Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 420 Spiritual Leader of Civilization!

Chapter 420 Spiritual Leader of Civilization! (twenty three)

"I've already told you what I should say. I have no strength. Everything depends on yourselves."

"If you really want to find me, then first save [-] million doomsday coins, and then have this idea in your heart, I will naturally perceive it."

"If you have any doubts, tell me!"

"Think about things related to this assessment first, and I will tell you about other things after the assessment is over."

Seeing that Su Ye was thinking, the old man made a point.

"How to end the assessment!?"

"Wait for the civilization leaderboard to appear, and you just submit it in front of it to complete the assessment."

"At that time, it will be the earth in the main world that will benefit, right?"

"Then when the assessment is over, will it test the Earth of the main world or this doomsday planet?"

"You handed in the exam papers on this planet, and the one that issued the admission letter was the main world's Earth, do you understand?"


"In addition, you don't need to worry about this, the plug-in has a built-in program, and it will automatically perform operations when the time comes."

"Then what about this doomsday planet?"

"At that time, you can figure it out. After moving all people to the earth of the main world, let it die. It has no consciousness and is unable to breed new civilizations."

"Over time, its biosphere will gradually disappear, and finally it will become a death star."

Su Ye nodded, "I'm fine!"

The old man stared at Su Ye and was silent for a while, "Since it chose you, I have been paying attention to you."

"Facts have proved that the cheat did not choose the wrong person!"

"What!?" Su Ye was stunned for a moment, "It chose by itself, not by you?"

He thought he was chosen by the consciousness of the earth.

"It is automatically selected. It knows best who is suitable to be the spiritual leader of civilization."

"You know, it was made by a level 5 planetary civilization."

"I'm the spiritual leader of civilization!?" A trace of surprise flashed across Su Ye's face, and then he reacted, "Well, I also think I'm pretty good!"

The old man was amused by Su Ye's sudden shamelessness.

"Okay, boy, I will send you a message at the end."

"Things may not be as good as you think, but they won't be as bad as you think."

"The fragility and strength of civilization are beyond your imagination."

"Sometimes, civilization will become extinct in an instant. Sometimes, you will find that civilization has come a long way when you grit your teeth."

"Do your best to get a good ranking!"

When the last words dissipated in my ears.

Su Ye found that he had returned to reality.

Still Tiga's shining form.

It was still high in the sky, on the way back to Xia Guo.

"Chu Wei?"


"what happened?"

"What's wrong, Oni-chan!?"

The answer of the two made Su Ye smile.

"Well," he paused, "There are some things, let's talk about them later!"

Immediately afterwards, Su Ye began to use Dijia teleportation.

That's right, Tiga also has teleportation skills.

In the original book, Dijia moved from the ecological inspection room in the GUTS headquarters to the Kunlun Mountains where Guwamu appeared.

But this trick consumes energy.

At that time, Dijia had just used it up, and the energy crystal called the police.

Xia Kingdom No. [-] Safety Zone is high in the sky.

With the figure of Shining Tiga emerging.

Suddenly, many people below began to wave to the sky.

Su Ye waved to them, and then looked at his fighting power.

Good guy, a Tiga teleported away 3 million combat power.

But it doesn't matter.

Anyway, there will be no fights for the time being.

Go back to your villa.

Su Ye asked Chanel to rest by herself.

Not long after, the top ten generals and Chu Wei arrived.

"I'll take a break today, and I'll see you tomorrow. Nothing important, right?"

It's afternoon now.

The marshal who fought for the whole country wanted to rest. As long as there were no important matters, Chu Wei and the others naturally did not dare to disturb him.

Soon, Su Ye returned to the room alone, and locked the door with his backhand.

At this time, Chu Wei in the main world also vaguely sensed something was wrong.

Before speaking about the matter of the assessment, Su Ye pondered for a few seconds, and finally did not close the live broadcast room.

It is better for everyone to know these things.

However, there are some things that need to be carefully considered, those that should be said, and those that should be kept first.

"Brother Huohua, what are you doing?"

"A person came into the room by himself, and then didn't speak. It's so weird. Could it be someone possessed?"

"Tell me, are you still the Brother Huohua I know!"

"I like to look at the room of one man and two women, not the room of one person, hehe!"


Finally, after half a sound.

Su Ye said, "What I'm going to say next will be shocking enough to be called shocking."

"It's about the truth about this apocalyptic outbreak."

"Also, some secrets of our earth!"

"And, those unknown secrets in the universe!"

Seeing Brother Huohua's serious expression.

Suddenly, the barrage in the live broadcast room decreased by half.

Everyone showed very curious eyes, and some people looked at the live broadcast with serious expressions, waiting for the follow-up.

"But, before I say that!"

"Everyone cast your votes first!"

all mankind:
This time, Su Ye had a lot to deal with.

The assessment should be discussed with the main world.

The colorful eggs collected in previous battles need to be sorted out.

There are also new functions brought about by promotion to the third-order gene lock and system upgrades to be studied.

After waiting for a while, Su Ye glanced at the rapidly rising tickets and said, "Everyone moves so quickly, I naturally don't want to whet your appetite."

"On my way back to Xia Guo."

"Earth consciousness, found me and told me something."


Su Ye spent more than an hour to tell the information told by the Earth consciousness, except for a small part of the information, and the rest.

"Fuck, Father Earth is so miserable!?"

"My God, all human beings cheated together to take the college entrance examination?"

"That's a description. For example, if you don't read carefully, your ears are not working well!"

"It turns out that there really are alien civilizations, and our human race actually has an alliance."

"Then someone like me who has not unlocked the gene lock is not human?"

"Yes, you are a real dog!"

"Then let me say that, when the time comes, I will come over from the doomsday world! Damn, I have a brother!"

"If I have a wife in the doomsday world, I would like to ask if I can."

"look at yourself!"

Following Su Ye's disclosure.

this moment.

Global sensation!

Everyone was discussing what Su Ye said.

Everyone has different concerns.

Some people are wondering if they can enjoy double the happiness when they come over in the last days.

Some people are thinking about how they can change their lives after their spiritual energy is revived.

Some people are thinking, how to get No.1 in this assessment.

Chu Wei fell into deep thought, looking at the information Qin Ying sorted out, his brain was running crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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