Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 368 Arriving at the Symbiote Mother Planet

Chapter 368 Arriving at the Symbiote Mother Planet

Following Su Ye's concession, the little girl walked into the research room very smoothly.

two hours later.

Drake came out of the lab.

No one else in the research room was seen, it goes without saying.

Under the careful observation of Su Ye and the main world, it can be felt that Drake has become very different at this moment.

Obviously, Riot possessed him.

"Maltz, let's go!"

"Okay, boss!"

Su Ye looked calm and continued to be a wooden man.

within the next week.

Since being possessed by riots, Drake's behavior has become more and more unscrupulous.

Killing people at every turn, not only the living experimental subjects who were captured, but even some researchers and doctors died in Drake's hands.

During the period, Su Ye witnessed several times.

According to Chu Wei's deduction, it is estimated that after the spaceship is ready, he will follow in the footsteps.

This guy has a very good relationship with the government, and the Life Foundation has many powerful shareholders, most of whom are big consortiums, so no one dares to mess with him.

Under the bewitching of the riot, Drake has already planned to launch the spaceship as soon as possible to the home planet of the symbiosis.

The Life Foundation has its own rockets and spaceships.

Drake, who was staring at the construction progress of the spaceship, no longer cared about other things at all.

He also sent people to chase Eddie before, trying to take back the venom on Eddie.

So far, no interest at all.

after one day.

Drake left the company in a hurry and asked Su Ye to drive towards the launch point of the spaceship to trigger.

Not long after, a group of people came to the coast.

"You guys are waiting for me below!"

Drake ordered several bodyguards, and then entered the control room of the spacecraft.

Su Ye vaguely heard roars from outside.

"No need to test anymore, prepare to launch immediately!"

"But, boss, further debugging is needed." A staff member responded immediately.

"No need to debug, I can drive by myself."

Seeing that the boss insisted on going his own way, the staff was about to persuade him again when he suddenly felt a huge pain in his abdomen.

A sharp knife was piercing the staff member's abdomen.

And on the other side of the blade was Drake's arm.


In an instant, a shrill scream erupted in the cockpit of the spacecraft.

Seeing the appearance of human life, and the boss still killing people in such a weird way, everyone screamed and panicked in fright, and fled to the spaceship.

It's just that these people just fled to the door.

Dozens of sharp blades were seen inserted into their bodies one after another.

Drake smiled faintly, and began to come to the main control computer, ready to start the spaceship.

But suddenly, he was taken aback, looked up and saw Su Ye who had barged in.

"Maltz?" Drake frowned, "You should just stay outside."

Su Ye smiled lightly: "Boss, as your personal bodyguard, it is my duty to follow you and protect you!"

A trace of surprise flashed across Drake's face when he heard that, "You don't even know where I am going, so you dare to follow me?"

Su Ye shrugged, "According to the contract, this is the duty of a private bodyguard."

Derek was startled, this guy must be a muscle, right?
After thinking about it carefully and looking at Su Ye, he suddenly thought that this guy is strong and strong, and he might be able to become a qualified host with him.

"Okay, then follow me, don't worry, I won't treat you badly."

After Drake finished speaking, he immediately turned around and operated on the computer, and entered the password to start the launch procedure of the spacecraft.

"The countdown to the launch of the spaceship is 3 minutes!"

At the same time, Su Ye noticed a huge black figure running towards him not far away.

It was Venom! ! !

The next moment, Su Ye was like a play, and his face was full of horror: "Boss, there is a monster rushing over there!"

Hearing Su Ye's words, Drake immediately looked outside, and sure enough, he saw the venom rushing towards the spaceship.


In the next second, Riot let out a deep roar, and then rushed out directly towards the venom.

Su Ye looked at this scene and had no intention of making a move.

According to the original book, the strength of the riot is enough to crush the venom, and the venom is completely beaten by the riot.

If it hadn't been a trick to blow up the spaceship in the end, Venom would definitely not be the opponent of the riot.

In the first round, Venom was dialed down by Riot.

In the second round, host Eddie was pierced into the chest by a sharp knife from Riot.

At the same time, the spaceship was starting up, spraying flames.

Riot hurried back to the ship.

On the ground, Eddie, who was lying on the ground, was possessed by venom and cured of his injuries.

Then he jumped towards the spaceship suddenly.

In front of the side window of the spaceship.

Riot and Venom looked at each other.

"Traitor, I wish you a happy life!" Riding on the spaceship that was taking off, the riot was very rampant.

And Venom was about to split the spaceship downward with a sharp blade in his hand.

It was Su Ye who was standing behind Riot who suddenly took out the Starlight Scepter and pointed it at him.

'All petrochemical! '

The next moment, Venom's body froze violently, fell down, and finally fell into the sea.

In this way, according to the original plot, the scene where he split the spaceship with a sharp blade and caused an explosion was also reversed by Su Ye.

In the ground control center, Eddie's girlfriend watched the spaceship soaring into the sky in despair, then turned and left the room.

She didn't know what happened to the venom at that moment, and wanted to go over and have a look.

After the spaceship broke out of the atmosphere, the riot transformed into countless tentacles, operating the spaceship.

Suddenly, Riot opened his mouth and reminded Su Ye: "Fasten your seat belt, don't spit all over the place, we're about to enter the space node and start jumping."

As soon as his words fell, the spaceship suddenly plunged into the depths of the void and disappeared into space.

next moment.

In Su Ye's feelings.

All sounds have disappeared, and it seems to have entered a place of absolute silence.

The surroundings are full of colorful rays of light, and wherever the eyes can see, the colorful rays of light are stretched slender.

And under the gaze of everyone in the main world.

I saw that the picture in the live broadcast room was constantly distorted. Brother Huohua was pulled so long that his face was completely deformed, becoming an indescribable deformity.

"Fuck! Is this a space jump?"

"Engine twisting technology?"

"I don't know if there will be any technical rewards for Brother Huohua when he gets the SSS rating!"

"It's really scary. Fortunately, it's just a distortion of vision, and it doesn't really affect Brother Huohua."

"Otherwise all of us will become deformed, haha!"

Fortunately, this process did not last long, and the spacecraft quickly jumped out of this weird space and reappeared in a relatively stable physical universe.

At the same time, the picture in the live broadcast room instantly returned to normal.

"Got home!"

Hearing the roar of riot and excitement, Su Ye quickly looked out of the glass.

A huge red planet appeared in everyone's sight.

The atmosphere of the red planet is very weak, even if they are still in space, they can clearly see the desolation on the planet.

Riot suddenly turned to look at Su Ye, "When the spaceship lands, you'd better be honest and don't make any noise, or the whole universe will be in trouble!"

After hearing the warning of the riot, Su Ye suddenly understood.

Is it because of the existence of Gnar, the god of symbiosis?
(End of this chapter)

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