S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 113 Zhenyue kneels down

Chapter 113 Zhenyue kneels down

A slender figure with the bright moonlight evaded the reporter's capture, drove alone through half the city, and arrived at the dormitory of Yanuo entertainment artist.

Ji Ruo had a dream. In the dream, the mountain rolled down and the stone hit the concrete road, which made her wake up suddenly.Ji Ruo opened her eyes and stared at the deep and boundless darkness, the sound of violent beating in her ears did not disappear, she was still immersed in her dream and did not come out.

After she got used to the reality, she realized that someone was smashing the door of her house.

who can that be?

Ji Ruo didn't turn on the light, and walked through the bedroom barefoot to the living room lightly. She stood at the door and looked outside through the cat's eyes. The person who came was Zhen Yue.After confirming that Zhen Yue didn't bring any sharp weapon, Ji Ruo opened the door and let her in.

The light suddenly turned on and shone on Zhen Yue's pale face, causing Ji Ruo's heart to skip a beat in shock.After not seeing each other for a few days, Zhen Yue turned into this inhuman and ghost-like appearance. "Sit!" Ji Ruo greeted, went to the dining table and poured her a glass of water on the tea table, then sat cross-legged on the sofa, silently looking at Zhen Yue, not in a hurry to speak.

Luo Tong was also awakened. Luo Tong walked out of the bedroom wearing a bathrobe. Seeing the situation in the living room, she walked up to Ji Ruo and patted Ji Ruo on the shoulder, asking in a low voice, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Ji Ruo shook her head, urging her to go to sleep.

Seeing Luo Tong enter the room, Zhen Yue looked up at Ji Ruo. Holding the glass, she took a sip and suddenly murmured: "Why do you trust Luo Tong so much? Are you not afraid that she will betray you?"

Ji Ruo snorted lightly, and asked back, "Do you think everyone is Li Wei?"

Zhen Yue's face froze, and she stopped talking immediately.

Seeing that the atmosphere was going to be tense, Ji Ruo stopped sarcasm, and just asked, "Come here so late, what do you want?" Even though it was February, it was still cold, Ji Ruo pulled aside The spread was on the lap, and the tone was not friendly.Not minding her negligence, Zhen Yue gritted her teeth, as if hesitating about a certain decision.

Ji Ruo watched with cold eyes, full of patience.Rao Ji Ruo didn't expect Zhen Yue's next actions to surprise her. She saw the always proud woman kneeling on her knees with a plop, and then kowtowed deeply to her a few times. .

Ji Ruo was startled, and Luo Tong, who was watching the progress from behind the bedroom door, was also startled.

"Ji Ruo, please, help me!" After three knocks, Zhen Yue's eyes were red, and her tone was sincere and pleading.Ji Ruo still kept her original posture and curled up on the sofa. Seeing Zhen Yue's actions, her eyes suddenly became cold, "You really make me feel spineless." Ji Ruo looked away, a little annoyed.

Hearing the words "spineless", Zhen Yue resented for a while, but she couldn't help it. If she wanted to continue walking in this circle, she had to ask someone for help.As far as the current state is concerned, the only one who can help her is this woman in front of her. "Ji Ruo, for the sake of our being friends, I beg you to help me intercede with Mr. Gu. I know I was wrong, and I will act obediently in the future. I swear, I will never provoke you again!" Zhen Yue's tone was flustered and anxious, it seemed that she was indeed desperate.

"Friend?" Ji Ruo teased and raised the corners of her mouth, "A friend will never betray a friend, you have never been my friend." If Zhen Yue is also her friend, it would be a slander for the word friend.

"Also, I'm not familiar with Mr. Gu, so I can't help you."

Hearing these words, Zhen Yue immediately fell into the abyss, her face turned pale. "Ji Ruo, do you really want him to kill me?"

"Please figure it out, you were the one who apologized to me first, and you didn't show mercy to me at the time, so I couldn't be bothered to show mercy to you." Ji Ruo shrugged, with an indifferent expression on her face. "Zhen Yue, I'm a heartless person, it's useless for you to beg me." Ji Ruo thought, she really became thinner and colder.

Staring coldly at Ji Ruo's unresponsive face, Zhen Yue suddenly fell to the ground, it's over, this time it's really over...


"Sister Tong, am I too cruel to reject her like this?"

After sending Zhen Yue away, Ji Ruo was still sitting cross-legged on the sofa, looking at the neon lights in the distance, she asked sullenly.Zhenyue was in a very bad state just now, which made Ji Ruo a little worried. She really hated Zhenyue, but she didn't want to ruin her completely.After all, Zhen Yue was just too arrogant and willful.

The bedroom door opened again, and Luo Tong walked up to her and wrapped Ji Ruo's arms around her. "No, in fact, you know better than anyone else that a woman like Zhen Yue is not worthy of you."

Ji Ruo leaned on Luo Tong's shoulder, and the two cuddled up to each other, the atmosphere was quiet and warm just right.


This night, Ji Ruo dreamed of the years when he and Zhen Yue were in the same group three years ago, rehearsing, performing and struggling together.In the dream, they were all beautiful and clean with each other. At that time, any unspoken rules or gossip bed photos had nothing to do with them.

At that time, laughing was laughing, and making trouble was making trouble.Unlike now, laughing is a disguise, but there is no chance for trouble.

As beautiful as the dream is, so much the reality.


When Zhen Yue came out of Ji Ruo's house, she was dejected. She drove to a bar that she used to frequent.

She ordered a glass of her favorite cocktail before, and sat where she used to do it. Everything seemed to be the same, but it changed again.The person who used to talk with her had already flown to the United States, and another man who could talk to her and make her act coquettish and willful also disappeared.

The wine was pungent, but it made her cry.

"Zhen Yue, do you still remember the first dream?" Drunk, she put her head on the table, looked at the intoxicating cocktail under the light, and asked herself with tears.

(End of this chapter)

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