Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 341 You Are My World

Chapter 341 You Are My World
Before strengthening the metal armor, it must be repaired first.

One more thing to say is.

At that time, after the metal battle armor was blown up by the steel sea dragon beast.

Su Ye's lightning gun with a value of 7500 million volts failed to kill Shi LaGe in a single blow, and it was also related to the shattering of the metal armor, which lost the bonus of 45% of all attributes.

Therefore, the first thing that can be determined is that 7500 million volts should be able to kill Shilage with a combat power of 84 in seconds.

And Su Ye himself estimated that the upper limit of the highest volt value he could master should be around 1 million to 1.2 million.

That is to say, Su Ye's single burst damage can instantly kill a living body with a combat power in the range of 100 million to 130 million.

However, it takes a long time to prepare for this single outbreak. After entering the second-order gene lock state, the estimated energy storage time is 10-15 minutes.

In this way, in addition to the single-target burst damage, Su Ye had to take defense into account, and he couldn't be killed during the preparation period.

Open the Doomsday Currency Mall.

The remaining balance is 150 million.

At this moment, the main world not only invited seven scholars in the field of mysticism, but also Daoist Xuxuan, also known as the awesome Taoist priest.

Leave 50 doomsday coins to strengthen the mana recovery potion.

Leave 50 to send items back to the main world to build Su Ye's extraordinary army.

The remaining 50 can be used to purchase 2500 Star Power Enhancement Scrolls with a 15% success rate.

"Chu Wei, let them predict to the greatest extent, and I will replenish them later."

"Don't worry, in the face of such a severe situation, they will understand."

in the next day.

Su Ye stayed in the room to strengthen, strengthen, strengthen again
And after the powerful Taoist priest and seven scholars exhausted their lifespans of 500 years.


Su Ye's metal armor has been strengthened to 200 stars.

The spiritual talisman has been strengthened to 200 stars.

The starlight scepter has been strengthened to 200 stars.

The robe has been strengthened to 100 stars.

It didn't succeed every time, and in the end there were 500 15% star power reinforcements left to strengthen several team members.

Then, strengthen 10 bottles of 100-star mana recovery potion as a battle card.

In the end, he sent all kinds of materials collected from the five major forces of the Bang Nation back to the main world, and established an extraordinary army.

After finishing all this, Su Ye stared blankly at the starry sky at night.

At this moment, an unprecedented sense of crisis and tension spread in the hearts of Su Ye and everyone in the main world.

Beside him, Tang Yi and Shane quietly accompanied him.

"Kana, I'm sorry, your mother"

Before, Su Ye had promised Hoshino Kanna to take her back to the Neon Kingdom to find her mother's relics.

But under Peng Jinghui's notice, the city where Hoshino Kana's mother lives has been sunk by the battle of fantasy life and no longer exists.

"Oni-chan, it's okay!"

Hoshino Kana had already calmed down. Seeing Su Ye mentioning this matter again, she took Su Ye's arm with both hands, and leaned her head gently.

"It's enough for me to have Oni sauce in my heart!"


However, in the face of such a situation and the future, I have no confidence.

Su Ye took a long breath, "Kana, do you still have any dreams? What you wanted to accomplish before, but you couldn't do it."

Hoshino Kanna was silent for a while, and then said: "When I was in high school, I dreamed that I could hold a concert and sing the theme song of "Spirited Away" in front of the whole world!"

In front of the whole world!
Su Ye turned to look at her, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, but he hadn't waited for him to speak.

Hoshino Kanna smiled sweetly: "So, my dream now is to sing this song in front of you on the day we get married."

"Because you are my whole world!"

Suddenly, in the live broadcast room!

"Oh my god, this dog food is so unexpected that people are almost defenseless."

"I was single and received [-] times the critical damage!"

"Are there still people who are single now? The future of human civilization is uncertain. I risked it all. I spoke out the love that was hidden in my heart, and then I succeeded in confessing!"

"That's right, me too. I directly pulled the girl I like and said, let's be together, so that even if the world ends, at least we will have no regrets!"

"Me too, my confession is similar to yours, but the girl told me: Get out, even if human beings are going to perish tomorrow, I must at least find someone who can stand it."

" ugly are you? Dude?"

on the deck.

Su Ye looked at Tang Yi and asked the question just now.

"Me!" Tang Yi frowned and thought for a while, then said: "My dream is to live happily with you forever, and grow old forever."

In a blink of an eye, it was noon on the third day.

"Sir, we're almost there!"

A white officer knocked on Su Ye's door.

Go out of the room and onto the deck.

In front of the eyes is a small island.

And if you look far away, you can see the metal city walls that are connected together, stretching along the coastline, tall and majestic.

"When we are sent to the seaside, you will return here and wait for orders."

"Okay, sir!"

Not long after, the coast of Dongtan Wetland Park.

Because there is no pier here, the warships can only park in the distance, and put down small boats to transport people.

And Su Ye pressed his wings, thinking about the metal city wall and flew away.

On the opposite side, on the metal city wall, someone had already noticed Su Ye's 23 warships.

The hundreds of forts arranged on the city wall aimed their muzzles at this side.

Then he noticed that Su Ye was flying towards this direction.

Soon a middle-aged man in armor walked up to the city wall.

He looked ahead with a calm expression, waiting for Su Ye to come over.

"Stop it, don't get any closer!"

Just when Su Ye was 50 meters away from the city wall, a soldier beside the middle-aged man shouted.

"Where did you come from? Are you from the Xia Kingdom?" The middle-aged man spoke, his voice was loud and resounded far away.

Su Ye hovered 50 meters away, folded his arms around his chest, put on an extremely arrogant posture and said, "You can call me the strongest Xia countryman on the surface!"

"Call those of you who can make decisions and fight!"

"You guys have let me down so much! Tangtang Xia has 23 provinces and 5 autonomous regions, but now there are only four provinces left."

On the opposite side, the middle-aged man frowned, and was about to speak when he noticed that the opponent's data on the strength evaluation device showed several question marks.

"Don't bother you, I'll call and let them come out by themselves."

Su Ye took out a diamond-quality horn, and immediately flew forward.

"Stop, do you hear me, or we will launch a defensive attack!"

"Battalion Commander, he won't listen, do you want to issue an attack order?"

"Fire, and activate the energy barrier."

Although the middle-aged man was uneasy, he was not overly worried.

(End of this chapter)

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