Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 349 Getting Started with the Execution Plan

Chapter 349 Getting Started with the Execution Plan


"What the hell, that is to say, that Gnar once had a record of killing people like Taishang Laojun!"

"This is a fart!"

As soon as Chu Wei finished speaking, Su Ye couldn't help but swear.

With Gnar's record and its strength, this fucking thought will kill him!

"Don't get excited!"

"Please calm down and listen to my analysis."

"First of all, it is not that powerful. First, it was a member of the Celestial Group who was killed with the all-black death sword."

"Second, the all-black death sword was later used by it to create an army of symbiotes."

"That is to say, it doesn't have the strength to kill the Celestial God Group at all."

"That's also very powerful! Damn it!"

"I was wiped out, and all of you will be gone too!"

"The synchronization is gone! Understand?"

"I know!"

"Don't be afraid!"

Chu Wei felt helpless, "Listen to me first!"

"Have you noticed that in this space-time secret realm, there is no reminder that the healing potion and the ankh of rebirth cannot be used!?"

Su Ye thought about it for a while, and it was true.

"Also, compared to the one hour after completing the last mission before returning, this time it has become half an hour."

"That is to say, as long as the secret realm prompts to complete the SSS evaluation, you only need to stick to it for half an hour."

"Moreover, the most important thing is that Gnar is probably in a deep sleep right now. As long as you keep quiet and kill all the symbiote army, Gnar may not wake up until you go back!"

"And that reduces the risk so much that you can go for it."

"If it succeeds and gets an SSS rating and comes back alive, then the army of millions of symbiotes will be wiped out by the space-time cordon, so they won't come."

After the words fell, Su Ye pondered for more than half an hour before taking a long breath.

"Okay, I've done the job!"

"Is there no other way to get an SSS rating?" He then asked again.


"Okay, tell me the plan and how to implement it!"

At this moment, a media car stopped in front of Su Ye, and Eddie, who was full of vicissitudes, walked down with a group of people.

"Oh, my God, Su Ye, you are actually here, I have been waiting for you for a long time, where did you go!?"

Su Ye looked at the cameraman following behind him, presumably he couldn't find himself and found another one.

"I dropped my cell phone, and thinking that your afternoon interview will start soon, I came here ahead of time to wait for you."

After explaining briefly, Eddie turned around and apologized to the cameraman who had brought in a substitute.

He still likes Su Ye, whom he has worked with for a long time, as his cameraman.

Another one, this interview is very important, he wants to investigate some things about the Life Foundation.

To report tomorrow, the cameraman needs to capture some of Drake's emotions out of control, so as to announce it to the world.

Su Ye took the video camera he bought from the Points Mall, bought related camera skills, and followed Eddie into the building of the Life Foundation.

Not long after, the two came to Drake's office.

Like the original plot, Eddie is here to make trouble this time.

The previous interview was fairly normal, but in the end, sharp questions were suddenly asked.

"Mr. Drake, some people say that the Life Foundation uses living people for experiments, it is the Killing Foundation, what explanation do you have for this matter?"

Upon hearing such a question, Derek's face suddenly changed.
In the end, the two sides broke up unhappy.

At the same time, Su Ye also heard Chu Wei's specific plan.

At the entrance of the Life Foundation Building, he greeted Eddie and found an excuse to leave.

Su Ye immediately cast an invisibility spell on himself, and then touched the door of Drake's office.

At the door, Su Ye cast all petrification magic on Drake's four bodyguards.

After decisively killing one of the bodyguards, he then drank the transformation water and turned into the bodyguard who had just died.

Afterwards, Su Ye cast a memory spell on the other three bodyguards.

In the end, the four of them quietly changed faces and stood quietly at the door, performing their duties as bodyguards.

In this way, Su Ye regarded himself as a wooden man and silently guarded Drake.

By night.

A long-distance truck quietly arrived at the door of the company.

At the door, Drake and the others had been waiting for a long time.

When the car stopped, several company security guards lifted three large metal boxes from the car.

Immediately afterwards, a group of people walked into the company and came to a room.

When all three metal boxes were opened, they were displayed in front of Drake.

Inside each box, there is a glass container.

In the container, it can be clearly seen that inside is a sticky, disgusting-looking mucus.

There are black, yellow, green.

What shocked everyone even more was that these mucus were actually alive and alive, and they had been scurrying around in the container.

Not surprisingly, these three groups are the symbionts brought back by Drake.

There were originally four, but one escaped.

Drake looked at the contents of the three glass containers in front of him, his eyes widened, and he looked at them like a treasure.

"It's so beautiful!"

In the original plot, Drake was a pretty crazy guy.

He has always believed that the current human body is incomplete and not worth mentioning. He wants to research and break through the limits of the human body.

It is believed that symbionts can help humans evolve.

It was precisely because of such crazy ideas that Drake was approached by the riots.

"Bring them into my research room!" Drake said.

In the following days, Su Ye followed Drake dutifully.

The plot develops like the original book, and Drake began to study the three symbionts, and they all experimented with living people.

Want to find a way to safely integrate humans and symbiotes.

It's just a pity that they all failed and many people died.

Among them, a female doctor couldn't stand it anymore, and secretly contacted Eddie, a reporter, hoping that Eddie could expose this matter and stop Drake.

The plot continues.

After Eddie learned about it, he sneaked into the laboratory secretly, but was infected by the venom and became the host of the venom.

Facing all this, Su Ye did not intervene.

If you intervene, the symbiote and Eddie will not fuse, so Venom will not be born.

As a superhero helping the human camp, this will most likely lower the rating.

Now he just wants to protect Drake, let Drake complete his plan, and take a spaceship to the symbiote home planet by himself.

Then, a few days later, Su Ye suddenly saw a little blond girl coming to the laboratory alone.

"This little girl is the intermediate host who is currently possessed by Riot. She came here to possess Drake."

"The symbiont has good wisdom, understands Drake, and knows that only this person can complete his plan."

"Get out of the way, don't cause trouble!"

Following the sound in his ears, Su Ye took the initiative to take a step back to make way for the little girl.

(End of this chapter)

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