Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 443 Heading to Vormir Star

Chapter 443 Heading to Vormir Star (23)
Easily kill ten god groups.

Su Ye was very casual, feeling that it was no big deal.

It's like accidentally stepping on a few ants while walking.

However, behind him, Odin and all the people of Asgard stared at the figure in the sky dumbfounded.

Team of ten gods!

Odin has a headache.

In the end, in front of Su Ye, he was swept away like a chicken and a dog, vulnerable to a single blow!
This strength shocked everyone.

The person involved, Su Ye, is now thinking about the reason why the Tianshen Group came to him.

Since he appeared in this world.

The only major thing he did was to kill Thanos.

For other things, it is estimated that the Tianshen group will not come to the door.

Then, behind Thanos, there is actually someone plotting! ?

Discuss with Chu Wei.

It turned out that the author who set up the Marvel universe in the main world doesn't know what's going on now.

the reason is simple.

The author created the world, set up the characters, and gave each person a different personality.

Therefore, there is a butterfly effect.

Subsequent changes have gone to the unknown.

"However, there is no need to worry. According to the strength of these gods, even if the five gods appear, if you can beat them, you can fight them, and if you can't beat them, you can run away!"

"Well, the next step is to get the soul gem."

Su Ye remembered how to obtain the soul gem, and asked, "How can I get the soul gem!?"

This gem can only be obtained by sacrificing the person you love the most.

Chu Wei pondered for a while, "How about you find a woman, and cast a memory spell and the power of the mind to make her fall in love with you."

Su Ye nodded slightly. This is a method, but I don't know if it will work.

"But, the key is that she loves me, so I should love her too!?"

"Could it be to implant memory in yourself?"

Su Ye had a headache, "But the Memory Curse cannot be cast on oneself."

Soon, Chu Wei had a solution, "Did you forget that the last time you went to Xia Guo in this world, besides yourself, Tang Yi and Hoshino Kanna were there?"

"I should be seven or eight years old now!"

After hearing Chu Wei's words, the corners of Su Ye's mouth twitched.

Good guy!
They actually asked me to sacrifice Tang Yi or Hoshino Channa from this world.

But I have to say that Chu Wei is indeed the most feasible way.

"It depends on whether you can bear it or not!"

Su Ye was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "We can change our thinking and ask others to sacrifice their loved ones. After he gets the soul gem, I will take it from him."

Hearing what Su Ye said, Chu Wei smiled and said, "You see, you can actually come up with the best countermeasures yourself."

After a pause, Chu Wei said seriously, "Su Ye, you can't rely on me whenever you encounter problems."

"If you don't understand, you can ask Marika, and if you worry about it, you can leave it to me."

"But you have to get rid of this bad habit!"

"After all, I can't be by your side all the time and provide you with strategies."

"It's not that I will be in danger, but that you have a long way to go in the future. The universe is so big, and you have to face the situation of fighting alone!"

Hearing what Chu Wei said, a warm feeling flowed in Su Ye's heart.

"I see, Chu Wei."

"Thank you!"

Next, Su Ye put away the ten colorful eggs, and it won't be too late to check the harvest when they go back.

Then, he went back to the atrium and found a very good candidate.

That is the underground emperor, Jin Bing.

Not long ago, the Earth villain was cleaned up, but because this guy's strength was too low, Su Ye was not interested in taking action.

So, this thing is still alive.

Then, Su Ye found a woman and cast a memory spell on these two people, making them both regard each other as the most beloved person in their hearts.

Then, he used the space gem to open the cosmic passage to Vormir.

Just as Su Ye was about to walk into the cosmic tunnel.

With a burst of thunder, Thor, the god of thunder, descended beside Su Ye.

"Brother, look what this is!"

Sol held a glove in front of Su Ye and shook it.

Su Ye curiously took the glove, looked at the six inlaid infinite gemstone holes on it, and a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Why so fast?"

"I know you are in a hurry, so I used some means."

Saul didn't say exactly how.

But Su Ye remembered the scene of the original story, and smiled, "Thanks, I'll buy you a drink later!"

Farewell Saul.

Su Ye resolutely grabbed Jin and walked into the cosmic tunnel with his woman.


next moment.

The situation of entering the destination really made him look solemn.

I saw that the entire Vormir star was almost completely occupied by the figures of the Celestial Group.

They were all big and small, and they all looked at Su Ye who had just walked out and the two people behind him.

For a while, neither side acted rashly.

The Celestial Team is looking at Su Ye, a human being who can kill Thanos.

For the Celestial Group, everything in the universe should develop in accordance with their pre-established direction.

What Thanos did, and that snap of the fingers, was part of the plan.

The so-called destiny of Thanos also has the blessing of planning.

And now, Thanos was actually killed by this human being.

This is also their belated awareness, otherwise they would have found Su Ye last time.

In the main world, when Chu Wei saw the members of the Celestial Group appearing, beside him, a white-haired old man who had participated in the setting of the Marvel universe hurriedly looked at Chu Wei.

After a while, Chu Wei informed Su Ye.

Most of these members of the Celestial Group have purple skin, similar to Thanos' appearance.

They are the Eternal Race.

The Eternal Race is a very powerful race in the universe, and Thanos is a member of the Eternal Race.

Moreover, the founder of the Tenjin group is Eternal among the five gods.

Obviously, the move against Su Ye this time was intentional by the god Eternal.

As for the eternal purpose of the gods, it is also very simple.

In the universe, the Celestial Group likes to do biological experiments.

The Earth used to be the experimental site of the Tenjin Group.

In addition to the earth, many planets in the universe are also used by the Celestial Group for experiments.

The purpose of the experiment is only one, and that is to create a new and powerful species.

This species is the Eternals.

Thanos is a member of the Eternal Race.

In addition to Thanos, there are many strong people in the Eternal Clan, as Su Ye can see now.

It is not difficult to understand why the Tianshen group is keen on experimenting.

That is to continuously improve the abilities of the Eternal Race, so that the Celestial Group can become stronger.

Another point.

Why do humans in the Marvel world have so many superheroes?

Because the human body has the gene of the eternal family, tracing back to the source, it is actually the eternity of one of the five great gods.

Except for the Celestial God Group of the Eternal Race.

There were also three living bodies, which attracted the attention of Su Ye and Chu Wei.

They are the three subordinates of Galactus.

Swallowing Stars makes Tyrant, Flame Emperor and Silver Slippery.

These three star devouring envoys have all devoured planets.

Incomparably powerful.

Beside the three star-eating envoys, there is also a demonic creature, it is the Lord of Hell 'Mephisto'!
Su Ye and Chu Wei didn't take Star Swallowing Envoy seriously.

But since they appear here, it means that Galactus is probably also observing secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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