Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 398 Strengthening the Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 398 Strengthening the Nuclear Bomb
When Su Ye spoke out the information transmitted to the brain.

In the main battle room.

Chu Wei immediately started to calculate.

According to the formula for calculating the effective killing distance of nuclear weapons: killing radius = CX explosion equivalent ^ (1/3), C is a proportional constant, generally taken as: 1.493885.

Then, it can be calculated according to this formula:
When the equivalent is 10 tons,
Effective killing area = piX3.22X3.22 = 33 square kilometers
When the equivalent is 100 million tons.

When the equivalent is 1000 million tons.

When the equivalent is 1 million tons

Effective killing area = piX32.18X32.18 = 3257 square kilometers
It has been calculated to 1 million tons, and the calculated data roughly correspond to what Su Ye said.

So, that is to say, the power of the Dongfeng that Su Ye bought is equivalent to 1 million tons.

According to the size of Su Ye's nuclear bomb that Chu Wei saw, it is obvious that it does not have such a high yield.

Then it is obviously the power brought by the addition of the legendary colorful quality.

At the same time, while Chu Wei was thinking, the Taoist priest and seven scholars walked in.

on site.

After the Taoist priest and seven scholars are in place.

Su Ye began to use the star power strengthening scroll to strengthen this Dongfang-41.

Before, he used a lot of doomsday coins in order to increase Tiga's combat time.

Therefore, in the face of this enhanced prediction, the lifespan of the Taoist chief and the seven scholars is more than enough.

10 minutes later.

Dongfang-41 has been strengthened to 10 stars, power: +200%.

The effective killing radius has been changed to: 90 kilometers
The effective killing area has become: 9600 square kilometers
Two 10 minutes later.

20 Star Enhanced Dongfang-41:

The effective killing radius has been changed to: 150 kilometers
The effective killing area has become: 1.6 square kilometers

Is it enough?
not enough!

You know, the land area of ​​Neon Country, including the islands, is a full 37.7 square kilometers.

one more.

The power of the nuclear bomb corresponds to how many fighting creatures can be killed, no one can count.

Can't be sure.

So, Su Ye continued smashing the paper.

One hour, two hours, three hours.
Spent all morning.

More than 2000 million doomsday coins were spent.

Until noon, Tang Yi came over to call for dinner.

Su Ye just stopped strengthening.

At this time, the specific parameters of the 600-star enhanced Dongfeng-41 in front of him are:

The effective killing radius has been changed to: 3556 kilometers
The effective killing area has become: 37.7 square kilometers

Su Ye personally feels that it should be enough, but no matter what, for the first time, start with 600 stars.

At that time, according to the results, I and the main world will almost have a good idea.

Standing beside Su Ye, Tang Yi curiously looked at the behemoth in front of him.

After waiting for a while, she said, "Are you finished!?"

"Okay, let's go!" Su Ye put Dongfeng-41 into the space ring, and said with a long breath.

On the way back to the villa.

Tang Yi held Su Ye's arm, and asked hesitantly, "Well, do you and Chanel plan to have a child?"

Upon hearing this, Su Ye looked at her with surprise, "How old is she!?"

"I'm also very young, it's still early for the child!?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Tang Yi was silent for a while and said: "Actually, I want a child!"

"It's just that I'm a baby after all. If she doesn't go first, I'm too embarrassed to get pregnant first."

She blushed a little.

Tang Guohao and Tan Xiuyun actually talked to her about the child one day.

Parents want to hug their grandson.

Tang Yi himself felt that this relationship had hurt his parents and failed their expectations.

So with the mentality of making up for my parents, I agreed.

Su Ye was silent for a long time after listening, and did not speak until he was about to enter the villa, "Let's talk about the child!"

Have a peaceful meal in the villa.

Su Ye took Hoshino Kanna and transformed into Di Jia and rushed towards the neon.

Not long after, he saw a group of ships that were about to arrive along the coast of Xia Kingdom.

It was those neon people.

Don't pay too much attention to them.

ten minutes later.

Nagasaki City is far away.

It's just that when they saw the current scene of Nagasaki City, everyone was taken aback.

"It's Caesar Belial and the Ampera Stars who are fighting!"

"What about the rest of the monsters?"

"Why are there only two of them!?"

"Maybe it's fighting somewhere else."

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at the situation in Nagasaki City, it's all broken up like this, it's so miserable!"

Su Ye raised his flight altitude and observed the battle situation below.

Caesar Belial was holding the ultimate combat instrument, and beams of skill light were constantly being swayed by it.

On the other side, the Ampera Starman was using the Dark Domain to fight against it with the dark cloth.

After watching for a while, Su Ye continued to raise the height.

At a distance of more than 1 meters in the sky, he saw the original eight monsters fighting in various parts of the Neon Kingdom.

Except for the battlefield in Nagasaki just now.

In the area of ​​Kochi City, the dark Lukiel with a combat power of 1.8 million hit three with one.

Fighting against the Dark Ultra Killer, Griza, and Angel Zog.

And in Osaka City, Super Dimensional Demon God Aitarga is fighting against Dark Zaki.

The cool rays of light and hand-to-hand combat caused earthquakes, landslides and tsunamis.

Seeing everyone was speechless.

From the looks of it, Osaka City won't be able to hold on for long before it will be sunk by them.

But this is not the key point, anyway, the whole neon will be blown up later.

"Gatangie was not found, I don't know where it went!"

"Forget it, I'll look for it later, let's deal with these eight monsters first!"

"Well, but we have to find a way to bring them together!"

"Enter the second-level Tiga gene lock, try to mock them, be careful!"

"I will!"

Su Ye first canceled the transformation, then turned on the gene lock, transformed into Tiga again, and then transformed into an air form and flew towards Nagasaki City.

After a while, he was suspended in front of Caesar Bellia and the Ampera star.



Watching Ultraman Tiga appear suddenly.

Caesar Bellia and the Ambella star suddenly exclaimed.

There is Tiga in this world?
They knew Tiga, and when they saw Tiga appear, they instantly wondered whether other Ultraman would also appear.

Su Ye didn't quarrel with them, and just taunted him: "Waste is waste after all, it takes so long to fight!"

"I, Tiga, exist in this world, so stop wishful thinking!"

While speaking, Su Ye threw out two beams of light to attack them, and then flew towards Kochi City.

Until Su Ye flew away.

Beria and Ampera star on the field reacted.

Then, in the next second, they were furious and immediately chased after Su Ye.

Not long after, Su Ye stayed in Kochi City for a while.

Using the same method, it attracted the hatred of Lugiel and the other three monsters.

Then, taking the lead, Su Ye, who was full of energy, quickly flew towards the city of Osaka.

Right now behind him, six bosses are chasing and shouting non-stop.

At the same time, there were still many attacks coming towards Su Ye.

But it was easily dodged by Su Ye.

Before long, the city of Osaka was in sight.

(End of this chapter)

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