Chapter 149 Injured while filming (6)
It was past nine o'clock when Wu Yue arrived.

He didn't seem to be in good condition, and there were blue and black traces of hangover between his eyebrows and eyes.

In addition to the report published early in the morning, he was called by the brokerage company to educate him early in the morning, and he was in a terrible mood at the moment.

When putting on makeup, Wu Yue couldn't help but look in the direction of Ji Ruo. Ji Ruo was sitting under a tree, chatting and laughing with the manager beside him, looking in a good mood.Sure enough, she didn't care about herself at all, and she wasn't affected by today's scandal at all.

In her heart, there is really no place for him.

'I am her husband...'

'She is a person, the more she likes the person, the more casual she is.On the contrary, it is much more polite to strangers or ordinary colleagues. '

Yesterday afternoon, the strange man's words lingered in Wu Yue's ears like a magic voice. Wu Yue clenched his fists, his face full of helplessness and exhaustion.A woman like Ji Ruo shouldn't be looking at ordinary people. Just who is her husband?

"Ji Ruo, Wu Yue, get ready, it's time for you to play in 3 minutes!"

Ji Ruo got up, adjusted his state to the best, and walked to the left side of the road.Wu Yue glanced at her and walked towards the other end.Opening the door of the sports car, Wu Yue sat in. He looked at the woman in black 2000 meters away with unwilling eyes.

If possible, he must get her!
Ji Ruo put on the helmet and gloves prepared by the props group.The explosive head was pressed down by the helmet, leaving only a pair of dark almond eyes.

"Prepare for shooting on No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4, and prepare for the long-range view on No. 3!" The director's assistant held a loudspeaker in his hand and directed in an orderly manner. "Scene 43 of "Sisters and Brothers", the car accident scene, the first one, get ready!"

"The audience is silent, 3, 2, 1, Action!"

When the scene was recorded on the slate, the staff all stopped at the same time, and there was no other sound except for the occasional roaring cars.

With a step of his right leg, Ji Ruo sat on the heavy locomotive in a graceful manner, grasped the handlebar with both hands and twisted it, the rumbling sound of the locomotive startled the sky.Whoops, the locomotive slid along the right lane as fast as a bolt of lightning.

The woman in the car had heavy makeup, a pair of almond eyes with a cold light, and her eyes were cold and arrogant.Wei Yang's chin was full of rebelliousness. At this time, she was not Ji Ruo, but Wan Shiqi, the nondescript Wan Shiqi who was not restricted by worldly concepts.

The cold light blew across his face, blowing Ji Ruo's leather jacket, adding to his domineering arrogance.

Lin Zhian saw this scene through the monitor, and his eyes flashed with appreciation.

It was the first time for Luo Tong to see Ji Ruo start the car, her eyes were very surprised, this girl was pretty cool when she started the car, her eyes were cold, she looked like that.

At the other end, Wu Yue also activated the accelerator, and the clamor of the sports car was more arrogant than that of the locomotive.The camera accurately captured the figure of the running sports car, and the close-up camera captured Wu Yue's face. An idol is an idol. When driving seriously, he is so handsome that it is breathtaking.

In terms of appearance alone, Wu Yue is definitely outstanding.

It's just that the acting skills are a little lacking.

Seeing that the two cars were about to collide, the camera immediately switched to the distant view.Lin Zhian looked at the two cars that were getting closer, but there was no sign of stopping, and he felt bad. "what happened!"

Lin Zhian stood up abruptly and yelled at the prop crew.

According to the previous play, the two cars should be slightly staggered at this time, and the scene of the car collision will be produced later. Ji Ruo and Wu Yue only need to make up the shot after the injury.But at this time, the two cars did not change their driving trajectories, they were still heading straight towards each other.

(End of this chapter)

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