Chapter 151 Injured while filming (8)
He vaguely remembered seeing that person, he was the second young master of the Gu family.

When receiving Luo Tong's call, Gu Nuoxian listened, the more he listened, the colder his breath became.Song Yu was practicing shooting. Seeing Gu Nuoxian's expression changed, he put away the gun calmly and looked at him, "Master Nuo, what's the matter?"

Gu Nuoxian hung up the phone and uttered a few words coldly: "Ah Ruo is injured, take me to the hospital!"

Luo Tong hung up the phone, only to find that Zhutong was still here, "Ah Ruo?"

Zhutong looked at her, with worry and strangeness on his face, "I was taken to the hospital by Second Young Master Gu." Luo Tong frowned first, then nodded, and called Liu Yuebo again.When something like this happened, she had to notify Liu Yuebo to deal with the follow-up matters as soon as possible.

It was not unreasonable for Gu Nuoxian to choose Luo Tong as Ji Ruo's manager. The more panicked a manager is, the calmer he will be.In this regard, Luo Tong performed very well. She calmly made several phone calls one after another to make sure that the incident would not be spread on the Internet, and then rushed to the hospital with Zhu Tong.

There were several people standing outside the emergency room.

Lin Zhian, Gu Yanxi, Wu Yue's manager and assistants, as well as Liu Yuebo, Song Yu, and Luo Tong who had just arrived, unexpectedly did not see Gu Nuoxian.She looked worriedly at the emergency room, but didn't speak.

At the end of the corridor came the sound of footsteps again, Zhutong looked over, and it turned out that the person who came was the film king Ye Junran.

"How are people?"

Ye Junran walked up to Gu Yanxi and Song Yu, and asked in a low voice.

"Still being rescued." Gu Yanxi shrugged. He was wearing off-white casual clothes today, and was stained red by the blood on Ji Ruo's body.He was already exquisite and monstrous, but now his body was stained with blood, and he looked unexpectedly charming and monstrous.

Ye Junran leaned against the wall, patiently waiting for the result.

Song Yu walked closer to Ye Junran, and said in a low voice: "This incident happened very suddenly, I have to go to the scene to investigate in person, Mr. Nuo's situation is very unstable now, I will leave it to you here."

Ye Junran nodded slightly, Song Yu looked at the emergency room again, turned his head and walked quickly towards the elevator entrance.

At this time, Luo Tong thought that Gu Nuoxian, who was not there, was in the ward.

The doctor was busy treating Ji Ruo's wound, and the nurse wiped the blood off Ji Ruo's face. Fortunately, there was no wound on her face, her head was smashed, and a lot of blood flowed out.Gu Nuoxian stared at Ji Ruo's still intact cheek, his frowning brows slightly relaxed.

Nothing is more important to an actor than the face.

Although the various signs on the ECG monitor were weak, they were still normal. Gu Nuoxian kept looking at Ji Ruo, reluctant to turn his eyes away.

She had been lying on that bed for more than half an hour, and his impatience was messed up, but there was nothing he could do.

The nurse shaved off a handful of Ji Ruo's hair, and the doctor sewed up to twelve stitches on the left side of Ji Ruo's brain!Seeing Ji Ruo frowned in pain, Gu Nuoxian suddenly pulled out the gun from his waist and pointed it at the back of the doctor's head.

"She's in pain, don't you see?" Sen's cold tone shocked all the doctors and nurses in the room afraid to move.

The doctor froze all over, the hand that gave the needle trembled slightly, and the needle missed the place, Ji Ruo frowned again, the man's face was uglier than ice.

"Sir, normal, I...we have given her...anesthetic injection..." The doctor replied tremblingly, his forehead began to sweat, and the nurses all kept their heads down. Gu Nuoxian was too angry to be angry. It was scary, no one dared to step forward to stop it.

"Think of a way to reduce her pain." Gu Nuoxian narrowed his eyes, his heart ached, he couldn't see her frowning, it hurt more than a knife piercing his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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