Chapter 140: Marriage Proposal (5)
When—I—was—small, and—Christmas—trees—were—tall,


Don';';t—ask—me—why, but—time—has—passed—us—by,


Now—we—are—tall, and—Christmas—trees—are—small,


But—you—and—I, our—love—will—never—die,



Under the beating of Gu Nuoxian's fingers, the piano keys compose a melodious tune. The slow style of music and lyrical lyrics make the whole restaurant soft.

Gu Nuoxian looked at Ji Ruo intently.

Ji Ruo's fingers repeatedly flowed on the cup strings. She knew this song was a very old song. "First—of—may" is a lyric song released in 1968, 67 years ago.

This song with a distant era is the theme song of the movie "Childhood Sweetheart".

As the lyrics say, when I was little, the Christmas tree was too high to reach, and when others were playing, love was always with us.Don't ask me why, time has passed, and someone has come from a far away place.

Now that we are taller, the Christmas tree is no longer tall.You don't speak of the passing years anymore, but the love between us will never pass, and I think of the beginning of May, and we still cry.I remember the apple tree that grew up with us, I watched the apples fall one by one, suddenly, I remembered everything in the past, I remember that day when I kissed your cheek and you ran away...

Gu Nuoxian's voice is not pleasant, it is deep, like a jar of old wine that has been stored for 20 years, full-bodied and long-lasting, intoxicating.She heard love from his voice, deep, sincere, long-lasting, eternal love.

Ji Ruo didn't understand why he sang this song, and he didn't want to.But she thought he sang very well, and besides being beautiful, it was also a little sad.

The last note disappeared, Gu Nuoxian didn't get up, he looked at her from a distance of ten meters, deep in his eyes was a passion that she couldn't understand.

Gu Nuoxian remembered the only Christmas they spent together 20 years ago.

That day, it was snowing in City C, and she and Aunt Lai came to his house as guests.She is small, wearing a black leather jacket, tight leather pants, and a brown knitted hat, looking cool like a little queen.

He remembered secretly kissing her on the cheek under the Christmas tree.

She was angry, and he pretended to be cute.

She had no choice but to indulge his little sneak attack.

It turned out that he still remembered those distant pasts so clearly.

Through the light, he stared at Ji Ruojue's beautiful face, his eyes were so soft that even he couldn't believe it.

Ji Ruo's facial features are very pleasing to the eye no matter whether they are put together or viewed alone. She has eyes full of thousands of styles. Although she always hides them with coldness, he knows how charming those eyes are when she really opens her heart. That porcelain white face is so far away.

(End of this chapter)

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