Chapter 378

Seeing that all the missiles he fired were bounced off, and even a few of them were fired at him, Su Ye quickly dodged.

However, the other party's move was exactly as he wanted.

Forced out of the evil giant's defensive move, Su Ye immediately took out the Starlight Scepter.

First, 40% of the mana was consumed to cast Raikage.

Then let Hoshino Channa regain full mana.

Immediately after, all the magic power in the body was output.

'Nine Heavens Thunder'!
The next moment, two purple-gold thick thunderbolts struck the evil giant in an instant, sending out countless sparks and flying stars.

Unsurprisingly, the opponent's skin was not broken.

However, under Su Ye's gaze, the fighting power of the evil giant dropped a lot, falling below 400 million.

After being struck twice by lightning, the evil giant stumbled for a while.

However, he quickly calmed down, and immediately raised his hand and threw several energy light arrows at Su Ye.

Su Ye only had time to wrap his white wings around his body.

After being hit by the energy light arrow, the whole person was immediately sent flying.

"Oni-chan, are you alright!?"

"I'm fine, you don't need to treat me!"

Hoshino Kanna was about to release the treatment, but was stopped by Su Ye.

He was unharmed.

After relaxing on the spot for a while, Su Ye continued to fly towards the evil giant.

The evil giant did not receive a follow-up attack, but crossed its hands in front of it, paused for a few seconds, and then lowered it to both sides.

In an instant, under everyone's gaze, the color of the evil giant's superficial skin changed.

Seeing this, Chu Wei quickly reminded: "He has changed from a strong type to a speed type, be careful!"

According to Su Ye's observation, the opponent's combat power dropped by 20.

It should be the energy consumed by the other party's transformation.

The next moment, just as the other party yelled, he leaped high towards Su Ye with a quick sprint, and kicked towards Su Ye.

Compared to before, the speed of the evil giant was more than three times faster.

Su Ye also had to teleport and disappear in place, dodging the opponent's attack.

Appearing on the other side, he quickly raised his hands, and aimed his palms at the evil giant to release a laser cannon.

There were two loud bangs.

The fighting power of the evil giant dropped by more than [-] again.

At this time, the magic power in his body just recovered to full.

Take out the starlight scepter.

In an instant, a lifelike Lei Feng appeared in front of his eyes.

Then there was a cry.

Lei Feng slammed into the evil giant's chest fiercely, causing the giant to take several steps back.

Immediately afterwards, countless small lightning bolts spread out, covering the giant's body, causing subsequent damage.

The evil giant trembled for a while, and after he calmed down, he rushed towards Su Ye again.

In the form of speed, Su Ye can only use teleportation and apparation to avoid the opponent's fighting moves.

During the period, he was also hit by the evil giant several times.

But fortunately, every time Su Ye was able to use his pure white wings to block himself before the opponent was hit.

In this way, the two sides fought back and forth for more than ten rounds.

The evil giant suddenly stood still.

I saw him making fists with both hands, and after spreading his arms flat, they gradually moved closer to the middle.

According to Su Ye's observation, the combat power of the evil giant is dropping rapidly at this time.

"Fuck, this is going to be a bigger move!"

"Not yet, brother Huo Huan quickly wrap his wings around his body to block its light attack."

"This is the light of the big move, who knows if it will penetrate through the wings and attack Brother Huohua!"

"It is very possible that according to the original plot, the light of Ultraman penetrated into the target's body, and then detonated after a second or two."

"Then use teleportation and apparation to hide!"

"No, the other party has figured out the cooldown time of Brother Huohua's release of these two displacements, and only then released the big move at this moment!"

"That's right, Brother Huohua's two displacements are still cooling down, unless you use a stand-in doll."

Under everyone's gaze.

Preparations for Ultraman's ultimate move are ready.

Immediately afterwards, a purple-black evil ray shot towards Su Ye.

"Oni-chan!" Hoshino Kana also knew that this was Ultraman's signature nirvana, and was a little worried.

Su Ye showed no panic.

Looking at the opponent's combat power, there are only more than 200 million left.

Watching the purple-black rays shooting from his wrist.

Several lightning bolts erupted all over his body in an instant.

Under the crackling sound of thunder and lightning.

'Thunder escape'!
In the next second, Su Ye disappeared in place.

As soon as it disappeared, purple-black rays passed through several remaining lightning bolts.

Seeing this scene, the evil giant was stunned.

Obviously, this is the opponent's dodge to avoid his nirvana.

Instead of being solved by his own nirvana.

Although I am surprised that the other party still has a flash, or can move!

But what about people?
The evil giant quickly looked around.

And in the high-altitude clouds thousands of meters above the giant's head.

Su Ye put on the self-healing symbiote suit,

Then put your hands together to transform into a huge spiked hammer.

Then, like in kung fu, Ah Xing released the palm of the Tathagata, and fell towards the opponent with a huge spiked hammer.

Under the action of gravity.

Su Ye fell faster and faster.

The force carried by the huge spiked hammer is getting bigger and bigger.

And the sound of breaking through the air became louder and louder.

When the evil giant heard the sound of roaring and piercing the air above his head, he reacted and looked up subconsciously.

It's just too late!

In other words, it was too late to escape.

The huge spiked hammer smashed hard on the head of the evil giant.

This time, he smashed it to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, the giant's combat power fell to just over 100 million.

Meanwhile, on the chest of the evil giant.

The energy crystal began to flicker.

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

Ding Dong!

"How could this could this be."

"I am God, I am Ultraman, how could I lose!"

"I still want to guide the evolution of stupid humans!"

At this moment, Masaki Keigo panicked!

The roar of unwillingness resounded in everyone's mind.

Then, he struggled to get up.

But Su Ye didn't give him a chance. Holding a huge spiked hammer, he jumped on the giant's head and smashed it.

a bit!

The giant slapped him in the face, and Su Ye moved away in an instant.But it was on his own face.

Originally, Su Ye smashed its combat power of more than 20 in two blows.

In addition, it slapped itself, and lost more than 20 yuan.

Looking at the giant with only about [-] combat power left.

Su Ye put away the symbiote suit and the nanomark suit, showing his face floating not far from him.

"Masaki Keigo, the so-called stupid human beings in your mouth have defeated you!"

"Don't you think it's ridiculous!?"

While speaking, Thunder God Spear condensed out from his right hand.

"Are you a human from this world?"

"Impossible, humans can't be this powerful!"

Masaki Keigo's words were full of disbelief.

Since he came to this world, he began to look for the giant stone statue.

He also noticed human survivors fleeing in disorder.

But no one can defeat him as an Ultraman like the other party!

(End of this chapter)

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