Chapter 147 Injured while filming (4)
Luo Tong frowned, with slight contempt in his eyes.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a self-directed and self-acted drama.

Yingya, a woman, was rumored to be having an affair with the song king Bole some time ago, and within a few days, she turned her target to Wu Yue.This circle is indeed a big dye vat.Luo Tong closed the newspaper and finished his breakfast in two or three bites, feeling quite happy.

At this time, Wu Yue was rumored to be having an affair with others, and he was completely disqualified to pursue Ji Ruo.

When Mr. Gu saw the news, he should be in a good mood.


"Put me in front."

Ji Ruo pointed to the intersection ahead. Today's filming is an outdoor scene, not far ahead.

Knowing that she wanted to avoid suspicion, Gu Nuoxian didn't say anything, the car stopped beside the road, Ji Ruo unbuckled his seat belt, opened the car door, and turned to look at him again. "You..." Gu Nuoxian looked forward, Ji Ruo lowered his eyes and whispered, "Be careful when driving."

With a smile on his cold eyes, Gu Nuoxian nodded, followed by taking off his seat belt and getting out of the car. "Call me when work is over, and I'll pick you up."

"No need, Zhutong will take me back." Ji Ruo subconsciously wanted to reduce contact with him.

Gu Nuoxian frowned, his eyes gradually darkened, Ji Ruo realized something was wrong when he saw this, and quickly changed his words: "I will call you."

Hearing this, his cold eyes softened.

Lifting his chin slightly, staring at her face with unruly eyebrows, Gu Nuoxian softened his tone: "Go, I'll look at you."

Ji Ruo nodded, and crossed the traffic lights on the zebra crossing.

After watching her pass the traffic light safely, Gu Nuoxian got into the car and turned the corner towards Nancheng Financial Street.

When we arrived at the set, almost all the staff members arrived.

"Good morning everyone, I brought some egg tarts and steamed stuffed buns, everyone come over to eat together." Ji Ruo shook the bag in her hand, beckoning the staff to come and eat.

After working together for a week, everyone has already understood that although Ji Ruo is cold on weekdays, he has a good heart and does not have celebrity airs.Many staff members treated her kindly. They smiled at her kindly, walked to the table and ate without any hesitation.

Ji Ruo got into the caravan prepared by the crew and changed into clothes, then walked to a big tree and sat down.

The makeup artist put on her makeup, and it was only eight o'clock at this time.

Director Lin Zhian was chewing on a bun, but out of the corner of his eye, he was looking at Ji Ruo. Ji Ruo sat quietly on a chair, looking down at the script silently.

He nodded secretly, such newcomers who are punctual and hardworking are almost extinct.

It is only a matter of time before such a newcomer wins an award and becomes famous.

As soon as Luo Tong came, she removed the script from Ji Ruo's hand, "Look, today's headlines." She handed the newspaper to Ji Ruo's arms, her tone of gloating.Ji Ruo didn't react too much as he glanced at the photos on the newspaper layout with his casual eyes.

"What do you think?" Luo Tong stood next to her with raised eyebrows.

Ji Ruo closed the newspaper and said flatly, "It was secretly filmed."

"I mean, after reading the news, what do you think?" Luo Tong couldn't help but touch his forehead, feeling that Ji Ruo's IQ was not above the line.Ji Ruo rolled her eyes and put away her lazy attitude. She shook her head and said in an analytical tone: "Yingya is hyping herself. This time, Wu Yue was targeted by her."

But... "People who can't control the lower body deserve it."

Luo Tong was very relieved, it seemed that Ji Ruo really didn't like Wu Yue.

"By the way, all your things were taken away by Mr. Gu's people. You live together now?" Because of the lack of Ji Ruo in the originally small house, Luo Tong deeply felt the feeling of not seeing each other for a day like three autumns.Luo Tong frowned imperceptibly, she was very worried about Ji Ruo, she was not very clear about Mr. Gu's attitude towards Ji Ruo, so she was very worried about Ji Ruo's current situation.

(End of this chapter)

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