Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 306 Entering Harry Potter

Chapter 306 Entering Harry Potter
Enter the secret gathering space.

Standing in front of the light orange space-time mystery vortex screen.

Su Ye stopped for a while, then walked in.

"Discovering the Time and Space Rift (Light Orange)"

"Do you want to enter?"

"Warning: Death in the secret realm is real death!"


With his figure disappear.

Immediately afterwards, a wave of information came into his mind.

"Enter the secret realm of time and space."

"Start matching data."

"Start randomizing the world."

"The World Selected"

"The mystery of magic is hidden behind civilization, and fantastic races are mixed among the crowd."

"Welcome to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!"

When Su Ye's sight became clear again.

The screen in the live broadcast room is also synchronized!
"Fuck, this scene looks familiar!"

"Quick, think quickly, which film and television drama is this!"

"I know, this is Harry Potter!"

"I just don't know which part it is!"


Su Ye found himself outside a train station.

After looking around for a while, he found that he suddenly had a ticket in his hand.

At the same time, the voice in his head sounded again.

"Please select a faction:"

"1. Pure blood wizard camp."

"2. Half-blood wizard camp."

"3 minutes countdown: 179, 178, 177"

In the first time, Su Ye said this information.

At the same time, he checked his whole body and felt his physical condition.

He was relieved to find that nothing was missing, and it was not like the sealed strength in the game console.

"Choose the second one!"

In the main battle room, just as the countdown was about to end.

Chu Wei gave advice.

After Su Ye made his choice, the voice continued to sound.

"Welcome to the camp of half-blood wizards!"

"Your identity is a disciple of Eastern Taoism, and you were sent to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for a one-year exchange student study."

"Please go to platform 9 3/4 and board the train to Hogwarts with your ticket in hand."

"Attention, in this world, the healing potion and the ankh of rebirth will be prohibited, and the items in this world cannot be taken out."

"Note: Please complete the main plot missions of this world according to the faction you choose."

"Note: Your mission time in this world is: 30 days."

"Note: Death in this world is real death!"

When Su Ye finished speaking the information just now.

In the main battle room, Chu Wei also looked through the materials and found the author of the book, Ms. Luo Lin.

"Let me tell you the general plot first!"

"It's mainly based on two wizards, Harry Potter and Tom Marvolo Riddle, a struggle between two factions in the wizarding world."

"Harry represents the family of half-blood wizards, and Tom, that is, Voldemort, represents the family of pure-blood wizards."

"That's the pure-blood and mixed-blood camp you just chose."

"Voldemort is a generation of Harry's parents. He discovered a kind of witchcraft that can make him immortal."

"Later he heard a language that he would be killed by a little boy, and he decided that the boy was Harry Potter, who was only one year old."

"First he killed Harry's parents. Finally, when he killed Harry, his spell bounced back, his body was torn apart, and his soul escaped."

"Then he fashioned his body into seven horcruxes, and split his soul in order to achieve immortality."

"Harry himself, the snake, the Holy Grail, the pendant, the diary, the ring, and the crown."

"The main line is that Harry embarked on the road of finding the Horcruxes and destroying them one by one. Only when all seven Horcruxes are destroyed can Voldemort truly die."

"Voldemort is looking for the three artifacts of the god of death. It is said that those who get the wand, the invisibility cloak, and the resurrection stone can be invincible and decide people's life and death."

"In the end, Harry and Voldemort had a big duel. Voldemort was bounced back by his own spell (the problem of the wand's ownership), failed miserably, and died."

"According to the faction you choose, then you only need to kill Voldemort!"

"I will discuss with Rowling carefully how to kill Voldemort in the fastest and most convenient way."

"You go to platform 9 3/4 and board the express train to Hogwarts."

"I don't know where it is, just ask the audience in the live broadcast room, I have to hurry up!"

on site.

Su Ye looked around, and then opened the interface of the live broadcast room.

Looking at the barrage, he came to the ninth passage, and then stopped at the third pier of the fourth platform.

"Brother Huohua, it's not here, it's in the next building."

"Don't be shrewd and wicked, okay, if you want to see Brother Huohua make a fool of yourself, just say it, it's obviously that Loudun just now."

"Brother Huohua, just don't listen to them here."

Su Ye saw that the barrage that appeared the most was indeed the third building, so he walked in.

The next moment, the surrounding environment suddenly changed.

I saw that he had already reached the outside of another platform.

Some magic!

Su Ye looked at the express train in front of him, and walked up with the ticket.

According to the location of the ticket, there was no one in my empty box.

"Wow, I don't know if I will see Hermione, my goddess."

"You can judge which part it is based on Hermione's cup size!"

"What the hell are you, talent!"

"Little Hermione is still pretty, full of loli fan."

"But if it's the timeline of the first part, Brother Huohua won't have a chance."

"That's right, it's so small, he probably won't be able to do it!"

"Don't put your character on Brother Huohua."

"Besides, the carriage is so empty, so school should not have officially started yet. I guess it was before the first part started, that is, Harry was still at his uncle's house."

Su Ye asked the flight attendant, sure enough!
At this time, there is still a week before the start of school, and those who go to school today are all transfer students, school leavers or students with special circumstances.

for the rest of the time.

As the train whistle blew, the train swayed forward.

Along the way, the scenery along the way is more beautiful than in the movie, and you can see one or two magical creatures from time to time.


Nothing unexpected happened.

The train arrived quickly and stopped in a small town outside Hogwarts College.

The rest of the students are very familiar with their own actions.

On Su Ye's side, an old man walked towards him.

The old man was tall and thin, with glasses on the bridge of his nose, wearing a gorgeous wizard robe and a pointed hat.

It was Dumbledore who came.

"My friend, you must be the exchange student sent by the mysterious Eastern Taoism!"

He had a kind face and a smile all over his face.

"This is the first time that Hogwarts has exchanged students with the mysterious Eastern Taoism for more than 1000 years!"

"Here, you will see and learn the charm of the magical world!"

"Welcome to Hogwarts College!"

"I'm Dumbledore, the current Headmaster of Hogwarts, nice to meet you!"

He extended his right hand to Su Ye enthusiastically.

"Hi, my name is Su Ye, nice to meet you!"

Su Ye shook hands with him.

(End of this chapter)

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