Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 312 Voldemort's Resurrection

Chapter 312 Voldemort's Resurrection

In the gloomy cemetery.

In front of a huge stone tablet, Harry Potter, who was brought over by the Portkey, was falling down in front of the stone tablet.

He curled up in pain, clutching his forehead.

Su Ye knew that the scar on his forehead must be very painful at this moment.

Because Voldemort was standing not far in front of him.

"Master, my master!" Little Barty rushed over as soon as he saw Voldemort, and fell at his feet.

When little Barty saw that the master's face actually grew on the back of Professor Quirrell's head, he was a little confused, "Master, how did you become like this?"

Voldemort, ignored Barty Jr.

He looked at Su Ye, and said in a cold voice, "Since Harry Potter has been captured, let's start."

"Master, Harry Potter is here, I brought him for you, and I will help you kill him now."

Little Barty knelt at Voldemort's feet like a snake, looking at him frantically.

"Harry Potter, I can only kill it!" Voldemort's pupils shrank suddenly, and he swung his wand fiercely, and Little Barty flew out instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he circled around Harry Potter, "They all said, you are the Boy Who Lived, that I will die by his hands, and I want them to know that I will end this Boy Who Lived with my own hands." boy's life."

"If I'm not wrong, you haven't dared to touch Harry Potter yet!" Su Ye sneered.

Voldemort suddenly raised his head, and looked at Su Ye with snake-like pupils, staring at him firmly.

The oriental monk was right, as long as he touched Harry Potter now, his skin would feel like it was being burned.

Su Ye continued: "As long as you use his blood to resurrect and transfer the magical protection spell in his blood to you, the problem will not exist."

Voldemort looked at Harry Potter moaning in pain on the ground. At this moment, he believed Su Ye's words.

Because the other party's thinking is the same as his thinking.

"When I recover, I will give you what you want!" Voldemort said, looking at Su Ye with a superior look.

While speaking, Voldemort raised his wand, and Barty Jr. flew directly to him.

"Master, my master, I will do anything for you."

"Of course, my most loyal servant, you naturally have your important role."

Voldemort told Barty Jr. the resurrection spell.

Immediately afterwards, Voldemort waved his wand, and a cauldron on top of a fire appeared out of thin air in the middle of the cemetery.

In the cauldron, there was still an inexplicable liquid tumbling.

Voldemort walked into the cauldron of liquid, and Barty Jr. waved his wand after him.

"Father's bone, I don't intend to give it away, so that your son can be born again."

As the spell fell, a tomb split open in vain, and a few bones flew out and fell into the cauldron.

Those were the bones of Voldemort's father.

"Your servant's flesh, give it voluntarily, and your master will return."

After finishing speaking, Batty Jr. waved his wand without any hesitation and cut off his hand.

"The blood of the enemy, forced to give, can revive your opponent!"

Little Barty grabbed Harry Potter curled up on the ground, and directly pierced his arm.

A few drops of blood dripped into the cauldron.

The next moment, under the gaze of everyone, the liquid in the cauldron suddenly boiled, and then flames shot out.

Then, a thick fog rose from the cauldron, a black silhouette, tall and thin, slowly rose from the cauldron.

"Get dressed for me."

Voldemort is really resurrected, said in a deep voice.

Little Barty grabbed a black dress on the grass very excitedly, then tiptoed and put the clothes on his master's head with one hand.

A tall and thin figure stepped out of the mist. He had a face paler than a skeleton, big black red eyes, and a flat nose like a snake's nose.

Voldemort came to Harry Potter and touched Harry Potter's face.

No more burning sensation.

Instead, Harry Potter let out a scream of pain.

Voldemort looked at Su Ye, "Very well, I will give you the reward you deserve!"

At the same time, Barty Jr. held the wound of his severed hand and looked at Voldemort frantically.

"Master, kill Harry Potter, he should die under your wand!"

Voldemort sneered, "Not only will I die under my wand, but I will also suffer all kinds of pain."

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his magic wand fiercely, "Critical Carpal Bone!"

In the blink of an eye, the spell hit Harry Potter who was lying on the ground.

As the Cruciatus Curse hit him, Harry Potter immediately let out a scream, trembling all over, and his clothes were drenched with sweat.

Su Ye watched this scene calmly.

Awaiting Harry Potter 'death'!
Then just wait for him to leave here.

At this moment, Harry and Voldemort are living together.

As long as Voldemort does not die, even if he is killed by Voldemort, he is only in a state of suspended animation.

And what Su Ye wanted was for him to fake his death once, so as to destroy the fragment of Voldemort's soul in his body.

In this way, the Horcrux Harry Potter was destroyed by Voldemort himself!

All this, Voldemort himself did not know.

At this moment, Voldemort felt that the torture was enough, and raised his wand again to point at Harry Potter, "Avada Kedavra!"

This is the most ruthless killing spell, without breaking the spell, almost no one can survive after being hit by this kind of spell.

After being hit by Avada Kedavra, although Harry Potter didn't show any wounds on his body, his body froze violently, and his breath began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, Harry Potter lost his breath and remained motionless.

At this moment, Su Ye opened the magic shield, chuckled at Voldemort, caught Harry Potter in the blink of an eye, and jumped behind a tombstone.

Behind the tombstone was the Portkey Golden Snitch who had just brought Harry Potter over.

Portkey has a characteristic, that is, the first time you grab it, it will take you to the set destination.

The second you grab it, it instantly takes you back to where you started.

In the original plot, Harry Potter grabbed the Portkey for the second time and fled back without being killed.

"What are you doing!?" Voldemort asked immediately after seeing Su Ye's abnormal behavior.

Su Ye picked up the Golden Snitch with one hand and laughed loudly, "Of course it is to save Harry Potter."

"Thank you for helping me kill your own Horcrux!"

After the words fell, Su Ye disappeared in place with Harry Potter.

In the cemetery, it took Voldemort a long time to figure it out, and his face changed drastically in an instant!

"There is a fragment of my soul in Harry Potter? He is my Horcrux!?"

the other side.

Su Ye had just returned to the playground when he heard an old voice behind him.

"What did you do to Harry?"

Su Ye turned his head and saw that Dumbledore was leading a dozen magicians walking towards this side quickly.

Dumbledore was sent away by Voldemort to leave the school, but when he heard that Harry Potter had disappeared, he rushed back immediately.

It's just that he didn't expect that just after he came back, he saw Su Ye appearing at Hogwarts with the 'dead' Harry Potter.

(End of this chapter)

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