Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 410 Reality Version: Prologue to the Top War

Chapter 410 Reality Version: Prologue to the Top War
Ryukyu Island.

No, it is now called the Navy Headquarters of Marine Vanduo by everyone in the Navy.

A young man wearing Hailou stone shackles was led up to the high Xingtai.

In order to gain a firm foothold in this new world.

To establish new naval prestige in this new world.

In order to fight against the many pirate groups that came to the new world together.

Wu Laoxing and others decided to attract the Whitebeard Pirates to come by publicly executing Ace.

Then by killing the Whitebeard Pirates and other pirates.

Come and declare to this new world: the world government and navy dominated by Draconians are still the most powerful forces.

And to deal with the old man with white beard.

And considering the world-destroying vision that just happened not long ago.

The Navy Headquarters at the moment.

Wulaoxing and others also attended the scene to ensure that no accidents occurred.

Except for the five old stars.

There is also Admiral Buddha's Warring States.

There are also the three most powerful generals in the navy: Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru.

There is also the former naval pioneer king, the hero Karp.

There are also lieutenant generals: Crane, Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider, Stolberg, Fire Mountain, Dauberman, Dalmatian, Bastiew, Gumir
There is also the Qiwuhai under the king who was forcibly recruited.

And below.

A group of aborigines who were forcibly recruited were wearing the cloak of justice at the moment, watching the several admirals on the high platform discussing.

"Unexpectedly, we actually participated in this classic battle in this way."

"White Beard will make an appearance later, but I don't know if I will see other people."

"Sura should also come over, I saw that his Shining Tiga didn't disappear after killing the dark super monster."

"Wow, the real empress is so beautiful, and her figure is amazing. If she can fall in love with her, it will be so cool."

"Boa Hancock, in the original book, she seems to only like Luffy."

Among them are the Wanwan people who were originally survivors from Ryukyu Island and then became superhumans.

There are also Philippine monkeys brought over from the Philippines by the Warring States Period.

In this way, the navy formed one hundred thousand elite naval soldiers in this way.

on the high platform.

"Ah, it's really annoying, end it soon, I still have to explore this new world." Aokiji was a little bored.

"Wait, there is a big battle waiting for us." Sakaski said with a majestic expression.

"The abilities of these aborigines are really strange. They can control many kinds of abilities. I need to study it!" Huang Yuan muttered.

Sakasky glanced at him, "What is there to study, so weak, let's think about how to develop our navy in this world."

"At least there are still strong ones. I heard they say it's Shura, right? Charlotte Lingling has just gone to his territory, and I don't know if she will have a chance to appear in front of us."

"This cross of rebirth is very good, but I don't know if it will work for us." Huang Yuan took out a cross and looked at it.

Just now.

A soldier ran over to inform the three generals of a news.

"Charlotte Lingling of the BIGMOM Pirates was killed there, and it was an instant kill!"

In an instant, the expressions of the three generals changed.

At the same time, Warring States was on the execution platform, holding a phone bug and started broadcasting.

"Today, the man we are going to execute, Portgas D. Ace, his father is, One Piece, Gore D. Roger."

"We will use his death to declare to this new world that the navy of absolute justice will remain as strong as ever."

this moment.

All the pirate characters who came to the new world heard it.

"In this new world, the Navy must never be made bigger!"

"That's right, we pirates are the overlords of this new world!"

"Ace's death is no longer a matter of Whitebeard alone. It concerns all pirates and is of great significance."

Beast Pirates, Red Hair Pirates, Blackbeard Pirates, Straw Hat Pirates
They are all rushing to Ryukyu Island as soon as possible.

Ryukyu Island, port.

Suddenly, the high-pitched voice of the navy came.

"The Whitebeard Pirates have appeared, all members are ready to fight!"

The sound fell, and the cannon began to turn around, towards the sea.

Soon, a large fleet of ships appeared in everyone's eyes.

Not like in the original book, the Moby Dick emerged from the bottom of the sea.

Instead, he was at the forefront, leading 43 New World pirates, slowly approaching from a distance.

It was a fleet that penetrated with animal heads.

On the Moby Dick at the forefront, on the deck of the huge whale ship, a tall and burly old man walked slowly to the bow.

He holds a long pheasant knife, and has a white beard that curves up like a crescent moon on his face.

It is the strongest man in the pirate world, Edward Newgate.

"Long time no see, Warring States, I didn't expect to see you in this world!"

"My dear son, are you all right!"

"Daddy!" Ace shouted at him with tears streaming down his face as he watched Daddy appear.

At this moment, just by standing on the deck, that man brought unparalleled pressure to the hundred thousand navy.

Although this is not the original crew in the original plot, Ma Haijun, but the aborigines in the real world.

But no matter whether you have heard of One Piece or not, you will feel the pressure.

Pineapple Head behind White Beard, Marco, the captain of the first team, took a step forward with a low voice.

"We want everyone to know that we will declare to this new world that we will pay a serious price for taking action against our companions, and we will never let anyone who takes action against you, Ace!"

"Be prepared, Naval Headquarters!"

At this moment, countless pirates began to clamor.

At the same time, Whitebeard took a step forward, clenched his hands into fists to reveal a white dome, and then slammed hard into the air behind him.

next moment.

The audience suddenly fell silent.

In a suffocating oppressive atmosphere.



Accompanied by the sound of glass breaking.

The new Marlin Vanduo suddenly began to vibrate inexplicably.

The sea level began to rise, and the next moment, a [-]-meter-high tsunami swept towards New Marin Vanduo.

The huge waves formed a huge shadow, and all the aboriginal marines looked up at this scene with horror on their faces.

And at this moment, Aokiji, one of the three admirals of the navy, flew out directly.

Blue ice thorns spread out from his hands, and in an instant he touched the huge waves, completely freezing the waves.

Then he raised his hand, and three ice spears appeared, shooting at Whitebeard.

Whitebeard grinned, let out a giggling laugh, then raised his clenched hand, and punched the void.

In the next second, a crack appeared in the void, and Aokiji's body condensed into ice and fell into the sea.

at the same time.

The navy fired the first shot.

At this moment, the war officially begins.

And facing the rushing navy.

On the deck, Whitebeard raised his hand slightly, signaling to the pirates behind him not to rush up.

Immediately afterwards, he took steps and walked towards the bow of the Moby Dick.

(End of this chapter)

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