Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 384 Neutral bomb explodes!

Chapter 384 Neutral bomb explodes!

After killing Jakuma.

There were only four monsters left on the scene.

The mechanical life form Phaibas.

The super ancient monster Garura.

Alien evolution monster Ebolon.
and the last of the Balrog warriors, the Kiri-Erods.

And in the square not far away.

The woman in the cloak was running towards a forest.

In front of her, there are two monsters hiding in the woods, they are the biochemical and electronic dinosaurs Maruko Niza 1 and 2.

the other side.

The battle continues.

Ablen's abilities are all related to electricity, but what Su Ye is most afraid of is electricity.

Whether it's its electric whip, electric claw, or electric beam, it can't do any harm to Su Ye.

Ignoring Ebolon, Su Ye mainly attacked Faibas and Kirielod, and at the same time took care of Garula, attacking its weak throat whenever the opportunity arises.

When getting close to Fahibas, Su Ye directly grabbed him, and injected the source of light into his body.

This move is called Ultra High Heat Blast.

After Su Ye finished releasing, he dodged to the side, dodging Galula's attack.

A moment later, Feibas exploded in an instant, his body splashed into the air and shot in all directions.

Seeing yet another comrade slain, the Kiriarods were on the verge of madness.

In the next moment, he changed his shape and extended his wings behind him, and then he quickly came to the crowd in the square while Tiga was entangled by Ablon and Garula.

"Ultraman Tiga, stop now, or I will kill these humans!"

As the Kirielod said, he stepped on the crowd, and his feet were bloody and bloody.

Facing the fear of death, hundreds of thousands of neon people suddenly recovered from their bewitched mental state and fled in all directions.

"It was Ultraman Tiga who killed you, why are you running away!"

Seeing this, the Kirierods immediately used their mental power to appease the panicked humans.

I saw hundreds of thousands of Neon people who were about to escape immediately quieted down, and then looked at Dijia with hatred.

At the same time, Su Ye had already found a chance, throwing away Ablon with an Ultra back shot, and then sprinted in front of Garula with a thunderbolt, slashing at its throat with a hand knife.

When Su Ye was behind Galula.

Everyone saw that Garula's head fell off, and at the same time, the energy gathered in Su Ye's palm and injected into it caused a violent explosion.

"Ultraman Tiga!"

"Don't you care about the life and death of these humans?"

"Aren't you going to protect the world?"

The Kirielods threw hellfire bullets at Su Ye.

But it was easily dodged by Su Ye.

Su Ye didn't bother to pay attention to him at all, and swung his right hand towards him, and a ray of Ultra restraint light hit the opponent accurately.

Immediately afterwards, he crossed his hands and wrists in front of him, and spread them to the left and right to gather energy.

The Kyriairods tried to move their bodies, but found that they couldn't move at all.

Seeing Di Jia start to use his big moves, he quickly said: "Ultraman Di Jia, this world will eventually be destroyed."

"Ha ha ha ha."

"Even if you kill me, you can't prevent the destruction of the world from happening."

in the live room.

"You're going to die if you put some fucking bullshit, and you're still talking big!"

"I always feel wrong!"

"I see, Brother Huohua, hurry up and stop those two biochemical dinosaurs."

"I also remembered, when I was in the sky, I saw two monsters hiding in the forest in the distance in front of the square from the perspective of Brother Huohua!"

"The Kyriairods are going to detonate the neutral bomb of the biochemical dinosaur."

"Fuck, in Ultraman Tiga, that's a bomb that can destroy half of the world!"

"What the hell, at such a close distance, Brother Huohua was blown up to such an extent that there was not even a scum left. It is impossible to survive. The Ankh of Rebirth must not have time to work."

this moment.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was surging wildly.

at the same time.

Just when Su Ye released Zapelio's light and hit the Kirielods.

Accompanied by the opponent's body explosion.

Suddenly, Chu Wei's urgent voice sounded in his ears.

Hearing this, Su Ye immediately kicked his legs and flew towards the forest in the distance ahead.

As soon as they reached the high altitude, everyone immediately found the two biochemical dinosaurs, Maruha Niza 1 and 2.

At this time, everyone noticed that the two monsters were moving forward and approaching quickly.

And the distance between the two, no, it should be said that the two neutral bombs floating on the stomach of the two monsters were less than half a meter away from each other.

Someone noticed that under the feet of the two monsters, a woman in a cloak was sneering constantly as she looked at the flying Tiga.

"Brother Spark, hurry up and teleport, or Apparate in the past to prevent them from approaching."

"No way, it's too late, we're about to hit each other, if the displacement doesn't prevent the direct explosion, then it will really be wiped out!"

"What should I do?"

"Cancel the transformation now, then use the Infinity Gauntlet or Super Timer to rewind time!"

Under the surging barrage.

Su Ye also faced a dilemma.

But soon under the suggestion of the voice in the ear.

He made a decision.

Although it is a dilemma, but after calm and careful consideration, the most correct choice at this time is undoubtedly to cancel the transformation and reverse time.

As someone analyzed, it would be fine to stop him if he got close.

But if not blocked.

Located at the core of the explosion point, in an instant, his whole body would be melted away by the high temperature.

The condition for using the Ankh of Rebirth is that Su Ye must have 10% of his flesh and blood.

At that time, even Hoshino Kanna, who is in other dimensions, will have the same fate when she breaks away from the possessed state after his death.

Just when Su Ye broke away from the Dijia state.

In front of him, a blazing white light instantly lit up.

The scorching high temperature shone on Su Ye in less than one tenth of a second.

At the same time, Su Ye quickly put away the Divine Light Wand, took out the Infinity Gauntlet and put it on.

As the high temperature rises further, the burning sensation further intensifies.

With a thought in his mind, Su Ye used the time power of the infinite gauntlet.

'Rewind time 30 seconds'!
next second.

Su Ye was delighted to find that he was in Dijia state at the moment.

In front of him is the Kirielod, on the right is Eblon, and on the right is the corpse of Garura.

Immediately afterwards, the same words resounded in Su Ye's ears.

"Ultraman Tiga!"

"Don't you care about the life and death of these humans?"

"Aren't you going to protect the world?"

In the main world, everyone was relieved to see such a scene.

"Brother Huohua should have time to stop it with Apparation now!"

"Why didn't we go back in time?"

"I checked the alarm clock, and it's true, maybe it's not in the same universe? So it's not affected by Brother Huohua!?"

"There is an illusion of watching a movie and then pulling the progress bar back 30 seconds"

Su Ye gave the Kirielod a freezing beam, and then disappeared in place in the eyes of the two monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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