Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 361 Time Gem Acquired

Chapter 361 Time Gem Acquired
Su Ye walked in the front, came to Master Gu Yi, and took the initiative to say: "Hello, Master Gu Yi, my name is Su Ye!"

"I am an ascetic from the East, and I am here this time for the time gem in your hand!"

After speaking, he glanced at the value displayed on the lens of his left eye.

The opponent's combat power is: 42.4.

The ancient master's expression remained unchanged, and he shook his head calmly, "I don't understand what you are talking about!"

Su Ye smiled, didn't quarrel with her, and said straight to the point: "You have the time gem, as long as you use the power of the gem and look at the future, don't you know what I'm talking about?"

In the original plot, many details prove that Master Ancient One used the time gem to see the future.

But it's all very secretive.

It was clearly shown in the manga version.

But the movie series was deleted.

So after hearing Su Ye's words, Master Gu Yi could no longer remain calm, and his expression changed instantly.

She looked at Su Ye deeply.

At this moment, Director Nick came forward, "Master Ancient One, hello, I am Nick Fury, please listen to me to explain the cause and effect."

Master Gu Yi naturally knew Director Nick.

It's just that the other party doesn't know her.

Su Ye moved a step to the side, and asked Director Nick to explain the reason of the matter completely.

Especially after hearing Director Nick tell everyone about the Eastern Demon Realm that Su Ye told everyone before.

Master Gu Yi couldn't help but glanced at Su Ye a few times, his expression showing shock.

Su Ye still kept smiling lightly, looking at Master Gu Yi.

Master Gu Yi pondered for a while, looked at Director Nick and said, "Do you really believe what he said?"

"I don't believe him!"

Master Gu Yi suspected that this young man was probably here to deceive her about the time gem in her hand.

Then use it to do bad things.

Su Ye said, "I'm definitely not what you think. Otherwise, with my strength, if I find Stephen Strange and kill him right now, who can stop me?"

This is a display of strength.

Stephen Strange is the disciple of the Ancient One, the famous Doctor Strange.

Master Gu Yi also used the time gem, and only after seeing the future did he know that this person would be his successor in the future.

She even saw her own death.

It's just that she didn't understand how Su Ye knew!
Master Gu Yi's complexion changed drastically, he stared at Su Ye and asked, "How do you know him?"

"The hexagrams of the Xia Kingdom in the East are just like the divination and prophecy in the West. They can predict the future."

After hearing this, Master Gu Yi frowned.

She has been to the Eastern Xia Kingdom and has heard of the myths and legends of that country.

But she had never seen a transcendent in Xia Kingdom.

"According to what Director Nick said just now, the gate of the demon world is wide open, and human beings will face catastrophe."

"However, I have never seen any of this in the future, not even a hint of it."

Su Ye laughed inwardly, I made a lot of nonsense, how could it be possible!
If there is, it will be a string of books.

Immortal Sword and Reunion Tsk Tut Tut!
When she said this, Su Ye had something to say next.

"With my master's strength, how could it be possible for you to see all this from the time gem!?"

"It doesn't matter if it's my master or the Great Demon God Chonglou."

"They all have the ability to cover the sky!"

"And it's a passive skill, it's built in!"

After explaining a few words, let Master Gu Yi understand.

She was lost in thought.

According to the power system he gave.

Thanos corresponds to the strength of a superior demon warrior.

Su Ye's master corresponds to the demon general above the superior demon warrior, the demon king above the demon general, and the great demon god above the demon king!
That's beyond the strength of a full four gears.

Master Ancient One's demeanor gradually softened.

At the very least, there are no loopholes or flaws in the logic of his discourse.

A character with such strength, with his own strength, is indeed invisible in the time gem.

After being quiet for a while, Master Gu Yi said slowly: "I believe you, but my mission is to guard this time gem."

At this time, the US team couldn't help but said: "But if Thanos comes, according to Master Su Ye's speculation, he must have collected the other three gems and came to Earth after his strength has greatly increased."

"With the strength of Thanos at that time, we have no power to resist, so we can only let the other party take the three gems."

"At that time, we will have no time to rescue Su Ye, and Thanos who has collected six gems, puts on the Infinity Gauntlet, and just snaps his fingers, our earth will probably be gone."

"So, the best way is to let Su Ye take the three gems to the Eastern Xia Kingdom."

"With his master over there, Thanos is simply courting death in the past!"

It has to be said that Su Ye's ability to fool people is getting stronger and stronger.

At least Captain America is convinced.

But this is also normal, he is the kind who is easily fooled by others.

Otherwise, how could he become the best tool man in the hands of S.H.I.E.L.D.!
But listening to what Team Perfect said, Mage Gu Yi said frankly: "The doomed danger, we just need to do our own thing well and be fully prepared when the danger comes!"

"At that time, the danger will eventually pass!"

Su Ye asked back: "Yes, but in this way, wouldn't it be an unnecessary sacrifice?"

He went on to say: "If there is no matter about the demon world, as long as Thanos appears, my master will feel it."

"Then I'll come over and help you deal with the crisis."

"But there is nothing that can't be solved for hundreds of years in the current devil world."

"So I'm sure I won't be able to come in time, or even if I won't be able to come!"

The Ancient One mage was silent.

Seeing this, Director Nick and several others also spoke to persuade.

Don't unnecessary sacrifices refer to people like them?

This involves my own life and death interests, so I naturally have to speak out.

Following the persuasion of several people, Master Gu Yi wavered.

She was not a very old-fashioned person. In the original plot, she even risked the collapse of time and space and gave the gem to the Hulk Banner.

Master Gu Yi let out a long breath, "Since this is the case, you can take the time gem back to protect it, but you must remember, don't use it indiscriminately."

Su Ye tried his best to control his expression, nodded heavily, "I won't use it indiscriminately, please rest assured!"

Immediately, he took the green time gem from Master Ancient One's hand.

The three gems were finally in my hands without using the memory spell.

Su Ye planned to wait for Tony to go there, then fly to Xiaguo by plane, hide the gems well, and then choose to return.

In this way, if after the return, gems cannot be opened in the treasure chest, it can only be said that it has been exhausted, and the destiny is so!

As for the other three gems.

Follow the current timeline.

The power gem is in the hands of the Xandar Legion. According to the original plot, Thanos will bloodbath them six years later and take the power gem away.

It is estimated that the Reality Gem will reach a person nicknamed 'The Collector' on an alien planet after a while.

For the soul gem, in the original plot, Thanos would kill his adopted daughter with his own hands to get the soul gem.

The setting of this gemstone is a bit perverted, and you have to sacrifice your most beloved person, one life for one stone, and then you can get it.

It's really speechless.

(End of this chapter)

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