S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 155 Wedding Dress and Suit

Chapter 155 Wedding Dress and Suit (3)
Gu Nuoxian sat down on the stool beside the hospital bed, and he held Ji Ruo's left hand in the palm of his hand. The sun shone on their hands, and there were two silver streaks across the side wall of the ward.Wu Yue was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the hands they held tightly. There, two silver-white rings were shining brightly in the distance.

Feeling bitter in his heart, Wu Yue instantly understood everything.

He is not qualified enough to fight with this man.

"Mr. Gu, ah..." Seeing Gu Nuoxian looking over, Wu Yue realized that he almost said something wrong, and hurriedly changed his words, "How is Miss Ji? What did the doctor say?" The genuine concern in his eyes made Gu Nuoxian Very upset.

He was so moody and angry that Wu Yue didn't see it at all.

"It's nothing serious, just rest for half a month, Mr. Wu doesn't need to worry about it." Gu Nuoxian's tone was blunt, Wu Yue was taken aback, and understood what Gu Nuoxian meant.He was warning him to take care of himself, and not to covet things that did not belong to him.

What an overbearing possessiveness.

"Mr. Gu, you were the one who answered the phone yesterday afternoon?" Wu Yue asked lightly after considering his tone.

Gu Nuoxian looked at Ji Ruo on the hospital bed, but didn't look at Wu Yue, just rolled out the word "um" from his throat.


Wu Yue closed his eyes, suppressing all extravagant thoughts.

Holding the cup in his hand, Wu Yue's palms were in excruciating pain, beads of sweat rolled down his forehead, and he endured the pain. "Mr. Gu, I won't bother you and Mrs. Gu, I'm leaving first." God knows how obscure the three words Mrs. Gu uttered from his mouth.

At this time, Gu Nuoxian finally raised his head, he glanced at Wu Yue, his eyes gradually became serious. "Mr. Wu, as you can see, Ji Ruo and I are married. I hope you don't reveal what you saw and heard today."

"...Okay." Wu Yue put down his teacup, and couldn't help but ask: "Mr. Gu, Miss Ji is a good girl, she deserves the best treatment." The moment Ji Ruo resolutely jumped off the motorcycle, Wu Yue's heart ached. Shocked more than worried.

It should be a decisive girl who can do that kind of behavior in a critical moment.

"Excuse me, Mr. Wu, in what capacity are you standing here and speaking to me?" Gu Nuoxian looked at him with sharp eyes.

Wu Yue shivered, took a light breath, "as a coward who clearly loves her but dare not say it." Wu Yue lowered his head, his pale lips trembling, he said: "Farewell, I wish you happiness! "

The sound of the wheelchair rubbing against the ground faded away, and Gu Nuoxian stood up slowly.

People who dare to say that they are cowards are not so bad.

Seeing Wu Yue walk out of the ward intact, Zhao Jiaying breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're finally out!" Zhao Jiaying came up to meet him, pushing the wheelchair, and the two of them gradually disappeared into the elevator car on the floor.

After entering the elevator, Zhao Jiaying realized that something was wrong with Wu Yue, "Why are you so pale?" It was as white as a piece of paper, without blood.

Wu Yue hissed, and when he looked up again, his eyes were slightly red. "Da Ying, push me to the orthopedics department, contact the best orthopedic doctor." Zhao Jiaying heard the pain from his suppressed words, he was dumbfounded, and then rolled his eyes.

Without further ado, Zhao Jiaying pushed Wu Yue straight to the orthopedics department, not daring to delay for a second.

With his hand hanging on his thigh, Wu Yue knew that his hand was probably useless.

That man is really vicious.

At dusk, Ji Ruo finally woke up.

Gu Nuoxian was sitting on the small sofa in the ward, writing something on the computer.

"Gu Nuoxian..." After sleeping for a whole day, coupled with the serious blood loss, Ji Ruo's body was very weak, and even his voice was hoarse and incomprehensible.

(End of this chapter)

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