S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 129 I Love Her To The Bone

Chapter 129 I love her to the bones and ask for the first order (11)
At this time, Lai Changxi couldn't wait to get on the plane to country C.

Even if you can't recognize each other, you must go to see each other.


City C, in an elegant coffee shop in the urban area.

On a rainy day, a cup of coffee and a piece of lyrical music, nothing could be better.


In the corner of the coffee shop designed in a U shape, two women's bodies are intertwined, one is elegantly dressed, the other has a chicken coop on her head, dressed colorfully and colorfully.

The one at the bottom is Ji Ruo, and the one in Ji Ruo's arms is his partner Lin Feitong.

Under Ji Ruo's teasing, Lin Feitong's breathing gradually became messy, and her face turned crimson.

Ji Ruo half-closed her eyes, and she was wearing smoky makeup, which was extra alluring.Lin Feitong was slightly startled when she saw her action, okay.sexy woman.

This distraction, she actually forgot the lines.

Seeing the panic in the actress's eyes, Ji Ruo thought, and slapped Lin Feitong lightly on the head, "Don't pay attention, baby, let's see how I deal with you!" Ji Ruo's voice was low and hoarse, and her cold voice contained sex appeal .

The actress' bones froze and she almost couldn't stand it.

Because her back was facing the camera, the actress's facial expression was not real, so she gave Ji Ruo a grateful look, and then she lay on Ji Ruo's shoulder and acted like a baby. "Where is it? Shiqi, it's so bad that you forget the old love when you have a new love..." The actress winked like silk, licking her lips and winking at the camera, she looked like a fairy.

Ji Ruo clasped the actress' chin with one hand and smiled frivolously.She lowered her head and kissed the girl's rosy lips, "Vanilla."

The girl blushed, and she lay on top of her like an octopus.

"Do you like me? Shiqi..." Fascinatedly calling out the name, in a corner Wan Shiqi couldn't see, the girl's pupils were red.She knew that the answer must be disappointing, and sure enough... "I like you, baby... You know, among so many people, I love you the most!"

The eyes are a little sad, if you really like her, how can you have multiple lovers at the same time?

The girl hugged Wan Shiqi tightly, "Then do you love me?"

Wan Shiqi's smile froze slightly, she picked up the girl's underwear belt with her fingers, and when she let go, the belt bounced back, and a reddish streak appeared on the girl's fair back. "Love? It's so boring to talk about love, baby, you want my love?" Wan Shiqi's finger walked on the girl's back, where the finger moved, the fire was lit there.

The girl nodded slightly, her tone almost begging, "I want to..."

Wandering's fingers paused, Ji Ruo stopped smiling and pushed the girl away.The girl looked at her with red eyes, and she already guessed what she would hear next.Wan Shiqi sat on the wooden chair opposite her, she took out a cigarette from the cigarette box on the table and lit it, and looked out of the window sideways, her profile was deep and cold.

She is inexplicably distressed like this.

The girl stared at her blankly, with her fingers intertwined, feeling very uneasy.

A few wisps of smoke came out between her nostrils, fell on the window, and could no longer escape.Wan Shiqi had a cigarette in her mouth, and her eyes were mocking and disdainful, "Xiao Jia, I'm sorry, I can't give you what you want. I love that thing, but I don't have it."

After finishing speaking, Wan Shiqi extinguished the Yinhong cigarette butt with her bare hands, threw it into the trash can, and then resolutely walked out of the coffee shop, leaving the girl alone, sitting on the spot and weeping silently.


The director rubbed his nose, looked at the back that disappeared last in the camera, and wrote to the scene: "The back doesn't feel right, try again!"

(End of this chapter)

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