Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 352 Everything Is To Protect The Environment?

Chapter 352 Everything Is To Protect The Environment?
Chu Wei continued to express his thoughts.

"Except for the three o'clock just now."

"I think the most important thing is to inform several superheroes of the information so that they can prepare themselves."

"Including information about Thanos, the real cause of this incident, information about the six infinite gems, etc."

Hearing what Chu Wei said, Su Ye quickly said, "Wait, what is the real cause of this incident?"

"After Loki fell into the Rainbow Bridge, the Chitauri gave him the spiritual scepter and asked him to be responsible for this matter."

"And behind Chitauri, Thanos is leading this matter."

Su Ye frowned, "In other words, Thanos is behind the scenes this time?"


"Because Thanos wants to seize the space-type infinite gems in the Rubik's Cube."

"I do know that, he wants to collect six gems, and then snap his fingers to wipe out half of the life in the universe."

"Yes, when it comes to him, I'll talk to you a few more words."

"Thanos is not a villain in the traditional sense."

"He has his own principles in doing things, and his purpose is not for his own enjoyment."

"It's about saving the universe in your own way."

"Although he wanted to kill half of the people in this universe, he didn't engage in any acts of favoritism and fraud. He was not emotional, absolutely random, and absolutely fair."

"As for why Thanos did this?"

"That's because the Titan star where Thanos lives is because of the large population, which leads to the depletion of resources, begins to decline, and becomes a death star."

"After that, Thanos didn't want the universe to be exhausted because of too much life, so he had a lofty goal."

"That is to slaughter lives, so that the remaining lives can obtain a better living space, so that the next generation can have a better environment."

"Later, he found that his hands-on efficiency was too low, so he planned to collect six infinite gems."

"Thanos can only say that he used the wrong way, but his motives are good."

Su Ye couldn't laugh or cry after hearing this, "So, everything is for the protection of the environment?"

"Hehe, that's true!"

Chu Wei continued: "Speaking so much, I suddenly thought that in the fourth season of the reunion, I suggest that you try to persuade him and pull him from the villain camp to the hero camp."

"It's possible that this is the key point for obtaining the fourth SSS evaluation of the Avengers League."

"How to persuade?" Su Ye asked.

"There's no rush now, I'll tell you when the time comes."

Su Ye nodded, that's right, I said it now, and I have to say it again when the time comes.

Chu Wei said again: "After talking about Thanos, let me talk about the infinite gems."

"There is another important reason for the execution motivation of the third point."

"That is to find a way to get Nick to hand over the infinite gems to you for safekeeping. In this way, when you leave this world, you may be able to open the infinite gems from the king's treasure chest."

"Whether it will work or not, I don't know, but it's worth trying!"

"Especially the space gem. If you get this gem, you might be able to return to our side!"

At this point, the ear was quiet for a while, and Su Ye said, "Is there anything else to say?"

"No, the first step is to go to the Stark Industrial Building."

"We will complete the first step through him first."

"it is good!"

At this time, Director Nick is still looking for those superheroes who are in different places, and it will take a while.

Su Ye took a taxi and came to the Stark Industrial Building.

Here, he needs to get something.

According to the original book, Tony's steel suit is the seventh generation of Mark at this moment.

The Extraordinary Legion on the other side of the main world is equipped with a Mark VII, which is exciting for Su Ye to think about.

In order to avoid trouble, Su Ye used the old routine to drink the transformation potion for himself, and turned into Tony's appearance.

As for why stealth is not used, it is because in the face of high-tech detection equipment, stealth can be discovered.

In the original book, the front desk of the Stark Industries building is an artificial intelligence that appears as a hologram.

This holographic image can be seen by everyone who enters the Stark Industries Building.

If you can't give a reasonable reason, she will immediately notify the security of the building to arrest people.

Tony is willing to use the Ark's nuclear reactor for the power supply of Stark Tower, and it is not surprising that artificial intelligence is used as the front desk.

As Su Ye entered the door, a beautiful professional beauty appeared in front of him.

"Hello, sir, good afternoon!"

"Hello, Lina!"

In seconds, Su Ye swaggered to the special elevator and went all the way to the upper floors.

After reaching the top level, the beauty artificial intelligence disappeared.

In the high-rise where I live and work, the artificial intelligence responsible for management is naturally Jarvis.

When the elevator was about to arrive, Su Ye removed the transformation potion and changed back to his own appearance.

After getting out of the elevator, Jarvis spotted Su Ye immediately.

But he didn't say anything, because he trusted Lina, the artificial intelligence downstairs.

In its view, Su Ye must have a good relationship with Tony to be able to arrive here, so it doesn't need to pay more attention.

Even when Su Ye was going to Tony's office, Jarvis was very thoughtful and offered to open the office door for Su Ye, and then asked him how much sugar he would put in his coffee.

Su Ye found a random place to sit down, waiting for Tony's return.

According to the original plot, Tony at this moment is likely to install a large ark reactor on the seabed to supply power to the Stark Industrial Building.

Expect to be back in the office soon.

"Brother Spark, is this going to steal the code of the artificial intelligence Jarvis?"


"That is to say, we can obtain the manufacturing technology of Iron Man's suit?"


"Will the civilian version of the steel suit be released?"

"It should be!"


Su Ye didn't wait long when he heard a burst of wind outside the building.

the other side.

Tony returned to the building wearing a steel suit, and as he walked, the suit changed and fell off him.

Immediately afterwards, Tony went back to the next door, and then had sex with Pepper.

At this moment, Jarvis said, "First, a friend of yours is waiting for you in the office next door!"

"My friend?" Tony was stunned for a moment, then frowned in doubt, "I didn't make an appointment today!"

"No matter who it is, let's go and have a look first!" Little Pepper snuggled into his arms and laughed.

Tony reluctantly left the room and went to the next office.

When he opened the door and saw Su Ye yelling, a strange look appeared in his eyes, "You are what Jarvis said, my friend?"

Su Ye smiled and said, "That's right, it's me!"

After the words fell, he aimed at Tony with the starlight scepter that had been prepared, and activated the memory spell.

After a while.

Tony suddenly walked towards Su Ye enthusiastically, and opened his hands, "Welcome, my friend!"

Su Ye didn't do much, but added a life-and-death relationship to his memory as a good friend.

(End of this chapter)

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