S-Class Exclusive Warm Pet Wanted

Chapter 158 Wedding Dress and Suit

Chapter 158 Wedding Dress and Suit (6)
"That's it?" Song Yu was surprised, this is really not Master Nuo's style, Song Yu found it incredible that the bandit turned into a good person in an instant.

Gu Nuoxian squinted his eyes, the lenses brightened up, "Double."

Song Yu's expression froze, and he immediately became serious, "Okay, I'll send someone there right away, and make sure it's done beautifully!"

"No need to find anyone, I will come in person!"

City D.

It was already one o'clock at night, and Ling Fei was standing in front of the villa door in the dark, waiting for the assistant to drive to pick her up.She was standing in front of the gate of the villa, wearing a navy blue dress and a beige knitted hat, looking beautiful and fashionable.

There were two dazzling lights in front of her. She raised her hand to cover the light, and squinted at the license plate. It seemed that it was her car.

Ling Fei walked to the middle of the road and waved to the car.

She didn't realize at all that the person in the car was not her assistant at all.

The car that was supposed to stop, not only did not stop, but instead accelerated and rushed towards her.Seeing the situation clearly, Ling Fei was shocked and turned around to hide on the other side of the road.No matter how fast a person is, it cannot be faster than a car.

The car crossed the road and hit Ling Fei hard.

The sapphire blue shadow drew an arc in the air, and then slammed into the cement road.

The viscera shook violently, Ling Fei's eyes widened, she watched the blood slip from the corner of her eyes, she wanted to call for help, but lost consciousness.At this time, in the darkness, the car door opened, and a man in black wearing a half mask stepped down.

Song Yu glanced at Ling Fei, who was gushing with blood, his eyes were only exposed outside the mask, cold and without a trace of vitality, facing such a scene, Song Yu still didn't have the slightest desire to cherish the jade.He bent over, held Ling Fei in his arms, and walked towards the villa on the other side of the road.

The door of the villa was open, Song Yu entered the villa, walked through the hall, and came to the dining room.

On the table in the dining room, there was a white and spotless tablecloth.He put Ling Fei on the dining table, set up the camera, and waited for a gorgeous operation.

At this time, footsteps came from the second floor. Song Yu looked over and saw a man in white with a devil mask on his face.The man walks gracefully and has a tall and straight figure. His slightly long black hair is laid loosely on both sides of his forehead, and his eyes under the mask are indifferent and cold.

Gu Nuoxian in white clothes was still as cold as a devil, coupled with that hideous and terrifying mask, made him even more bleak and terrifying.

"People brought it."

Song Yu nodded to him, then turned around and brought a box from the kitchen.

Gu Nuoxian took the box and opened it, and there were various scalpels lined up inside.Putting on rubber gloves, Gu Nuoxian took out the shaver, and shaved Ling Fei's hair without mercy.

The bald Ling Fei somehow made Song Yu think of duck eggs.

The corners of Song Yu's mouth twitched, he raised his eyebrows at the camera, and said with his lips: The show is about to begin.

Without her hair, she could clearly see wounds about ten centimeters long on both sides of Ling Fei's head, and the wounds were still bleeding.Gu Nuoxian changed another pair of gloves, and gracefully poured the disinfectant alcohol on top of Ling Fei's head.


The alcohol stimulated the wound, and the severe pain instantly awakened the unconscious Ling Fei.

Opening her eyes suddenly, Ling Fei saw a person who was sewing something on her head with a surgical needle in his hand.He was dressed in white, with a devil mask on his face, and his figure was slender, resembling Bai Wuchang.


Ling Fei screamed, struggling to escape.At this moment, Gu Nuoxian looked at Song Yu, and Song Yu understood, and slapped Ling Fei on the chest.Ben was injured, but was hit again by Song Yu with all his strength, and Ling Fei fell into a coma for the second time.

(End of this chapter)

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