Doomsday Live: I kidnapped all mankind

Chapter 458 The Mysterious Young Man

Chapter 458 The Mysterious Young Man

Su Ye walked in while applauding.

Immediately, he glanced at Xiao Yan.

Immediately, he looked at everyone in the arena.

I have to say that the beautiful women in this novel world have different temperaments.

Whether it is Xiao Xun'er who is like a green lotus or the cold and arrogant Nalan Yanran, everyone in the main world is instantly fascinated and stunned.

However, that's not the point.

Looking at the members of the Misty Cloud Sect who were wearing moon white robes and swords around their waists, and checked the combat power values ​​of everyone in the arena, Su Ye probably had an idea in his heart.

Then, Su Ye looked at Xiao Zhan, the head of the Xiao family.

"Who are you!?"

However, before Su Ye could speak, Xiao Zhan asked first with a puzzled face.

The rest of the people also couldn't figure out where Su Ye came from, and they all showed curiosity.

Su Ye smiled lightly and said, "I'm here to accept disciples!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Xiao Yan, his gaze resting on him.

Immediately, everyone in the venue understood.

This person actually wanted to take Xiao Yan as his apprentice!
But in an instant, everyone showed disdain, ridicule, and sarcasm.

Judging by Su Ye's appearance, how old is he?

I'm afraid it's just fighting master?

Maybe not even a fighter.

To take this trash like Xiao Yan as his apprentice?

In an instant, many people even laughed out loud.

The man didn't hide it, but the woman covered her mouth and snickered, afraid of losing her bearing in such a situation.

"666, Brother Huohua is about to start acting aggressive again!"

"Although the prefix of forcing the king has faded a lot, but now it has become more intense."

"Yao Lao: Damn, you actually robbed Lao Tzu of his disciples."

on site.

Xiao Zhan took a deep breath.

Today is really full of twists and turns.

First, the daughter of an old friend came to withdraw the engagement, and now someone said that he wanted to take his son as a disciple.

On the other side, a group of people from the Misty Cloud Sect also looked at Su Ye playfully and talked a lot.

"This Wutan City is really a small place, you can come out to accept apprentices at such a young age!"

"Didn't the Xiao family say that it is one of the three major powers in Wutan City? Could it be that I heard it wrong!"

"Sure enough, the suzerain's decision is wise. Such a Xiao family is really not worthy of carrying the shoes of our Misty Cloud Sect."

When the voices of this group of people resounded in the ears of the rest of the Xiao family's children.

They were instantly angry.

But, Yunlanzong, they can't afford it.

Therefore, this group of people glared at Su Ye one after another.

next moment.

Several elders of the Xiao family immediately yelled: "Boy, I'm afraid you have the courage to come to our Xiao family to play tricks, and someone will beat him out for me."

"That's right, you didn't inquire about our Xiao family, but you dared to come here to make trouble."

"Get out of here."

Facing this scene, Su Ye still didn't change his expression, just whispered, "It's so noisy!"

next second.

The domineering arrogance of the overlord radiated out and swept away.

In just an instant, the entire living room of the Xiao family exploded!
The bright sunshine fell on everyone in an instant.

Feeling this momentum, everyone present was shocked.

"This is a world where the strong are respected!"

Su Ye said softly.

The sound was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly.

He wanted to try his own strength, what level he was in this world.

Others may not be able to judge.

But don't forget.

In Xiao Yan's ring, there is another hidden soul.

next second.

outside of his body.

A circle of golden grudge ignited.

at the same time.

His aura is also rising steadily, and the terrifying coercion instantly swept the audience.

"This is, Great Doushi!?" Some elders of Xiao's family were relatively short-sighted, and tried their best to guess the strength of this mysterious young man.

"Not impossible, how could he be the Dou Huang!" Ge Ye of the Misty Cloud Sect was well-informed, and the suzerain's strength was the Dou Huang, so he judged Su Ye's strength in an instant.

And what he said made everyone in the audience gasp.

For a moment, everyone was trembling with fright.

Such a young Douhuang?
What a joke! ?

However, the words came from Ge Ye of the Misty Cloud Sect, so they had no choice but to believe them.

Su Ye continued to unleash the coercion of fighting spirit without retaining any strength.

After hearing Ge Ye's judgment, he frowned.

Only Dou Huang?

Don't be funny!

He looked at the combat power value displayed on his strength evaluator: 1.8 million.

This is the peak combat power of his full armor.

He remembered that Yunshan, the suzerain of Yunlanzong, seemed to have the strength of Douhuang, and was later promoted to be a strong Douzong with the help of Soul Palace.

Su Ye frowned and looked at Ge Ye, "How old is Dou Huang?"

"Ah!?" Ge Ye was so frightened that he didn't react for a while.

"How many stars am I in Dou Huang?" Su Ye repeated.

Ge Ye stammered and said, " no, it seems to be...the peak!"

The words fall.

At this moment, the audience was extremely silent.

Fighting Emperor Peak!

How old does this young man look like?


In the arena, some young people who looked about the same age as Su Ye were the most astonished, their eyes full of horror.

this moment.

Xiao Yan was stunned.

He's only a teenager though.

But his soul is from the soul of the earth.

After hearing Ge Ye's remarks, he couldn't help guessing in his heart, and then he was ecstatic.

Could it be that his golden finger has arrived in the account?

Damn God, I forgive you, although it's three years late, it's good that I didn't miss you!
Only Xiao Xun'er frowned and looked at Su Ye suspiciously.

In his heart, he was fully vigilant and alert.

As long as the other party dares to attack brother Xiao Yan, he will do anything harmful.

Then, she will call Ling Lao out.

the other side.

Su Ye thought for a while.

Then, he opened the third-order genetic lock.

Immediately, the combat power value soared to 11.2 billion.

When you feel the momentum of the young people soaring again.

Ge Ye was stunned for the first time.

Wasn't the Dou Huang just now at his peak strength?

Su Ye looked at the startled Ge Ye and asked, "What level of strength is it now?"

The indifferent voice woke Ge Ye up, and then he said unnaturally: "Dou Zong, no, it may be above Dou Zong, senior, I'm sorry, I can't judge!"

Ge Ye was in a hurry.

Although I was curious in my heart why the other party made such a move.

However, he was afraid that he would offend the other party and lose his life.

Among other things, Dou Zong is sure.

And the suzerain of their Yunlan sect is Douhuang.

How could he provoke a Douzong for him?
Su Ye nodded and looked at Xiao Xun'er, "Ling Ying, did you come out on your own initiative, or did I catch you out!"

"If you wait for me to make a move, your young lady may lose her life."

The words just fell.

A figure emerged from the darkness.

It was Ling Ying.

Ling Ying immediately came to Xiao Xun'er's side, and faced Su Ye with an unprecedented posture, as if he was facing a big enemy.

"You should be in 4-star Dou Zun now."

As a member of the ancient clan, his knowledge and methods of judging strength are naturally not comparable to Ge Ye.

Although I don't know where this old Ling came from.

However, the words of the 4-star Dou Zun immediately made everyone dumbfounded.

Xiao Xun'er and Xiao Yan were trembling even more, with expressions of awe.

(End of this chapter)

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