Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 439 [Super Saiyan Lineage]

Chapter 439 [Super Saiyan Lineage] (35)
The explosion scene lasted for more than half an hour.

When Su Ye entered Mars again.

I saw the original location of Sharu.

In a huge sinkhole.

A level 12 colorful egg was quietly placed there, extremely attractive.

"The colorful eggs have all appeared, and they seem to be dead."

"Sure, I just didn't expect it, it feels so relaxing."

"Who gave brother Huohua ample time for superpowers? Most people's superpower time can only be counted in seconds, but Brother Huohua is counted in hours!"

"Brother Huohua, hurry up and open the colorful eggs to see what's inside!"

"look forward to!"

on site.

Su Ye sighed.

It's a pity, if Shalu's combat power is a little higher and breaks through [-] billion, it will be a thirteenth-level seven egg.

However, at that time, he only wanted to eliminate Sharu, and he didn't think too much.

While thinking about it, Su Ye landed in front of the level 12 colorful egg, and put it away.

Afterwards, there was nothing worth paying attention to about this planet, and he flew directly towards the earth.

Five or six minutes later, Su Ye rushed into the earth's atmosphere.

At the same time, Tiga's source of light was also exhausted, unable to maintain his transformation.

"Marika, tell me the location of the Pharaoh of Egypt."

The next step is to harvest Doomsday Coins.

In the time and space secret realm, it is impossible to obtain the doomsday coin.

Therefore, before entering the secret realm, the leeks outside had to be harvested first.

Not long.

Su Ye stopped in Cairo, the capital of Egypt.

Looking at the black scarabs all over the ground, each one is the size of a car.

There are millions of scarabs to say the least.

Densely dense, very scary.

However, that is relatively speaking. In Su Ye's eyes, these are all doomsday coins.

In the future, this will be the No. 2 leek field.

The No. 1 leek field is naturally the gluttony of XZ.

By the way, there is also the brain worm that descended from Starship Troopers, which can be used as the No. 3 leek field.

The next moment, Su Ye took out the Starlight Scepter.

Then start to summon the Nine Heavens Thunder Dragon.

Full blue one, then drink the potion to refill it, and then another one.

Let Marika provide the range of the leek field, and Su Ye let the brontosaurus spread out and attack by themselves.

Seeing the doomsday coins in the mall jumping up rapidly, Su Ye was very satisfied.

This period of time just started is the most violent upward trend.

In just a short moment, it has exceeded 1 million.

It's going up by [-] million points.

These can be transformed into the fighting power of Xia people.

At the same time, the movement here also attracted the attention of the big boss Pharaoh.

However, the weak Pharaoh was soon appointed by Su Ye as the No. 2 leek farmer.

Let these thunder dragons stay here to cut leeks, and Su Ye then flew towards the country of America.

Cerebral worms hide very well.

In the approximate range marked by Marika, Su Ye managed to find it after a lot of effort.

According to the original setting.

This Zerg is called Arachnis Zerg.

Alien races with arachnids have millions of years of evolutionary history.

Wisdom and no selfishness, no fear, super reproductive ability.

A race that has a perfect social system and is better than humans.

Afterwards, Su Ye appointed Cerebral Worm as the administrator of No. 3 Leek Field.

That's right, it can only be an administrator, not a producer.

It is the bugs themselves that reproduce the Zerg.

As for the leader of the Zerg, Queen Victoria, Su Ye naturally killed him casually.

Then, he operated as before, summoning thunder dragons, and letting them clear monsters automatically.

Handle the No. 3 leek field well.

Su Ye didn't bother to deal with the other phantom lives in the United States, so he flew back towards Xia State.

At this moment, the amount of doomsday currency has reached more than 35 billion, and it is still rising.

When Su Ye entered Xia Kingdom, the doomsday currency reached more than 50 billion.

The rising speed of [-] million points is also very fast.

According to Marika's calculations, the final amount of doomsday coins should be around 110 billion.

Su Ye glanced at the city below, and followed the battle.

The city was much empty.

After a while, he returned to the first security zone.

In my own villa.

The two women went with the Extraordinary Legion.

Su Ye sat on the sofa in the living room, looked at the ever-increasing doomsday coins and asked, "Chu Wei, these doomsday coins want to be converted into their combat power."

"Because of the time coins and colorful eggs that they have already spent in their hands, how should they operate?"

All Su Ye could think of was to reduce the price and supply.

But it was just launched yesterday, and everyone has just finished buying it, so it is a bit inappropriate to lower the price today.

After all, there was no premium price guarantee service at the beginning, and they would probably yell at them later, feeling like a blood loss.

Another one, the most important thing is that Xia Guo people have no money in their hands!
Soon, Chu Wei provided a suitable strategy.

"You can ask Xiaguo Bank to open up its loan business."

"Now the danger in Xia Kingdom has been greatly reduced after you dealt with it yesterday. It can be said that the risk of death is almost negligible."

"Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about the risk factor of the debtor's death and disappearance."

Hearing Chu Wei's strategy, Su Ye's eyes lit up.

That's right, a loan!
Similar to Huabei and Borrowing.

"Okay, just do as you said, but our original intention is not to cut leeks from capitalism, so we don't want interest!"

Hearing that Su Ye said no interest, Chu Wei frowned.

"Your idea is correct, but the consequences are likely to appear. Because there is no need for interest, they will greatly reduce their enthusiasm for repayment, and many people will even become lass."

"That's true!" Su Ye nodded, "What can you do?"

After being quiet for a while, Chu Wei said: "This matter cannot be explained clearly in a few words. I will find someone to formulate a detailed strategy later, and then let Tang Guohao handle it."


This was one less thing to worry about, and Su Ye was in a good mood.

"Then, it's time to count Cell's colorful eggs!!!"

While talking, he came to the courtyard of the villa.

Then take out the level 12 colorful egg.

Immediately afterwards, blood was drawn and dripped on the colorful egg to absorb it.

After a while, Su Ye came back to his senses trembling, and took a long breath.


I'm too lazy to see how much the combat power has improved.

Su Ye looked directly at the thing that opened out of the colorful eggs.

The first is the first skill scroll.

【Super Saiyan Lineage】

Explanation: After use, S cells will be implanted and have the ability to transform into a Super Saiyan. However, it should be noted that after the S cells have just been implanted, it takes a certain period of time to cultivate. In the initial stage, the S cells may be extremely angry and make S The cells may grow explosively in an instant to successfully transform, or they may not, but as the culture time grows, the S cells will completely integrate with the host.

1. There are eight stages of Super Saiyan, which are Super Saiyan 1, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan Full Power, Super Saiyan Ultimate, Super Saiyan Ultimate Ultimate, and Super Saiyan Ultimate Ultimate , Break through the ultimate limit of the legendary Super Sailan.

Level 1: Increase to 4 times the normal strength.

Level 2: double the value of level 1.

Level 3: double the value of level 2.

Full power: 3 times on the basis of level 4.

Ultimate level: 5 times the full power.

Ultimate ultimate level: 6 times higher than the ultimate level.

Beyond the ultimate ultimate level: 7 times higher than the ultimate ultimate level.

Legendary Super Sailan: 8 times more than the ultimate level beyond the limit.

2. Bloodline characteristics: Every time you are on the verge of death, your strength will be doubled after recovering from the recovery state.

(End of this chapter)

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