Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 441 Heading to Asgard

Chapter 441 Heading to Asgard (23)
"Professor Charles, I don't know if you found me, what's the matter?"

Su Ye looked at Charles with deep eyes and asked.

He is an alpha-level mutant with the most powerful psychic powers on earth and the ability to read anyone's mind.

"Hello, Mr. Su, I'm Charles Xavier, just call me Charles."

Professor X stretched out his hand to Su Ye with a smile on his face.

"nice to meet you!"

Su Ye stretched out his right hand and held it up.

It's just the moment when both hands hold each other.

Su Ye's expression changed immediately.

But it quickly returned to normal.

This bastard actually used his abilities to probe my brain!
Just, facing Su Ye.

Charles was instantly backlashed by a stronger spiritual force.

Suddenly, his expression changed.

Just when he sensed something was wrong.

This spiritual power easily controlled him.

In Jean Gray's eyes, when she saw the professor's expression changed.

She reacted instantly.

The professor habitually used his power to probe other people's memories.

Don't overestimate Professor Charles' morality, he does a lot of things like this, it's just that most people don't notice his small movements.

In fact, Professor Charles really didn't have any malice towards Su Ye, and invading Su Ye's brain was just a subconscious habitual behavior.

Su Ye sized up Professor Charles, feeling murderous in his heart.

Although the other party is not a villain.

But who said decent people can't be killed!
Another one can also be explained.

Mutants have their current social situation, and not all of them are the fault of humans.

They mutants have a whole bunch of problems of their own.

Relying on the super power brought by the X gene, it is not too normal to think that it is above ordinary human beings, and then inflate and do excessive things.

This can be seen from Professor Charles' behavior just now.

He even has a very good reputation, and he is the one who gives the impression of kindness to everyone, so the other mutants can be imagined.

To put it bluntly, mutants deserve what they deserve, they played themselves into what they are now.

As for Professor Charles' purpose of finding himself, Su Ye also learned from his memory.

It's nothing more than asking for his own help to lead the mutants out of desperation, or to occupy a certain position in the current human society.

Originally, Su Ye wanted to drag Professor Charles into the superhero camp.

Well, now he's changed his mind.

"Professor Charles, gather all your mutants."

"Okay, sir!"

Jean Gray looked at Professor Charles in surprise, wondering why he suddenly obeyed the other party so much.

Kind of like, order! ?

Su Ye got rid of all mutants, including Magneto.

Then, after a lot of work.

Pack all the goodies.

Immediately afterwards, Su Ye found Dr. Banner.

This intellectual talent is not weaker than Tony's talent, so it is natural to use it.

A liquid metal robot was left behind, and then a different-dimensional communicator was purchased.

In this way, Su Ye allowed Dr. Banner to communicate with the main world.

Let Dr. Banner act as the godfather of knowledge in the main world.

You know, in the main world, there are still a lot of technologies that have not yet been digested.

With Dr. Banner now, it will undoubtedly speed up the main world's assimilation of new technologies.

Take care of this matter.

Su Ye flew towards Africa without stopping.

Yes, he is going to Wakanda.

There, there are countless high-tech technologies and massive vibration gold.

The king of Wakanda is named Black Panther.

In order to protect the country, Wakanda used advanced technology to make the entire country invisible.

Therefore, in the eyes of other countries, Wakanda is just a small backward African country.

With the reminder from the main world, Su Ye easily came to the sky above a forest.

Below, what catches the eye are some aborigines with cattle and sheep, and dozens of thatched huts.

Apart from its beautiful scenery, Wakanda looks like any other backward African country.

"Marika, can you crack Wakanda's invisible energy grid?"

"No problem, brother!"

Hearing this, Su Ye nodded, this is the best, otherwise he will make a move.

The next moment, a human-shaped hole was cracked by Marika, and Su Ye immediately got in.

Immediately afterwards, the true face of Wakanda appeared in the eyes of everyone.

This is a sci-fi city.

at the same time.

Marika cracked Wakanda's energy shield, which was naturally discovered by Wakanda's artificial intelligence.

Soon, groups of Wakanda soldiers with vibrating gold weapons rushed towards Su Ye and surrounded him.

However, Su Ye didn't talk nonsense to them at all.

Take a decisive shot and bombard a large area of ​​Wakanda soldiers.

However, he did not kill.

After all, these people are not worthy of his killing.

Not long after, the king of Wakanda rushed over.

Without further ado, just put on the battle armor and attack Su Ye directly.

After another round, Su Ye directly implanted false memories in his mind.

After a while.

The king of Wakanda brought Su Ye to a warehouse.

What is stored inside is the mined vibration gold ore.

They are densely packed and piled up into hills hundreds of meters high.

Looking at these vibrating gold, it is estimated that there are several tons by visual estimation, a gleam of joy flashed in Su Ye's eyes, and then all of them were put into a brand new space watch.

Still the same, Su Ye bought a liquid metal robot and a different-dimensional communicator, allowing scientists from the main world to connect with Wakanda to learn technology.

Then he left Wakanda.

Outside, I found an open grassland.

Su Ye started to arouse Leiyun and summon Thor, the god of thunder.

Of course, he can also use the space gem to open the cosmic passage and reach Asgard.

But this will cause unnecessary misunderstanding.

He still has to pass the Rainbow Bridge to Walter Alheim.

The massive thundercloud lasted for more than an hour.

In Asgard, Heimdall naturally noticed this abnormal phenomenon, and then reported it to Odin.

When Sol heard the news, he asked Odin for instructions, and then appeared in front of Su Ye with the help of Heimdall.

"You finally showed up. If you don't show up again, I plan to use the space gem to go directly to Asgard."

Seeing Sol appear, Su Ye said directly.

"Man, long time no see, what can I do for you?"

Immediately afterwards, Su Da went online and explained what he had said to Tony before.

"So, through the time stone, I already know the whereabouts of the three infinite stones, but I need your help."

Sol also had a serious face after hearing this, "It's nothing, but I need to tell my father."

"No problem, take me to see Odin!"

Immediately, after a while of teleportation, Su Ye was already on the Rainbow Bridge when he reappeared.

Looking at this God's Domain, Sol hurriedly took Su Ye to the Temple of the Golden Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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