your political rights will be deprived for life, and all personal property will be deprived."

"Using a heavy code in troubled times, you are now facing the death penalty, and execute it immediately!"

Under the authorization of the main world, Su Ye worked part-time as the presiding judge of the Supreme Court of the Last World.

Sentencing them before a national audience.

But also because of their performance.

On the other side of the main world, the political future of their parents who are officials has also been terminated.

Now that you do it, it should be rough and simple, crisp and neat, without leaving any future troubles.

This is the result of the discussion between Su Ye and Chu Wei.

As for returning home.

Even if their parents are still alive, they don't know that Su Ye did it.

Tang Guohao would not speak, Ren Hongfeng would not speak, and these soldiers would not speak.

After all, these soldiers hate people like them even more.

Even if the news leaked out, Chu Wei has a solution.

That is to pull people from the main world to replace them.

Watching the nine people being taken down with limp limbs, they yelled for mercy.

Su Ye completely ignored Tang Guohao and Ren Hongfeng and walked towards the embassy office building.

"Their belongings, Commander Ren, return them to the soldiers!"

Su Ye handed the nine-person space watch to Ren Hongfeng, but he didn't touch the contents inside.

Unlike yesterday's spoils, which he deserved.

And these were taken away by these second generations from the real Tang Guohao.

The real Tang Guohao got it from Ren Hongfeng.

That is to say, in the final analysis, these are the fighters who go out and take risks.

"I'm going to get busy first, and you all prepare to go home first, and wait for my notice."


After bidding farewell to the two, Su Ye came to the game console in another dimension.

"Brother-in-law, are you done?" Tang Chenxuan had been waiting here for a long time.

Seeing Su Ye coming up, he hurriedly ran forward and asked.

"They were all shot."

"Good job!"

"Stop talking about this, let's go in."

The next thing to do is to complete the potential enhancement of the key equipment on his body.

Then go to the fourth-order light orange space-time mystery.

After returning, I will be promoted to the fifth level, and see if the Doomsday Coin Mall can buy electromagnetic particle cannons.

Then go to the five major bases to search, and get rid of the leaders of the five major forces by the way.

The last thing is to use electromagnetic particle bombardment to open the blocking light curtain and embark on the road back to the country.

Compared with only 50 doomsday coins last time, this time Su Ye has more than [-] doomsday coins.

It is completely prepared!

As for whether to let the scholars in the main world make predictions.

Su Ye and Chu Wei thought about it and decided to forget it.

The main reason is that he doesn't have many time coins.

The other one is which attributes will appear in the three potentials of the SSS level, and which attributes are suitable for him.

This point, do not know.

As for the priority of strengthening, the starlight scepter is the first, then the metal armor, and finally the spiritual talisman.

If there are enough doomsday coins in the end, then strengthen the Gauss gun.

Come to the front of the different-dimensional game console.

Su Ye first bought 30 platinum quality enhancement scrolls in one go.

With the Doomsday Coin minus [-], he clicked on the game console's [Points Mall].

Purchased five additional scrolls of bronze quality potential, consuming a total of 1 game points.

There are 9.4 game points left.

Immediately afterwards, he used the [Platinum Quality Improvement Scroll] to upgrade the five [Potential Additional Scrolls].

[Potential Additional Scroll]

Quality: Platinum

Explanation: When using the potential additional volume on equipment without additional potential, there is a 40% chance that there will be 2 additional potentials, and a 20% chance that there will be 3 additional potentials.

Then hit the Starlight Scepter directly.

A flash of light flashed.

(End of this chapter)

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