Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 392 Countermeasures

Chapter 392 Countermeasures
Su Ye remained hidden, staying away from the battlefield.

In the eyes of everyone, the battle between the eight boss monsters began.

One side is led by Dark Zaki, including Angel of Destruction Zog, Void Monster Griza, Dark Ultra Killer, and Ampera Starman.

The other side is headed by the time-space demon god Aitarga, including Dark Lukiel and Caesar Belial.

Although it is five against three.

But cleverly filled with balance.

At the same time, Su Ye was moving away faster and faster.

Because the movement and momentum of the battle that broke out between them became more and more terrifying.

The overflowing skill damage can destroy an island of 100 square kilometers with a single blow.

And if the attack is deliberate, once the enemy dodges, the damage caused can destroy an island of 1000 square kilometers, or shatter the continental plate.

What a concept! ?

The area of ​​Hong Kong is only 1106.66 square kilometers.

It is enough to see that as long as their battle continues like this, it will only be a matter of time before the entire Neon Kingdom is smashed.

"Oni-chan, is there really no way to deal with them?" Seeing her country being destroyed like this, Hoshino Kanna asked very unwillingly.

"Wait until I figure out a way!" Su Ye replied softly, no longer paying attention to the battlefield, and then turned around and flew wildly towards Osaka City.

No matter what, go to Osaka first and rescue the scientists who are in the underground shelter first.

In the main battle room.

At this moment, a group of staff including Chu Wei are frantically doing various data calculations.

After a while, five effective coping methods and explanations were displayed on a large screen on the wall.

The first combat form with the greatest intensity is when Su Ye enters the gene lock to transform into Tiga.

The first is the analysis of the method of accumulating the volt value of Thunder Gun in the state of gene lock Tiga.

This trick has a restriction, that is, it is impossible to drink magic recovery potion in Tiga state.

Therefore, the upper limit of the volt value also depends on the amount of mana in the state of Gene Lock Tiga.

Judging from the previous situation that Su Ye was able to accumulate 1 million volts of thunder guns, which can kill 100-120 million combat creatures.

In the state of gene-locked Tiga, if the volt value is amplified ten times in the theoretical direction, it can only kill more than 1000 million creatures.

And magnified one hundred times, the volt value reaches 100 billion to kill the fantasy life with a combat power of about 1 million.

But it is obvious that Su Ye can't accumulate such a high volt value.

That is to say, for Tiga in the gene lock state, the most effective single-target damage output is still light attack.

In this combat mode, Su Ye's combat power is 5060 million.

In addition to the hope of killing Gatanjae, other bosses with a combat power exceeding [-] million need to be dealt with with super time.

The second method is to use super time to stop time.

Then perform a crazy big move on one of the bosses for output.

This method can kill more than [-] million BOSS monsters, after all, others are standing there to fight you.

The third method is to use the neutral bombs harvested before, use the super time to stop, and then destroy the eight monsters in one fell swoop.

But this trick can only be said, it is best not to use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

After all, to kill one thousand enemies and lose eight hundred, the price of half the world is really too high.

The fourth method is to go back to Xia Kingdom to get the nuclear bomb, and then improve the quality and strengthen the star power.

Then still use the time stop to drop the nuclear bomb on the battlefield of the eight monsters.

This method is uncertain.

Because everyone doesn't know if the damage from the nuclear bomb can kill eight monsters.

These are all future and confirmed before, so the uncertainty is very large, including whether the monster will further mutate under nuclear radiation and so on.

And in this way, the Neon Kingdom will definitely disappear and will completely cease to exist.

There's an upside to this though.

That is to blow up the neon country, which may cause the time and space cordon belonging to the neon country to disappear.

If this is the case, then there is no need to bear the risk of the space-time warning line reaching 100%.

but it might not go away
The fifth method is to divert the water to the east, let these phantom life forms attack other phantom life forms, so that Su Ye can reap the benefits.

However, this method is limited to the current limited intelligence conditions, and it may be more troublesome to implement.

Except for the neon, Xia Guo's fantasy life is definitely not able to cope with the third batch of fantasy life coming from the Neon country.

It is estimated that Su Ye's current combat power of 5000 million can solve the fantasy life in Xia Kingdom.

As for the other fantasy beings, the bosses of One Piece have sailed away after they appeared, and the general of the Navy Headquarters is also missing, and they probably followed the Tianlong people to find a new territory.

Therefore, in order to implement this method, Su Ye could only spend time finding other fantasy beings that could counter the eight boss monsters.

At this moment, Chu Wei closed his eyes, and began to run his brain frantically, thinking about the most suitable coping strategy.

the other side.


Su Ye came to shelter 12.

In the refuge, according to Su Ye's arrangement.

Tomoko Mizuno solved the fantasy life that came from the hot-blooded high school without accident.

Immediately afterwards, with Tomoko Mizuno leading the way, Su Ye came to shelter 11.

Once the memory spell was controlled and operated, he asked the leader of No. 11 Vault to take him to the other Vaults.

In this way, it took more than an hour.

Su Ye rescued more than 25 neon people in 50 underground shelters.

Basically, they are all ordinary people, and there are no extraordinary people.

During this period, Su Ye even spent some time coins to renew the lives of several scientists who were about to die of old age.

Finally, there are 2216 important neon scientists and research scholars, as well as graduate students, doctoral students, and master students in related fields.

The rest are dignitaries and businessmen etc.

The handling of these people is a bit troublesome.

After discussing with the main world.

Su Ye then purchased more than 500 civilian transport ships from the points mall.

After letting more than 50 neon people board the ship.

Su Ye escorted them to Wudao City in the air.

a few hours later.

Arriving in the waters near Wudao City, Su Ye let 23 warships escort the more than 500 transport ships.

Let the civilian transport ship be in the middle, and 23 warships escort it in front, left and right, and head towards Xia Guo in this way.

The sky has darkened.

However, the movement of the battle in the direction of Nagoya City is still massive.

Afterwards, Su Ye flew to Osaka City, intending to take away the cemetery where Chanel's mother was buried before.

While passing through Nagasaki City, he suddenly discovered that there was actually a large group of neon people here.

After landing and understanding the reason, Su Ye bought a civilian transport ship and let them head towards Xia Guo.

After dealing with all this, Su Ye flew to Osaka City.

(End of this chapter)

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