Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 386 Brainy Neon Man!

Chapter 386 Brainy Neon Man!

When Su Ye reappeared, he was already in front of two biochemical dinosaurs, Naiza Maruha 1 and 2.

As soon as he appeared, Su Ye immediately kicked No. 1 dozens of meters away with a powerful Ultrafly kick.

Immediately afterwards, he looked at No. 2, followed by a hand knife cut to remove the neutral bomb on its stomach, and then put it into the space ring.

It was at this time.

Shanshan, the woman in the cloak, arrived when she saw Di Jia was here.

The Kirielod was taken aback.

How did Di Jia know about the two electronic dinosaurs we hid here?

Then she noticed that the neutral bomb on the stomach of dinosaur 2 was gone.

Suddenly, her face changed drastically!
It was too late to think about it, and after seeing Di Jia went to No. 1, he wanted to seize the second neutral bomb.

The Kirielod immediately turned into a giant, and then appeared in front of Su Ye.

The first time it appeared, it immediately threw a prison flame projectile at Di Jia.

Su Ye immediately used Ultra Defense.

He crossed his hands, the source of light gathered, and the prison flame bounced back all of a sudden.

Immediately afterwards, he sprinted and came in front of the Kirielod, hitting it in the chest with an electric shock.

The next moment, with sparks flying, a hole the size of a fist appeared in everyone's eyes.

Then, Su Ye used Quick Hand Knife on it again, cutting off the flickering light one by one.

In just a few seconds, the opponent's body was already torn apart and scattered on the ground.

After disposing of this guy, Su Ye came to Maruha Niza 1, and used the same method to remove the neutral bomb on its stomach, and then received it into the space ring.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oni-chan, it's just too dangerous!"

"It's so dangerous!" Su Ye sighed, and immediately felt something was wrong, "Shana, why haven't you been affected by time?"

He continued, "You know what happened to the explosion just now?"

"I know! Maybe I'm in another dimension, I'm not affected by the backward time."

"That's it!" Su Ye didn't dwell on this too much.

Next, he blew up the two monsters, then collected the three monsters and dropped three level 9 colorful eggs.

Immediately afterwards, the huge body of Di Jia jumped into the air, and then flew towards the square.


The familiar picture came into view again.

It didn't take much time to deal with the Kirielods and Ebolon, and Su Ye began to clean up the battlefield.

Plus the three level 9 colorful eggs just harvested.

On the battlefield here, there are ten level 9 colorful eggs standing quietly on the ground, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Guys, we just saved the Earth!"

"That's right. We were the first to notice something was wrong in that mountain forest."

"After I noticed it at the time, I always felt a little familiar but couldn't remember it, and then I looked for information, only to find out that it was Maruha Niza 1 and 2."

"If there weren't so many pairs of eyes like ours, Brother Huohua would focus on the gate of hell at that time, and the scene behind would be even more suspenseful."

Among the ruins of Nagasaki City.

Su Ye ran for a while, and after putting away ten level 9 colorful eggs, Chu Wei's question rang in his ears.

"How many sources of light are there!?"


In particular, when Su Ye was in Tiga's body, using magic skills consumed the magic power in his body.

From the perspective of the game, that is, besides a blue bar, he also has a source of light energy bar at the moment!
On the other side, in a crowded square.

With the death of the Kirielods.

Hundreds of thousands of neon people suddenly woke up from the bewitched state.

"what happened!?"

"If the memory just now is correct, Ultraman Tiga should have appeared!"

"I also have such a memory, but I haven't heard that any extraordinary person in our country has obtained a magic light stick from a secret realm!"

"Is there a Tiga in this world?"

The crowd was discussing, and some leaders of the forces were hastily recruiting their subordinates.

At this moment, Su Ye walked over after picking up ten level 9 colorful eggs.

When his tall and handsome body appeared in the eyes of hundreds of thousands of neon people.

When hundreds of thousands of neon people looked at that familiar figure that could no longer be familiar.

In an instant.

At this moment, no matter men, women, young or old, all looked up at Dijia with tears in their eyes.

"It's really Ultraman Tiga!"

A middle-aged group in their thirties and above shouted after seeing this.

These watched Altman Tiga grow up from a young age.

For them, Tiga is the Ultraman that impressed them the most in their minds.

It is also the Ultraman they most admire!

Immediately, they couldn't control themselves and rushed towards Su Ye crazily.

"Tiga saved us!"

"It was Tiga who wiped out the Kirierods and those monsters!"

These people recalled the memory of being bewitched. Many people bowed to Ultraman Tiga, and some knelt down to worship.

"Earthlings, hello!" Su Ye didn't intend to cancel the transformation.

In the original book, Dagu couldn't wait to leave after defeating the monster, it was because the source of light was not enough.

But I don't have such a problem.

One more thing, Su Ye will use the name of Di Jia to carry out a plan.

As Su Ye's voice sounded in the hearts of all neon people.

"Is Ultraman Tiga greeting us?"

People couldn't believe it. They didn't understand until they saw Di Jia nodded slowly, and their expressions were also excited.

Didn't know Tiga's human body was that warrior!

There are also many people who are guessing in their hearts.

"I am Dagu, you should know me!"

"Dagu, what the hell! The protagonist in the original book has also come!"

"No wonder, but isn't it only the villains that descend?"

"I see, someone must have entered Tiga's world, and then obtained an evaluation of S-level or higher, and brought out a character summoning card!"

"Yes, that's right, I know this. A friend of mine brought out robots such as Kabuda and Scarecrow Jiro from the world of Iron Armored Little Treasure."

"Dagu actually appeared, we are saved!"

Listen to the brains of the people in the neon below.

Su Ye chuckled inwardly, as expected.

The plot is progressing as I originally guessed.

He continued: "Mr. Tian Ye summoned me, and now I am going to Nagoya City to destroy the third batch of monsters that descended."

"But my battle just now consumed a lot of the source of light, and I need to replenish energy to cope with the next battle!"

As soon as Di Jia said this, someone immediately said, "Is it the power of light!?"

"Everyone take out the flashlights, as long as it is something that can shine, aim it at Ultraman Tiga."

An older faction leader immediately ordered decisively to arrange for everyone to act.

Su Ye was taken aback when he saw this!
He originally wanted time coins, but he didn't expect these people to make up their minds quickly enough, so they directly thought of this trick.

However, in the original book, there is indeed a scene where many people hold flashlights and turn on the headlights to shine on Tiga, and then forcefully illuminate Tiga to life.

Alright, let's try to see if we can replenish the source of light.

Otherwise, waiting for Tiga's body to recover the source of light by itself would be too slow.

It would be best if possible.

Then find a way to get time coins from them.

Anyway, if you don't pay the life-saving fee today, it's so easy to want to leave!
(End of this chapter)

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